【期刊名称】《计算机应用研究》 【年(卷),期】2017(034)002
【摘要】在多核处理器系统中,多个计算任务映射到多核处理器内核的方式对于系统吞吐率至关重要.针对此问题提出一种新的多应用任务到多核的映射算法,该算法在应用到来之前预测应用的相关性能,并采用分支限界法提前为未来应用预留合适的内核几何位置.当应用真正到来时,根据预留的区域完成映射.实验结果表明,该算法相比其他传统算法,在多任务通信量的减少和多核系统的吞吐率等方面都收到了良好效果.%In the multi-core system,how to arrange the multiple computing tasks to the computing unit of multi-core system,which called mapping,is a key point to the throughput of whole system.This paper proposed a new mapping algorithm to solve this problem.This new algorithm predicted the related performance of future applications before they were coming,and selected the branch and bound algorithm to search and reserve appropriate geometric region for the future computing tasks.When the computing tasks comes,the whole system just needed to map them on many-core systems according to the reserved area.Experimental results show that,compared with other traditional algorithms,the proposed algorithm has a good effect on reducing communications among the related computing tasks and improving the throughput of many-core