龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:李琳琪 金义兰 谌金吾
摘 要:为了选出花青素含量较高的蓝莓品种,试验对贵州省南高丛蓝莓品种奥尼尔和蓝宇,兔眼蓝莓园蓝、灿烂、粉蓝、顶丰、杰兔、巨峰、巴尔德温等9个不同蓝莓品种进行花青素含量测定。结果表明,9个品种的花青素含量从高到低排列如下:奥尼尔>粉蓝>顶丰>园蓝>杰兔>蓝宇>灿烂>巴尔德温>巨峰;其中以南高丛品种奥尼尔花青素含量最高,达到6.5 mg/mL;其次是兔眼蓝莓粉蓝,为5.385 mg/mL;含量最低的是兔眼蓝莓巨峰,仅4.34 mg/mL。
中图分类号:Q945.78 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-060X(2016)06-0074-03 Anthocyanin Content Determination of Nine Different Blueberry Cultivars Li Lin-Qi,JIN Yi-lan,CHEN Jin-wu
(Guizhou Southeast Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Kaili Guizhou 556000) Abstract:In order to select the blueberry varieties of high anthocyanin content, the
anthocyanins content of nine different blueberry varieties (southern highbush blueberry O 'neal and Lanyu, Rabbiteye Blueberry Gardenblue, Canlan, Fenlan, Dingfeng, Jietu, Jufeng, Baldwin)planting cultivars in Guizhou province was determined. The results showed that their anthocyanin content from high to low arranged as follows: O 'neal>Fenlan> Dingfeng>
Gardenblue> Jietu> Lanyu> Canlan > Baldwin > Jufeng. The Southern Highbush blueberry varieties O’neal anthocyanin content is the highest, up to 6.5 mg/mL, second is the rabbiteyes blueberries of Fenlan, 5.385 mg/mL, the lowest content is the rabbiteyes blueberries of Jufeng, only 4.34 mg/mL.
Key words: blueberry cultivars; anthocyanins; content
蓝莓(Vaccinium Spp)又称越橘、蓝浆果,杜鹃花科越橘属多年生植物。蓝莓果实多为蓝紫色,柔软多汁;风味纯美,具有特殊的香气;具有丰富的营养成分,富含花青素、槲皮素等多种黄酮类化合物及其他类生理活性成分,使其具有很强的抗氧化性,并具有防止脑神经老化、增进视力、提高人体免疫力、减缓衰老、预防癌症等多种生理功能[1-4]。花青素是一种水溶性色素,又称花色素,属黄酮类化合物,其基本结构母核是2-苯基苯并呋喃,是构成花瓣和果实颜色的主要色素之一。花青素为植物二级代谢产物,在生理上扮演重要的角色。常见于花、果实的组织中及茎叶的表皮细胞与下表皮层[5-9]。