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men to dominate talk and to interrupt more often, and males who talk a lot and interrupt often are not criticized for doing so. These differences in the patterns of communication and styles of communicating are studied by experts who study the effects of gender on communication. They study these effects in order to understand why misunderstandings occur between men and women in conversation. Often, it’s because their styles and patterns of conersation are so different. It is important that we learn to recognize these differences so that we can learn to communicate better with people of the other gender.

或许正是我们的男女社会观念加深了女人比男人话多这一模式化印象,甚至导致这些不同沟通方式的出现。如果一个女人真的在别人说话时插嘴,她或许会被认为是话多,或许会为此受到批评,因为我们的文化——还有其他许多文化——如此教导女性;她们如果想要有女人味就必须文静,或许男性文化鼓励男孩和男人支配谈话并更经常打断谈话,而且健谈和频繁打断话头的男性不会为此受到批评。研究性别对交流所产生的作用的专家们针对沟通模式和沟通风格方面的这些差异进行研究,以便了解在男女对话中为什么会产生误解。误解的产生常常是因为他们的对话风格和方式存在极大的差异。为了能学会更好地和异性交流,我 们有必要认识这些差异。 中译英

Deborah Tannen在她的畅销书《你就是不明白》中指出:虽然美国男孩和女孩经常在一起玩,但大多数时间他们都是在各自的同性别小组里玩耍。她还指出:虽然男孩和女孩确实在一起玩某些游戏,但他们最喜欢的游戏常常是不一样的。Tanen和其他这方面的研究人员发现,男孩(比如8至12岁的男孩)喜欢在室


In her best-selling book You Just Don’t Understand,Deborah Tannen points out that, although American boys and girls often play together, they spend most of their time playing in same-sex groups. She also points out that boys and girls do play some games together, but their favorite games are very often quite different. Tannen and other researchers on this topic have found that young boys, say ages 8 through 12, tend to play outside the house rather than in the house, and they play in large groups that are hiererchically srtuctured. A group of boys generally has a leader who tells the other boys what to do and how to do it. It is by giving orders and making the other boys play by the rules that boys achieve higher or more dominant status in their play group.






