《大学英语二》 模拟测试题1
姓名 _______________ 班级 ___________________ 成绩 ______________
I. 单项选择 (10%)
1. New buildi ngs have bee n spri nging ___ everywhere in cities and tow ns since China bega n the reform and ope n-door policy. A) above
B) up
C) un der
D) bey ond
2. Having studied bus in ess at college and knowing two foreig n Ian guages, my secretary is perfectly _________ for her job. A) compete nt required research. A) meet
B) challe nge C) take
D) un dertake
4. We can 'afford to fall ______ our competitors in using new tech no logy. A) behi nd A) harbored A) effective A) saw A) for A) good A) on
II. 完形填空 (10%)
B) on
B)pressed B) restless B) met with B) to
B) great B)in
C) with
C) impressed C) offen sive C) meet C) in
D) out D) en vied D) exciti ng D) overcame D) with
B) in timidated
C) proceed ing
D) refus ing
3. With its excellent researchers and first-class labs, only Beijing University is able to _____ the
5. For years the girl ______ resentment against her stepmother.
6. After listening to the speaker for three hours, the audienee became ______ . 7. The farmer ______ bad luck; his crop was destroyed by a storm.
8. He cannot go without wine even for one day; he is a complete slave ___ drink. 9. The water is very deep. It ' _____ for a small child to get too near its edge alone.
C) dan gerous D) all right C) out
D) at
10. It is a real honor to have the opport unity of meet ing the well-k nown scie ntist _ pers on.
For many people, the root of their stress is an ger, and the trick is to find out where the an ger is coming from. \an ger come from a feeli ng that everyth ing must be perfect?\
\wome n. They feel they have to be all things to all people and do it all 2) p ___________ . They think, 'I should, I must, I have to.' Good eno ugh is n ever good 3) e __________ . Perfecti oni sts cannot delegate. They get angry that they have to carry it all, and they 4) b _______________ their tops. Then they feel guilty and they start the whole 5) c ___________ over agai n.\
\e ________ to a 8) t __________ jam that they give a family argume nt,\
for more tha n five minu tes ——if you stir the an ger with in you and let it build with no safety 9) o — you have to find out
where it's coming from.\
\) p ____________ , with men tai stress, the more likely they are to blow apart with some heart problem.\III. 阅读理解(20%)
Passage 1
We have saved as a final set of emoti ons (情感)the two importa nt emotio ns conn ected with other people: love and its
opposite, hate. Love can be see n everywhere .Yet surpris in gly, love has bee n the subject of less scie ntific research tha n other emotio ns. such as an ger and fear. The reas on for this may be twofold. First, love is a very complex( 复杂)emoti on, difficult to describe and measure. Secon dly, un like many radical emoti ons, radical love is gen erally n ot a problem; thus less medical atte nti on has bee n paid to it.
What is love? This is a complex question and requires a complex answer. Love is a strong, positive attracti on and feeli ng for ano ther pers on or thing. But is more tha n this .It also in volves feeling of caring, protection, excitement, and tenderness(温禾口 ).When two people are in love, they feel drawn to one another, they greatly enjoy each other attracted to one ano ther.
Sometimes it is easier to think in terms of different kinds of love: romantic love, brotherly love, and so forth. Though they are different in some respects, they share one important characteristic: a stro ng positive feeli ng toward ano ther.
Our feeli ngs toward other people are ofte n complex. We may love some one and, at the same time, be angry with him. Or we may love some one, even though we are jealous of him. We might eve n love some one and, at the same time, hate for some precise reas on.
Hate is a stro ng n egative emoti on toward some one, and is due to an ger, jealousy, or some other factor. Like love, hate can be a very stro ng emoti on .It can also be very dan gerous, The questi on is often asked, \Is it bad to hate? i
' s company; and they may be sexually
” The best answer is probably “sometimes yes and sometimes
Usually hate does not help us; it makes us feel un happy and makes us do things that may hurt