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Part I Reading Comprehension (30%)

Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage 1

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

The reflective《反射》 towers of New York City, which is on the Atlantic (大西洋)migrating(迁徙的) route(路线), can be deadly (致命)for birds.“We live in an age (时代)of glass,”said Ms. Laurel,an architect.(建筑师) (76) “It can be a perfect mirror in certain (某些)lights, and the larger the glass, the more dangerous it is.”About 90,000 birds are killed by flying into buildings in the city each year.(每一年) Often,(常常) they strike (罢工)the lower (低)levels of (水平)glass towers after (之后)searching (搜索)for food in nearby parks. Such crashes(崩溃) are the second-leading(主 要) cause of (原因)death for migrating birds, after habitat (栖息地) loss, with an estimated number of death ranging up to a billion a year.

(77) As glass office and apartment towers have increased (增加)in the last decade(过去十年), so, too have calls to makethem less deadly to birds. San Francisco (三潘)adopted(采用) bird-safety standards (标准)for new buildings in July. The United States (美国)Green Building Council,(委员会) a nonprofit (非盈利组织)industry group that encourages(鼓励) the creation (创造)of environmentally conscious (意识)buildings, will introduce(介绍) a bird-safety credit this fall(信用这个秋天) as part of its environmental certification process(认证过程).

There are no easy fixes(修复), however. A few researchers (研究人员)are exploring glass designs that use ultraviolet (紫外线的) signals, but they are still in their infancy.(婴儿期) Covers, (盖子)dot patterns(圆点图案), shades (阴影)and nets (网)are the main options available.(可供选择方案)

Often, only one section(部分) of a building needs to be changed. \to treat(对待) every window,\Ms. Laurel said. \would be too expensive to do the whole building.\(雅各伯ic贾维次会展中心) which has been undergoing(经历) alterations(改变), is the most recent building to voluntarily correct the problem of bird crashes. The architects used less reflective glass and dot patterns. 1. What is the main idea of the passage? A. New York is a city of glass towers.

B. Glass towers are dangerous for migrating birds.

C. New York adopted new safety standards(标准) for buildings. D. Glass towers are a new trend (趋势)in the United States. 2. What is the number one cause of death for migrating birds? A. Climate (气候)change. B. Habitat loss. C. Lack of food. D. Crashing into buildings. 3. What does the word“fixes”in the third paragraph probably mean? A. Choices. B. Explanations. C. Solutions. D. Developments.发展

4. are used in the alteration of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. A. Dot patterns B. Shades C. Nets D. Covers

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. In many cases, the whole building needs to be altered to prevent bird crashes.

B. The Jacob K. Javits Convention Center is the first building to deal with the problem of bird crashes.

C. About 90,000 birds are killed due to habitat loss in New York City each year.

D. Unfortunately, glass designs that use ultraviolet signals are still in their early stages.

Passage 2

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Today's students have grown up hearing more about Bill Gates than F. D. R., and they live in a world where amazing innovations (革新) are common(常见). The current (现在的)18-year-olds, after all(毕竟), were 8 when Google was founded by two students at Stanford; Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook(创办脸谱网) in 2004 while he was at Harvard (在哈佛)and they were entering high school. Having grown up digital (数字的), they are impatient (没有耐心)to get on with life.

The easiest (简单)way to fred kids(佛莱德孩子) like(像) these is to check(检查) in on entrepreneurship (企业家才能 ) education, in which colleges (高校)and universities try to prepare their students to recognize (认识、识别)opportunities (机遇)and seize(抓住) them.

A report published last year by the Kauffman (考夫曼)Foundation(基础), which finances (资助)programs to promote(促进) innovation (创新)on campuses(校园), noted (注意)that more than 5,000 entrepreneurship(创业) programs are offered on two- and four-year campuses-up fromjust 250 courses(课程) in 1985. Lesa Mitchell, a Kauffman vice president,(副总统) says that the foundation (基础)is extending (延伸)the reach of (达到)its academic(学术的) influence, which used to be found only inbusiness schools. Now, the concept of (概念)entrepreneurship(创业) is blooming (绽放)in engineering(工程) programs and medical schools, and even in the liberal arts. “Our interest is inall (总共、合计)the programs,” she says.“We need to spread 传播out from the business(业务) school.”

