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#define R #define PI main() { float s, v; s=4*PI*R*R; v=3*PI*R*R*R; printf(\volume is: %.2f.\\n\} Output

The surface area of the ball (radius is is: , and the volume .

3-7 给定x、y和z的值,编写程序,使x等于y的值,y等于z的值,z等于x的值。 Program #include <> main() { int x=1, y=2, z=3, t; printf(\ t=x; x=y; y=z; z=t; /*变量t的作用是什么*/ printf(\} Output

Before swap: x=1, y=2, z=3. After swap: x=2, y=3, z=1.

3-8 编写一个程序,给定一个浮点数(例如),显示该数的十位数字与个位数字之和


Program (1) #include <> main() { float f=; int n, a, b; n=f; a = n; /*赋值后,a是什么值*/ b = n/10; /*赋值后,b是什么值*/ printf(\= %d.\\n\}

Program (2) #include <> main() { float f=; int n, a, b; n=f; a = n; b = n0/10; /*该语句与上面程序不同,看看有何区别*/ printf(\= %d.\\n\} Output

The sum of the tens digit and units digit of is: 5+ 6 = 11. 3-9 某种物品每年折旧费的计算方法如下: 3-10


使用年限3-11 编写一个程序,当给定某物品的购买价格、使用年限和每年的折旧费时,计算出


Program #include <> main() { float price=, year=3, depreciation=, value; value = price - year*depreciation; printf(\} Output

The scrap value is .

3-12 在库存管理中,某单个物品的经济定购数EOQ由下面等式给定: 3-13


单位时间内每种物品的储备成本3-14 而最优的定购时间间隔TBO由下面等式给定: 3-15



3-16 编写程序,给定需求率(单位时间内的物品数)、生产成本(每个定购)和储备


Program #include <> #include <> main() { int demand=1000; float product_cost=, storage_cost=, eoq, tbo; eoq=sqrt(2*demand*product_cost/storage_cost); tbo=sqrt(2*product_cost/demand/storage_cost); printf(\} Output

EOQ is , and TBO is .

? 第4章 输入输出操作管理

4-1 输入两个数,将它们交换后输出。

Program #include <> main() { int x, y, t; printf(\ scanf(\ printf(\ t=x; x=y; y=t; printf(\} Output

Please input 2 numbers: 3 5 */

Before swap, the 2 numbers are: 3, 5 After swap, the 2 numbers are: 5, 3

/* Blue is input

4-2 输入一个十进制数,输出对应的八进制数和十六进制数。

Program #include <> main() { int n; printf(\ scanf(\ printf(\} Output

Please input a decimal number: 10 */

The octal is 12, and the hexadecimal is a. 考虑:如何得到下面的输出

Please input a decimal number: 10 */

The octal is 012, and the hexadecimal is 0xa.

/* Blue is input

/* Blue is input

4-3 编写程序,输入3个整数,计算并输出它们的平均值。 Program #include <> main() { int a, b, c; printf(\ scanf(\ printf(\} Output

Please input 3 integers: 4 7 -19 */

The average is .

/* Blue is input

4-4 编写一个程序,读取x和y的值,显示下面表达式的值: 4-5 (1)4-6 (2)

x?y x?yx?y 24-7 (3)?x?y??x?y?

Program #include <> main() { float x, y; printf(\ scanf(\ printf(\ printf(\ printf(\} Output

Please input x and y: (1) (x+y)/(x-y) = (2) (x+y)/2 = (3) (x+y)(x-y) =

/* Blue is input */

4-8 计算银行存款的本息。编写程序,输入存款金额money、存期year和年利率rate,




