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1.在形容词词尾加上 “er” “est” 构成比较级、最高级:

bright(明亮的)—brighter—brightest broad(广阔的)—broader—broadest cheap(便宜的)—cheaper—cheapest clean(干净的)—cleaner—cleanest clever(聪明的)—cleverer—cleverest cold(寒冷的)—colder—coldest cool(凉的)—cooler—coolest dark(黑暗的)—darker—darkest dear(贵的)—dearer—dearest deep(深的)—deeper—deepest fast(迅速的)—faster—fastest few(少的)—fewer—fewest

great(伟大的)—greater—greatest hard(困难的,硬的)—harder—hardest high(高的)—higher—highest kind(善良的)—kinder—kindest light(轻的)—lighter—lightest long(长的)—longer—longest loud(响亮的)—louder—loudest low(低的)—lower—lowest near(近的)—nearer—nearest new(新的)—newer—newest poor(穷的)—poorer—poorest quick(快的)—quicker—quickest quiet(安静的)—quieter—quietest rich(富裕的)—richer—richest short(短的)—shorter—shortest slow(慢的)—slower—slowest small(小的)—smaller—smallest smart(聪明的)—smarter—smartest soft(柔软的)—softer—softest strong(强壮的)—stronger—strongest sweet(甜的)—sweeter—sweetest tall(高的)-taller-tallest

thick(厚的)—thicker—thickest warm(温暖的)—warmer—warmest weak(弱的)—weaker—weakest young(年轻的)—younger—youngest

2.双写最后一个字母,再加上 “er” “est”构成比较级、最高级: big(大的)—bigger—biggest fat(胖的)—fatter—fattest hot(热的)—hotter—hottest red(红的)—redder—reddest sad(伤心的)—sadder—saddest thin(瘦的)—thinner—thinnest

wet(湿的)—wetter—wettest mad(疯的)—madder—maddest

3.以不发音的字母e结尾的形容词,加上 “r” “st” 构成比较级、最高级: able(能干的)—abler—ablest brave(勇敢的)—braver—bravest close(接近的)—closer—closest fine(好的,完美的)—finer—finest large(巨大的)—larger—largest late(迟的)—later—latest nice(好的)—nicer—nicest ripe(成熟的)—riper—ripest

rude(粗鲁的)—ruder—rudest safe(安全的)—safer—safest

strange(奇怪的)—stranger—strangest wide(宽广的)—wider—widest wise(睿智的,聪明的)—wiser—wisest white(白的)—whiter—whitest

4.以字母y结尾的形容词,把y改为i,再加上 “er” “est”构成比较级、最高级:

busy(忙碌的)—busier—busiest dirty(脏的)—dirtier—dirtiest dry(干燥的)—drier—driest early(早的)—earlier—earliest

easy(容易的)—easier—easiest friendly(友好的)—friendlier—friendliest funny(好玩的)—funnier—funniest happy(开心的)—happier—happiest healthy(健康的)—healthier—healthiest heavy(重的)—heavier—heaviest hungry(饿的)—hungrier—hungriest lazy(懒惰的)—lazier—laziest lucky(幸运的)—luckier—luckiest naughty(调皮的)—naughtier—naughtiest noisy(嘈杂的)—noisier—noisiest pretty(美丽的)—prettier—prettiest silly(傻的)—sillier—silliest spicy(辣的)—spicier—spiciest thirsty(渴的)—thirstier—thirstiest ugly(丑的)—uglier—ugliest

5.双音节、多音节形容词,在单词前面加上 “more” “most”构成比较级、最高级: afraid(害怕的)—more afraid—most afraid beautiful(美丽的)—more beautiful—most beautiful careful(仔细的)—more careful—most careful cheerful(开心的)—more cheerful—most cheerful crowded(拥挤的)—more crowded—most crowded dangerous(危险的)—more dangerous—most dangerous delicious(美味的)—more delicious—most delicious difficult(困难的)—more difficult—most difficult exciting(令人兴奋的)—more exciting—most exciting expensive(昂贵的)—more expensive—most expensive famous(著名的)—more famous—most famous frightened(受惊的)—more frightened—most frightened frightening(令人害怕的)—more frightening—most frightening hard-working(勤奋的)—more hard-working—most hard-working helpful(有帮助的)—more helpful—most helpful honest(诚实的)—more honest—most honest

important(重要的)—more important—most important interesting(有趣的)—more interesting—most interesting polite(有礼貌的)—more polite—most polite terrible(可怕的)—more terrible—most terrible tired(累的)—more tired—most tired

