Antiarthritic effects of Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex acute and chronic models of arth
Antiarthritic effects of Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex acute and chronic models of arthritis in
albino rats
Gaurav Kaithwas; Raju Gautam; Sanjay M Jachak; Arvind Saklani
【期刊名称】《《亚太热带生物医学杂志:英文版》》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)003
【摘要】Objective:To evaluate the antiarthritic activity of Ajuga bracteosa using albino rats.Methods: The antiarthritic activity of 70%ethanolic extract of Ajuga bracteosa(EEAB) was evaluated against turpentine oil- and formaldehyde- induced acute non immunological and complete freund’s adjuvant(CFA)-induced chronic immunological arthritis in albino rats.Results:EEAB showed a significant(P<0.05) and dose dependent inhibitory effect against acute and chronic models of arthritis.EEAB exhibited better antiarthritic activity than the standard aspirin.Conclusions: EEAB exhibits a significant and promising antiarthritic activity against acute and chronic arthritis and supports the traditional use of Ajuga bracteosa for rheumatism and other inflammatory diseases. 【总页数】4页(P.185-188)
【关键词】Ajuga bracteosa Adjuvant Formaldehyde Turpentine Cyclooxygenase
【作者】Gaurav Kaithwas; Raju Gautam; Sanjay M Jachak; Arvind Saklani
【作者单位】Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences Assam University; Department of Natural Products National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research(NIPER); Department of Natural Products 1-Nirlon Complex Piramal Life Sciences 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R285.5 【相关文献】
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Antiarthritic effects of Ajuga bracteosa Wall ex acute and chronic models of arth