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The Wrong Letter



One morning the postman came down Elm Road. In his bag were two letters. They looked like this: “Miss P Jones 10 Elm Road Bilton”; “Miss F Jones 79 Elm Road Bilton”

There were two Miss Jones in Elm Road. Pippa Jones lived at number 10. She was mad about ponies. Flo Jones lived at number 79. She was mad about football. But that morning the postman had broken his glasses and he couldn’t see very well. That’s how the mix-up began.

Pony-mad Pippa was out at the stable when her letter came. Pippa had a pony called Blossom who was a champion jumper. She gave Blossom some oats and a kiss on the nose. Then her dad stuck his head out of the back door. “Pippa, there is a letter for you.”

Football-mad Flo was in the garden when her letter arrived. Flo played for Redland Rovers. She was wearing her Rovers kit as usual. She dribbled past the cat and swerved round the swing. “Thud.” the ball hit the back door. “goal.” cried Flo. “Flo!” called her mum. “Stop that racket and come inside. There’s a letter for you. ”

Flo tore open her letter. It said: Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup is on Saturday at Chestnut field. We hope to see you there. “Wow!” said Flo. “I’m playing in the Cup Final on Saturday. Redland Rovers will win for sure.” At 10 Elm Road, Pippa was also reading her letter. “Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup Final is on Saturday at Redland Park. We hope to see you there. ” “Fantastic,” said Pippa. “I’m riding Blossom in the Junior Cup. We are sure to win.”


Pippa and Flo couldn’t wait for Saturday to come. They didn’t notice that they had got the wrong letter. They were both going to the wrong place. On Saturday morning Pippa rode Blossom to Redland Park. Down the road they passed Flo on her way to Chestnut Field. Pippa stared at Flo in her red and white football kit. “Fancy dressing up like that to play a stupid game of football,” she thought to herself. Flo stared at Pippa in her black riding hat and boots. “Fancy dressing up like that to ride a boring old pony,” she thought to herself.

Pippa arrived at Redland Park. But where were the other ponies? All she could see was the Redland Rovers team kicking a ball. “Excuse me,” said Pippa. “Where are the fences to jump?”

The Rovers team laughed. “This is a football match. Ponies can’t play.” said one. Rovers’ captain went over to Pippa. “Have you seen Flo Jones? She hasn’t come yet and we’re one player short.” ‘I don’t know anyone called Flo,’ said Pippa. ‘My name is Pippa Jones.’ ‘Well, you’ll have to play then,’ said the captain. ‘Hurry up and get changed, kick-off is in five minutes.’

Pippa was horrified. She didn’t want to play football. She wanted to ride Blossom in the Junior Cup. She tried to explain but the Rovers team didn’t listen. They pushed her into the changing room. They gave her football boots and a shirt. The shirt came to her knees. And the boots pinched her feet. When Pippa ran she kept tripping over her laces. They lined up for kick-off and the referee blew his whistle to start the game.

The ball came whizzing towards Pippa. ‘What shall I do with it?’ she wailed. ‘Just kick it that way,’ shouted Rovers’ captain. Pippa kicked the ball. ‘Youch, my toe.’ she yelled.

The ball went to one of the Blue team. Pippa tried to get it back. But she tripped over her laces and fell in a muddy puddle. ‘This is all a mistake.’ moaned Pippa. ‘I’m in the wrong place.’


Flo was in the wrong place too. She was in Chestnut Field. But where was the Cup Final? All she could see were girls trotting round on ponies. ‘What is all this?’ Flo asked a man in a brown hat. ‘It’s the Junior Show. I am Mr. Trotter, one of the judges. What is your name?’

‘Flo Jones. I am here to play football.’ Mr. Trotter wasn’t listening. He was busy looking at a list of names. ‘Ah yes. Here you are. Miss Jones. You are jumping twenty-third.’ ‘Jumping? Me?’ Flo turned pale. ‘But I can’t ... I haven’t

even got a pony.’ Mr. Trotter laughed. ‘Dear me! You’ve come without your pony? Then we’ll have to find one for you. Five minutes later Flo was sitting on a big, black pony. It snorted and stamped its feet. ‘His name’s Thunder. You have to show him who is boss.’ said Mr. Trotter. Flo looked at Thunder. She was pretty sure he was boss. ‘I don’t know how to ride,’ she said. ‘There’s been a mistake...’

‘You’ll be fine. Good luck.’ said Mr. Trotter and slapped Thunder on the back. Thunder galloped off with Flo holding on tight. The fences looked very high. Flo wanted to jump off but Thunder wouldn’t stop. The loudspeaker boomed: ‘And the next rider is Miss Pippa Jones on Thunder.’ The crowd clapped. ‘But my name isn’t Pippa!’ cried Flo. ‘Somebody get me down.’

It was too late. Thunder was heading for the first fence. Flo shut her eyes. She was sure they were going to hit it. Just in time Thunder jumped. They landed with a bump and Flo’s hat slipped down over her eyes. Now she couldn’t see where she was going.

Thunder sailed over the next jump. And the next. But Flo was slipping out of the saddle. She was almost upside down, hanging onto Thunder’s neck. ‘What an odd way to ride,’ said Mr. Trotter. Thunder took the next three fences at a gallop. They came to the last one, a high brick wall. Thunder took off. ‘he-lp.’ cried Flo, flying in the air.