6.不规则变化的形容词: bad(坏的)—worse—worst far(远的)—farther—farthest (far—further—furthest) good(好的)—better—best ill(病的)—worse—worst little(少的)—less—least

many(多的)—more—most much(多的)—more—most

old(年老的)—older—oldest ( old—elder—eldest) well(好的,身体好的)—better—best 原级用法: as + adj/ adv.的原级+ as , 否定式 (not) so…as… 只能修饰原级的词,very,quite,so,too

eg. The ruler is as long as that one. He sings as well as Jack. He doesn’t sing as(so) well as Jack.


形容词的比较级用于两个人或事物的比较, 结构形式如下: 1. A + is/ am/ are + 形容词比较级 + than + B She is taller than I. Tom is more athletic than Sam.

It is _________________today than it was yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天暖和。 This picture is __________________than that one. 这张照片比那张照片漂亮。 The sun is __________________than the moon. 太阳比月亮大得多。

2. 比较级+and+比较级, 表示“越来越”

warmer and warmer, nicer and nicer, more and more beautiful,

2. the+比较级…, the+ 比较级

The more you read the book, the more interesting you found.

3. 比较级的修饰语有: much, far, even, a little, a bit ,a lot,等 如:He made fewer mistakes than I did. He is even richer than I. 形容词最高级的用法:

形容词最高级用于两个以上的人和物进行比较, 其结构形式为:

主语 + 谓语(系动词) + the + 形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句,比较常用在in, of 或among的结构中, 形容词最高级前+the I am the best of the three. He is the thinnest boy in my class.

She is ___________ student ______her class. 她是班上最好的学生。

Shanghai is one of _________ cities ______China. 上海是中国最大城市之一。 This is __________ apple I have ever met. 这是我见到的最大的苹果。 Tom is ___________boy in his basketball team. 汤姆是他们篮球队中个子最高的孩子。 副词最高级不需+the

如:Jim goes to bed latest in my family. He runs fastest in our class.

三、 重点与难点:

1、形容词原级表示比较级含义: John is not so stupid as Mike. John is less stupid than Mike.

John is cleverer than Mike. 约翰不象迈克那么笨。 2、用比较级表示最高级:约翰是班里最高的男生。 John is taller than any other boy in the class. John is the tallest boy in the class. John is taller than any other boy.

3、the more….. the more….表示“越……越……”: The more books you read, the wider your knowledge is. The more food you eat, the fatter you are. 4、more and more….表示“越来……越……”:

More and more students realized the importance of a foreign language. Our country is getting stronger and stronger.

5、 如在两者间表示“最…”时,要在比较级前加the,而且还用of the two, of the pair短语: John is the clever of the two boys.

Of the two boys, John is the clever.



long _________ ______ wide _______ _______ thin _________ _______ heavy ________ ______ slow _______ _______ few___________ ______ short ________ ______ bad ______ _______ far __________ _______ quickly ______ ______ happy ______ _______ careful ______ _______


1. She will be much __________ (happy) in her new class. 2. The short one is ___________ (useful) of the five. 3. His sister is two years ___________ (young) than him. 4. This ruler is twice as __________ (long) as that.

5. The _________ (cheap) bags are usually the best ones. 6. Which is__________(easy)to learn, fishing or swimming?

7. Now China has joined WTO, so I think English is__________(useful)than before. 8. The Jing Yue Forest Park is much_______(clean)than that in the center of the city. 9. It makes__________(little)time to go to Beijing by plane than by train 10. Which is ____________ (big) ,the sun, the moon or the earth?

11. This T-shirt is much too small for me. Would you buy me a_________(large)one? 12. The short one is by far _____________ of the five. (expensive)


1.It is _____ today than yesterday.

A. hot B. more hot C. hotter D. much hot 2. This line is ____ than that one.

A. not longer B. more longer C. much more longer D. many more longer 3. Of the five toys, the child chose_____.

A. the expensive one B. one most expensive C. a least expensive D. the most expensive one



