龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
中图分类号:G633 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9129(2024)13-0075-01
Abstract:with the advent of information age, teaching means also need to keep pace with The Times, and information match. The school is equipped with information equipment, the purpose is to let teachers use more advanced means of teaching, to create a diversified language teaching classroom. Chinese is a subject that pays attention to cultivating students' emotion, and it is difficult to arouse students' resonance simply by explanation, while multimedia technology can visualize and visualize knowledge, enabling students to master knowledge completely. This paper discusses the application of multimedia technology to middle school Chinese teaching from the aspects of \classroom atmosphere, creating teaching situation\, \, diversified teaching methods\, \ Key words:junior middle school Chinese; Multimedia technology; integration
引言:多媒體技术是应新课改要求而生的一种全新的教学手段,利用信息化的方式将课堂变得生动化,将课堂的主体地位归还给了学生,一改以往的\一言堂\状态。语文的教学目的是让学生理解知识,感受文章中的情感,体会作者当时的心情。教师在教学时有效利用多媒体技术可以使抽象的知识形象化,而且通过图文并茂、声像兼备的模式激发学生的兴趣,课堂氛围活泼生动,教学质量自然就有所提高。 1 营造课堂氛围,创设教学情境