Wireless charger with removable base
申请(专利)号: DE202020101542U
专利号: DE202020101542U
1 主分类号: H02J7
申请权利人: DEFOND
ELECTECH CO., LTD 公开国代码: DE 优先权国家: CN
摘 要:
Wireless charging device with removable base, comprehensively stated base (1),equipped with a wireless charging module (11) and a power supply device (2),is removable connected to the base (1), with the power supply device (2) internally supplied with a power supply and also equipped with a first electrical connection part (21) electrically
connected to the power supply; where the base (1) is fitted with a second electrical connector (12) corresponding to the first electrical connector (21) and electrically connected to the wireless charging module (11); where the base (1) is
connected to the power supply device (2) the first electrical connector (21) with is conductive to the second electrical
申请日: 2020-03-21 公开公告日: 2020-08-13
分类号: H02J7;
H01R27; H02J50/10; H01R13/66 发明设计人:
申请国代码: DE
优先权: 20190409 CN
摘 要 附 图:
connector (12),and where the base (1) is also equipped with a USB interface (3) electrically connected to the second electrical connector (12). 主权项:
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Wireless charger with removable base