服务 ? 车辆交付
是/ Yes
否/ No
与工单相关的车辆检查/Order-related car check
工作已全部完成,包括100% 检查客户所提出的工作/Work fully completed, including 100% overcheck of customer reported work
工作质量得到认可/Work quality approved
行驶安全性检查/Check of road safety
电气系统/Electrical system 车灯、转向信号灯、尾灯、制动信号灯、雾灯、喇叭、警告灯(安全气
囊、ABS等)是否工作/Light, turn signals, rear lights, brake lights, fog lights, horn, warning lights operational (airbags, ABS etc.)
转向系统/Steering 间隙、密封性、方向盘位置/Clearance, tightness, steering wheel
制动器/Brakes 脚制动器、手制动器(行程、效果)/ Foot brake, hand brake (travel,
车轮/Wheels 车轮固定件(包括车轮螺栓的拧紧力矩)、车轮 / 轮辋是否损坏、轮胎
花纹深度/ wheel mounting (incl. torque of wheel bolts), damage to tyres / rims, tread depth
运行安全性检查/Check on operational safety
发动机、变速箱、后桥、冷却系统/Engine, gearbox, rear axle, cooling system
排气系统/Exhaust system 密封性、损坏、锈蚀、固定件/Tightness, damage, rust, mountings
V 形带/V-belt 张紧程度、磨损情况/Tension, wear
发动机/Engine 油底壳 / 滤清器泄漏机油、异常噪音、机油油位 / 液位正确(车窗玻璃清
洗液储液罐、冷却液、助力转向系统、发动机油油位、自动变速箱、制动液储液罐)/ Oil leaks from sump / filter, abnormal noises, oil / fluid levels correct (washer bottle, coolant, power steering, engine oil level, auto transmission, brake reservoir)
维修工作单(纸张形式 / 计算机)检查/ Examination of repair order (paper / computer)
工作内容和零部件与客户工单一致/Work and parts correspond to customer's order
FRU 和零部件条目完整/FRU and parts item complete
外包服务项目已在工单中列出(供内部使用)/Third-party services listed in order (for internal purposes)
保修 / 商誉保修已按规定做出标记且已明确划出界线/Warranty / goodwill marked as such and clearly delimited
保修 / 商誉保修工时已盖章且清晰可读/Work hours warranty / goodwill stamped and legible
工单上列出了详细信息/Text for further information on order
BMW 版本 11.0
页码 6
服务 ? 车辆交付
问题 1:是否根据需要指定了负责检查维修工单的人员?
问题 2:是否每次维修工作的质量检查都在书面或电子系统中记录?
部门 责任人签名
责任人 服务经理 车间领班
BMW 版本 11.0
页码 7