Either (无论)as(作为) class projects or on their own_, students in a variety of majors (专业)are coming up with ideas, writing business plans and seeing them through to (通过)prototype(原型) and, often, market. In their spare(备用) time, students in agricultural (农业)economics(经济学) at Purdue invent(发明) new uses for bean(豆); industrial design majors at Syracuse(锡拉丘兹,), in a special laboratory(实验室), create wearable(可穿越) technologies.

(78) The entrepreneurship (创业)movement (运动)has its critics' (评论家)especially(尤其是) among(在什么之间) those who see college(学院) as a time for extensive (广泛)academic(学术) exploration.(探索) “I just don't think that entrepreneurship ranks so high in terms of national(国家): need,”says Daniel S. Greenberg, author (作者)of Science for Sale(销售): The Perils(危险), Rewards (奖励)and Delusions(错觉) of Campus (校园)Capitalism.(资本主义)+--

Leonard A. Schlesinger, Babson College's president(大学校长), says that the question of whether innovation(创新) can really be taught is“an age-old argument.(论点)”

6. When Google and Facebook were established(建立), the founders were still__________.

A. in high school B. in the army(军队) C. in primary schoo(初中)l D. at college

7. According to the passage, what is the main purpose of entrepreneurship education? A. To prepare students for future academic (学术)life. B. To prepare students to fred oppommities and seize them. C. To prepare students for overseas career.(事业)

D. To prepare students to develop interpersonal(人际关系) skills. 8. Theword“prototype(原型)” in the fourth paragraph is most likely to mean __________ A. Model(模型) B. strategy (策略) C. method(方法) D. Stage(阶段) 9. What does Daniel S. Greenberg think of entrepreneurship education?

A. Entrepreneurship, or at least(最少的) certain (某些)elements of it, can be taught.

B. An entrepreneurship program can help students find what they really like and entrepreneu(元素)rship(带动) isn't all about business.(商业 )

C. Entrepreneurship should be spread(传播) across different fields.(领域) D. Colleges shouldn't put too much emphasis (强调)on entrepreneurship programs. Put on(穿上)

10. What is the main ideaof(思想) the passage? A. Entrepreneurship courses in business schools. B. Qualities (品质)of an entrepreneur. C. Entrepreneurship education in colleges. D. Kids in the information age.

Passage 3

Questions 11 to 15 are based onthe following passage:

Regret(后悔) is as common(常见的) an emotion (情感)as love or fear, and it can be nearly(几乎) as (一样)powerful. So, in a new paper, two researchers(研究人员) set about trying to find out what the typical (典型)American regrets (遗憾)most. In telephone surveys(调查), Neal Roese(尼尔罗斯), a psychologist(心理学家) and professor (教授)of marketing (营销)at the School ofmanagement at Northwestern(西北大学) UniverSity, and Mike Morrison, a doctoral candidate (候选人)in psychology (心理学)at University of Illinois, asked 370 Americans, aged 19 to 103, to talk about their most notable(值得注意的) regret(后悔). Participants (参与者)were asked what the regret was, when it happened, whether it was a result of (结果)something they did or didn't do, and whether it was something that could still (仍然)be fixed.(固定的)

The most commonly(通常的) mentioned regrets(提到遗憾) involved romance (浪漫的事) (18%)——lost loves or unfulfilled(不满意) relationships. Family regrets came in second (16%), with people still feeling badly about being unkind(不友善) to their brothers or sisters in childhood. Other frequently (频繁地)reported regrets involved career(卷入职业) (13%), education (12%), money (10%) and parenting (9%).

Roese and Morrison's study, which is to be published in Social Psychological(心理) and Personality(人格) Science, is significant(重要的) in that it surveyed(调查) a wide range of the American public, including people of all ages and socio-economic(社会经济) and educational backgrounds. Previous studies (以前的研究)on regret have focused largely(聚集

主要的) on college students, who predictably (可以预见的是)tend to have education-focused (集中)regrets, like wishing(祝愿) they had studied harder(努力研究) or a different major. The new survey(调查) shows that in the larger population, a person's \(情况) accomplishments,(成就) shortcomings,(缺点) situation in life- inject(注入) considerable(相当大) fuel (燃料)into the fires of regret,\

(79) People with less education, for instance(实力), were more likely to report education regrets. People with higher levels of (水平)education had the most career (职业)regrets. And those with no romantic (浪漫)parmer tended to hold regrets regarding (关于)love.