They landed with a thud. Then Flo fell off onto the grass. Everyone crowed around her. They picked her up and patted her on the back. ‘Are you all right?’ ‘Well done.’ ‘Jolly good riding.’ ‘What happened?’ asked Flo, getting up.

‘You won. You jumped all the fences in the fastest time,’ said Mr. Trotter. He pinned a rosette on Thunder and gave Flo a silver cup. ‘This year’s winner of the Junior Cup is Miss Pippa Jones,’ she said. ‘My real name is Flo,’ smiled Flo happily.


Back at the Cup Final, things weren’t going well for Pippa. Her legs hurt. She was wet and muddy and the boots were killing her. There were two minutes left. The score was 2-2, but Pippa didn’t care. She just wanted the game to end so that she could go home.

The Blues’ goalkeeper kicked the ball out. It bounced straight to Pippa. She wasn’t pleased to see it. ‘Go away!’ she shouted crossly and gave the ball a mighty kick. To her surprise the ball soared through the air towards the Blues’ goal. The goalkeeper dived- but the ball hit the back of the net. ‘Goal!’ shouted the Rovers. ‘What a goal!’

At that moment the final whistle blew. Pippa was Girl of the Match. Her team carried her off the pitch, cheering. Everyone wanted to pat her on the back. Pippa had won the Junior Cup for Rovers. After the game Pippa set off home with Blossom. On her way up Elm Road she passed Flo. Pippa and Flo both stopped. They both stared. Both of them were covered in mud and holding silver cups. ‘Is your name... Pippa Jones?’ asked Flo. Pippa nodded. ‘Then you must be Flo Jones.’ then they understood. So that’s what had happened.

‘I must have got your letter,’ said Flo. ‘I went to a pony show.’ ‘And I must have got your letter,’ said Pippa. ‘I went to a football match.’

They both started to laugh. ‘Football is fun,’ grinned Pippa, ‘When you get used to it.’ ‘And riding a pony is really quite exciting,’ said Flo.

After that, Pippa and Flo became the best of friends. Not only did they share the same name, they also liked the same things. Now, on one Saturday Flo goes riding with Pippa. And, on the next Saturday, Pippa plays football with Flo. The postman still brings letters to both their houses. But these days he’s got a new pair of glasses.


postman 邮递员

came down Elm Road 来到榆树路 was mad about… 特别喜欢… ponies 小型马,矮脚马

the postman had broken his glasses 邮递员的眼镜碎了 That's how the mix-up began. 差错就这样发生了。 pony-mad 爱马迷 stable 马厩 Blossom 花朵

was a champion jumper 特别会跳,跳得特好 gave…a kiss on the nose 亲了亲…的鼻子 oats 燕麦

stuck his head out of… 从…探出头来

played for Redland Rovers 在红土流浪者队踢球 kit 队服,球衣

as usual 像平常那样 dribbled 带球;盘球

swerved round the swing 绕过秋千 Thud! 砰! Goal! 进球了!

Stop that racket 别在那儿闹了 tore open 撕开

The Junior Cup 少年杯赛 Chestnut field 栗树场 Wow! 哇!

Cup Final 总决赛 for sure 肯定,一定

Fantastic! 好极了!太棒了!

couldn't wait for Saturday to come 恨不得周六马上就到 stared at 瞪着眼睛看

Fancy dressing up like that 乖乖,竟然穿成那样

to play a stupid game of football 去踢一场傻乎乎的足球赛

thought to herself 心想 riding hat 马术帽 boots 靴子 kicking 在踢

fences to jump 障碍栏 captain (足球队)队长 went over to… 走到…跟前 one player short 少一名队员 get changed 去换衣服

Kick-off is in five minutes. 五分钟后开球。 horrified 害怕极了 explain 解释

the changing room 更衣室 football boots 足球鞋

came to her knees 到她的膝盖那么长 pinched her feet 夹脚

kept tripping over her laces 老是被鞋带绊倒 lined up for 排好队,准鲁.,. referee 裁判

blew his whistle 吹哨 to start the game 开赛

came whizzing towards... 朝…飕地飞来 What shall I do with it? 我该怎么办? wailed 哭丧地喊

Just kick it that way 就朝那边踢 Youch! 哎哟! Toe 脚趾 yelled 大声叫

one of the Blue team 蓝队的一个队员 fell in 跌进,跌入

a muddy puddle 小泥潭

This is all a mistake! 这根本就是个错误! moaned 抱怨说

in the wrong place 来错了地方 trotting (马)小跑,慢跑

a man in a brown hat 一个头戴棕色帽子的人 judges 裁判

a list of names 一张名单

Jumping twenty-third 第二十三个跳 turned pale 脸色变得煞白

I haven't even got a pony. 我连一匹马都没有. Dear me! 我的天啊! snorted 打着喷嗤

stamped its feet 踏着蹄子

to show him who's boss 让他明白谁是老板 pretty sure 很肯定 know how to ride 会骑

There's been a mistake 出了个差错 You’ll be fine. 没事的. Good luck! 祝你好运! slapped 拍打

galloped off 飞奔而去

with Flo holding on tight 福娄的手抓得紧紧地 jump off 跳下来

the loudspeaker boomed 大喇叭里发出低沉的声音clapped 鼓起掌来

Somebody get me down! 来人把我弄下来! heading for正朝…奔去 hit it 撞上

Just in time 就在这时 landed 着地

with a bump “咚’’的一声

slipped down over… 滑下来遮住了… sailed over 飞越过



