D. she couldn’t decide if she should say sorry to the old man 53. From the passage we know that _________.
A. nobody liked to help the old man except the cashier
B. it was half an hour before Catherine got everything done C. the old migrant worker didn’t post the money home at last
D. the old man didn’t know how to do though the cashier showed him
三、A)56.C 提示:第二自然段第三句话“They created the viruses just to show their intelligence”暗示了答案。答案D“捉弄计算机用户”在文中没有提到。
57.C 提示:本文最后一句话“how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem”,暗示答案如C项所述。
58.C 提示:第二自然段句子“…damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information”,正是答案所述,即计算机一旦受到这种病毒的影响,计算机里的信息就会失去。
59.C 提示:深层理解题。从本文结尾看,直到现在,如何除掉这种可怕的病毒还是个问题,但人们正在努力地寻找着它的克星。
C)51. C
52. C 53. C 54. D
湖北省荆门市钟祥市兰台中学九年级英语初升高模拟试题2(高层次班) 人教新目标版