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A.Ezra Pound B. Carl Sandburg C.Walt Whitman 答案:A


Tales of a Traveller was written by the American author__________.

A.James Fenimore Cooper B.Washington Irving C.Nathaniel Hawthorne 答案:B 24.第39题

The first American writer to win an international fame is ___.

A. Henry James

B.James Fenimore Cooper C.Washington Irving 答案:C 25.第40题

The American writer whose one essay greatly influenced later civil right leader Martin Luther King is ___.

A.Ralph Waldo Emerson B.Philip Freneau C.Henry David Thoreau 答案:C 26.第41题

Among the following novels, only one was not written by Herman Melville. It is _____________.

A.The Confidence-Man B.The PIlot C.Moby Dick 答案:B 27.第42题

The Waste Land was dedicated to another poet who was __________.

A.Ernest Hemingway B.Ezra Pound C.T. S. Eliot

D.William Carlos Williams 答案:B 28.第43题

The Author of the short story \

A. O. Henry B. Mark Twain C.Jack London 答案:A 29.第44题

Among the following 3 poets the one who was once imprisoned for political reasons is ---.

A.Carl Sandburg

B.Edwin Arlington Robinson C.Ezra Pound 答案:C

30.第45题In Hawthorne

’s novel The Scarlet Letter, the central character Hester Prynne had a secret affair

with _____________.

A.Chillingworth B.Pearl C.Dimmesdale D.Hester Prynne 答案:C 31.第55题

___ is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

A.Self-reliance B.Nature

C.The American Scholar

D. The Bells 答案:D


William Sidney Porter was the real name of ________.

A.Mark Twain B.O’ HenryC.Jack London D.William Dean Howells 答案:B 33.第57题

. the jazz age, characterized by frivolity and carelessness, refers to ________.

A.1910sB.1920s C.1930s D.1960s 答案:B 34.第58题

Twice-told Tales is a collection of stories written by ___.

A.Nathaniel Howthorne B.Edgar Ellan Poe C.Washington Irving 答案:A 0


Among the following stories written by Poe, only one belongs to story. It is ___.

the category of the detective

A.The Purloined Letter B. Ligeia

C.The Tell-tale Heart 答案:A


In terms of subject matter,

“The Turn of the Screw

” is a ___.

A.ghost story B.science fiction C.romantic tale 答案:A


The Wasteland is a long modern poem written by ---.

A. Ezra Pound B. Sylvia Plath C. T. S. Eliot 答案:C 38.第62题

“all sappy as maples and flat as the prairie”is a comment made by james russell lowell on the female characters in novels written by______.

A.Washington Irving B.James Fenimore Cooper C.Philip Freneau D.George Washington 答案:B


The poem “Thanatopsis

” was written by __________.

A.Emily Dickinson B.William Cullen Bryant C.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 答案:B 40.第64题

The most popular novel to do with the abolition movement written by Harriet Beecher Stowe is ________.

A.Martin Eden

B.Uncle Tom’s CabinC.White Fang D.The Call of the Wild 答案:B


Sister Carrie is a noel written by ___.

A.Theodore Dreiser B.Stephen Crance C. Frank Norris 答案:A 42.第66题

Billy Budd was a short novel written by the American novelist ---.

A. Nathaniel Hawthorne B.Herman Melville C.Walt Whitman 答案:B 43.第67题

The central character Huckleberry Finn in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn also appears in Twain’s novel ________.

A.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer B.A Connecticut Yankee in King ArthurC.An American Tragedy D.Life On Mississippi 答案:A

’s Court


___ wrote Rights of Man in 1792 to suggest the overthrow of the British monarchy.

A.Thomas Paine B.Benjamin Franklin C.George Washington D.Jefferson 答案:A



