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中图分类号:G633.41; 文献标识码:A; 文章编号:1672-9129(2024)02-0111-01 Abstract: at the present stage, classroom teaching in junior high school is developing towards the direction of diversification, constantly integrating various teaching methods into classroom teaching, which can not only enable the classroom to show the true nature of life, but also enable students to cultivate their comprehensive quality. Therefore, in the process of teaching English courses, junior middle school English teachers must actively enrich the teaching methods and teaching means, so that English teaching can be diversified and students can develop in an all-round way. The following, combined with their own teaching practice, in order to cultivate students' comprehensive quality as the starting point, for junior high school English teaching diversification to carry out some analysis. It is hoped to provide reference for English teachers to optimize their teaching methods.
Key words: diversification method; English teaching in junior high school
如今,學校越来越重视培养学生的综合素养。因此,教师应当主动地顺应学校的号召,积极培养学生的综合素养。然而,有些初中英语教师依旧把培养学生的应试能力作为教学主要目标,过于看重学生的学习成绩,很少关注学生的全面发展。久而久之,这会使教学质量一落千丈。那么针对初中英语教学采用多元化教学方法刻不容缓,有哪些方法可以不断提高初中生的英语学习兴趣,一起跟着笔者探究一下。 1; 采用多样化游戏教学,调动学生学习热情