Broken(破碎) down (分解、细分) by sex, more women (44%) than men (19%) had regrets about love and family not surprising, since women \the authors write. In contrast(对比), men (34%) weremore likely than women (27%) to mention work-related regrets, wishing they'd chosen a different career path(路径), for instance, or followed their passion(激情). (80) Many participants also reported wishing they had worked less to spend more time with their children. There was an even split(分裂) between regrets about inaction (not doing something) and action (doing something you wish you didn't). But, like previous(以前的) studies, the current research(以前研究) found that some regrets are more likely than others to persist over time: people tend to hang on (坚持)longer to the regret of inaction; meanwhile(同时), regrets of action tend to be more recent.

11. In the second paragraph, the author shows__________.

A. the researchers'(研究者) findings B. the importance of family C. the importance of money D. the importance of career(职业)

12. According to the passage, college student participants(参与者) mainly had regrets about


A. family and childhood B. study and major

C. career and job D. romance (浪漫)and fear

13. The word \

A. common (常见的) B. Capable(能干的) C. Wonderful(精彩的) D. Remarkable(非凡的) 14. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. The less education he or she has, the more regrets she or he would have. B. The more education he or she has, the less regrets she or he would have. C. More women than men had regrets about love and family. D. The regret of action seems to last longer than that of inaction. 15. What is the main idea of this passage?

A. How regret is understood (理解)by a typical (典型)American. B. Common regrets Americans have.

C. Why regret is more important than love and hate.(恨) D. How regret has shaped Americans.

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Directions: In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the Corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

16. Mr Smith is coming to visit us soon. We'd better get everything ready before he__________.

A. arrives B. arrive C. will arrive D. arrived

17. __________ yesterday, you would have met Professor Jones. But now he has left for London.

A. Did you come B. Had you come C. Should you come D. Were you to come 18. The man denied (否认)__________ into the neighbor's garden(花园) and _______his cow.(牛)

A. going... stealing 去...偷窃 B. going... Stole偷 C. went... stealing D. went... stole 19. Ted worked like a horse(马) in his youth, __________ contributed(贡献) to his great success

later as a businessman. A. That那个 B. who C. what D. Which哪一个 20. A few hours ago, a small suitcase(手提箱) with some important papers (论文)__________

stolen (偷)from the general(一般的) manager's office. A. is B. are C. were D. was 21. __________ on the New World, he felt like crying.(哭)

A. Land(土地) B. Landed C. To land D. Having landed(在降落) 22. Visit our store. Nowhere else __________ such good bargains.(便宜货)

A. you find B. find you C. do you find D. you do find

23. After __________ seemed an endless无止境 wait, it was his mm to go into the doctor's office.

A. this B. that C. which D. what

24. Ever since the Smiths moved to the lake (湖)area a year ago, they __________ better health.

A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying

25. The boss doesn't want to talk about the accident; now he is in no __________ to do so.

A. feeling B. attitude C. emotion D. mood 26. I can't understand why you regard it as music. It __________ me mad!

A. puts B. sets C. drives D. changes

27. Yesterday Mr Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through, _____he caught a bad cold.

A. Consequently B. Finally C. Lately D. Strangely 28. William likes to eat out, but he is not __________ about what he eats.

A. peculiar B. unusual C. particular D. special 29. Their house stands at a hilltop, __________ the Hudson River down below.

A. seeing B. viewing C. looking at D. overlooking 30. I can't understand why my boss is always __________ fault with my work.

A. finding B. seeking C. looking D. making 31. This is the same knife __________ I lost yesterday.

A. which B. what C. like D. as 32. ---When will you be back?

---I'11 be back __________ a couple of days. A. after B. for C. about D. in 33. We hear that they will __________ a new school here.

A. set down B. set up C. set off D. set out 34. He will never forget the days __________ he spent in Japan.



