人教版高中英语 必修2 Unit 2阅读课教学设计
一、教学目标(3-Dimentional Teaching Demands)
(一)课标内容(Curriculum demands)
英语课程标准 教学目标 理解、内化、运用课本17个生词、5个词组,更好地语言知识 Knowledge Cognition 扫除听读障碍,以及相关句型与语法:将来时的被动语态 对《奥运会》这篇文章进行篇章阅读,积极思考,达语言技能 Language Competence 到强化语言意识、积累语言经验的目的,全面提升语言综合运用能力 自主学习策略;有效合作与交际策略;信息处理与探学习策略 Learning Strategy 资源策略运用 情感态度 Emotion &Value Cultivation 文化意识 Culture awareness (二)教学要求(Teaching demands)
体会“奥运精神”的实质,使学生更加关注奥运会。 情感、态度与价值了解古代和现代奥运会的一些基本情况。 观领域 究策略; 过程与方法领域 知识与技能领域 三维目标领域 基本要求 1、 了解古代和现代奥运会的一些基本情况。 2、 初步掌握与奥运会相关的词汇 3、 运用所学语言知识描述奥运会的一些情况,具有一定的逻辑性。 4、 学生理解奥运精神,更加关注奥运会。 5、 进一步熟悉掌握一些阅读技巧,如快速找寻文章细节信息(scanning)、归纳和总结(summarizing)等。 6、 熟悉访谈一类的文体特征。 发展要求 学会运用网络资源搜索有关奥运会的相关信息,发展合作与交流策略,重视特定领域探究的能力培养。
二、学情分析(Learner analysis )
⒈ 新的教材,新的教学方法,呼唤着新的评价体系。那种陈旧的以终结性考试来排名,区分好、中、差学生的方法不能充分反映学生平时的学习效果,检查他们的学习方法是否得当;它同时也给教师平时的工作成绩打了折扣。对于我们成年人尚不能以一、二次的工作业绩去评判一个人的工作能力,何况对于正在成长、变化之中的学生们呢?在新教材,新教法,新理论深入人心的今天,大家都急切盼望一种新的合理的评价体系能够尽快出台,并对此畅所欲言,各抒己见。
三、教学重点和难点:(Teaching difficult and important points)
Master the new words, phrases and useful expressions in the text.
Students should improve their ability to understand the content of text in detail. 3.学生在体验中学会与人合作的能力
Students should improve their ability to cooperate with others.
★教学难点: 1.学生在借助网络资源的基础上对奥运会及体育竞技相关知识做一了解和学
四、教学方法 (Teaching Methodology)
根据第二语言习得理论、“整体语言教学”的理论和实践,以及当前教学改革,课程改革等先进理念,为达成上述教学目标,运用任务型教学(Task-based teaching mode)途径,我的英语课堂设计采取“P---T---P(Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task)”自主学习立体模式:
五、教学工具: blackboard, multimedia, projector. 六、教学时间:45 分钟
Period I Warming up and Reading
七.教学设计步骤(Teaching Procedures)
Step 1:Greeting &Lead-in (情境导入) ⑴ Greet to the students as usual.
⑵ Free-talk on picture-linking (学生自由发言) (Show some pictures)
Question& Answer:
① What does this flag stand for?
② What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for? ③ Where do the Olympics start? Step 2:Warming-up (热身活动) ⑴ Question and answer:
①. Where did the ancient Olympic Games start?
②. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? ③. Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games? ④. When and where did the modern Olympic Games start?
⑤. Who was the China’s first gold medal winner and for what event? ⑥. What are the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games? ⑵ Talking about the Olympic Games (Group-work activity)
As we know, the 29th Olympic Games were held in Beijing. Could you talk about some information about them?
① ②
What are the official mascots for the Beijing Olympics? What is the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games theme slogan?
③ What is the emblem of Beijing Olympic Games?
④ what are the names of the stadiums of Beijing Olympic Games?
Step 3: Pre-reading(读前准备) Looking and guessing:
①.Do you know any differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games? ②. When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?
Step 4: Prediction (课文标题预测) Probing Questions:(探究问题)
①. As an interviewer, what information you want to report?
②. What a kind of information does the author try to convey to us through the title and
Step 5:Fast reading(快速阅读)
Read the text as quickly as possible and try to answer the following questions. 1. The text mainly talks about ____
A. the history of the modern Olympics B. who can take part in the modern Olympics C. the ancient Olympics and the modern Olympics D. when and where the modern Olympics
2. Why does every country want to host the Olympics? A. It will be a great honor to be chosen B. It will make that country much stronger.
人教版高中英语必修2 Unit 2阅读课教学设计