毕设 业计
(20 届)
所在学院 专业班级 电子信息工程 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 职称 完成日期 年 月
摘 要
- 2 - Abstract
With developing of computer technology, integrated process and materials industries, filter development is also on a new level, and develop towards the high-precision, low power, small size, currently applied in many fields, it plays significant role in people's daily life.
This article describes the design and research of two-pole Butterworth low pass active filter. By pole Butterworth low-pass filter circuit, states the realization process of the filter in detailed. By low-pass prototype filter frequency conversion and impedance transformation, gets the new target filter. This paper expounds the conversion from low-pass to high-pass, band-pass and band-stop filters. Also introduced the theory of filters, and extends to higher order Butterworth filter design. The design uses the operational amplifier, capacitors and resistors to the concrete realization of Butterworth low-pass active filter circuit structure. And using ORCAD circuit design software achieves complete system simulation. Through the computer Pspice software simulation to see results and analysis, proof design filter has better performance parameters.
Key Words: Low-pass filter ; ORCAD software; Butterworth; Op-amp
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