4. 热合不同部位,更换适当刀具,并调整好地线位置。刀下无人操 作时方可起落刀具,保证落刀位置准确无误。
5. 保证胶布及附件被热合到正确位置。直缝热合时上下布面及布间 衬胶膜。
6. 根据情况调整热合电流和热合时间。开始加热后使电流逐渐升高, 在电流1A时稍作停留,防止打火灼布。万一发生打火,及时对布 面进行清理。
7. 出料情况达到工艺要求时及时停止加热。断高压后冷却5s,再压 凉刀冷却5s以上。
8. 热合完毕后对各个部位进行全面自查。
9. 完成热合后按规定转移至下道工序,对灯丝冷却30分钟后确认设 备无故障方可断电。 10.填写好相关记录。
第六章 软体油罐包装操作规程 1. 包裹:
dership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time)a s contact farmers\to contact a people, byerprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the \cadred entterm mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines an-insist
on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building longt. 3, arch to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research reporvelopment, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic reset is a matter of security bureau year de1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises i - 9 -
(3)装有该油罐合格证和说明书的文件袋别在帆布包打包带上。 (4)垫布横、纵向各对折一次(预先已折好),铺平,包好帆布包的
32. 50m软体油罐包装步骤: 3(1)50m软体油罐用木排形式包装。
(2)包好的油罐4个为一摞按编号顺序码放在木排上。注意放置时罐体位置,确保油罐码放端正、平稳,编号外露、便于识别。 (3)油罐顶部加盖盖布,遮盖严密。用打包带分别穿过木排和盖布的铁扣环,拉紧并打扣固定,长边每侧为3组,短边每侧为2组。 (4)将4个附件包装入附件袋中,扎紧袋口。打包带穿过附件袋的固定环与盖布铁扣环,拉紧并打扣固定,共三组,位于长边。 (5)每托油罐上悬挂填好的产品标识卡。
33. 25m软体油罐包装步骤: 3(1)25m软体油罐用木箱包装。
(2)包好的油罐平放于木箱内,附件包贴箱边放在罐体上。 (3)盖严箱盖,扣紧扣吊并用铁销锁住。在木箱侧面标上产品编号。 4. 注意:
D xxxx h
(其中:D——第;xxxx——产品编号;h——号。) (2)用打包带捆扎固定要牢固,不得有带身松弛、晃动的现象。 (3)包装后填写好相关记录,按要求码放。
adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) tact a crowd. Combined with the \cadres contact farmers\byg harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, conterm mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promotin-In the construction of work style building long investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. r theby members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. Afte rprises it is a matter of security bureau year
development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic,1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and ente - 10 -
第七章 软体油罐气密性试验操作规程 1. 进入工作岗位前穿戴好工作服、帽。
2. 进行气密试验前,检查操作现场,保证工作现场清洁无异物。 3. 气密性试验操作人员到热合工作台运输油罐时,操作人员不得少
小车推入油罐下方,后将油罐放在车上,运往操作现场。 4. 气密性试验过程中,需要检验油罐顶部,由三名操作人员将充气
dership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time)a s contact farmers\to contact a people, byerprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the \cadred entterm mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines an-insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building longt. 3, arch to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research reporvelopment, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic reset is a matter of security bureau year de1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises i - 11 -
的油罐缓慢推起,一人登上检验活动平台,一人推动检验平台围 绕油罐缓慢移动。检验平台上的操作人员要抓紧护栏,身体不要 探出平台之外,以免跌落。推动检验平台的操作人员必须精神集 中,听从平台上检验人员指令,缓慢推动平台配合检验人员进行 工作。
5. 准备:操作人员按规定将加油口、排气口安装在相应的位置, 并在口的中间加黄油密封,紧固螺丝时用力要均匀。安装完 毕后将排气管弯头阀安装到位,连接压力表。
6. 油罐充气:充气压力为400毫米水注,注意压力表读数,待
压力达到后将加气截门关严,保压30分钟后进行气密性实验。 7. 气密性实验:将海绵在稀释的洗涤灵泡沫中浸透,对罐体各
接缝处进行涂抹,涂抹后观察其有无渗漏。检验要速度缓慢、 认真仔细,所有接缝不得遗漏。同时对胶布进行认真检查, 有无缺陷,检验加油口、排气口有无渗漏。
注:检验过程中对罐体进行倾侧时,可将罐下垫入充气小罐作 为支撑。
8. 发现问题后在问题部位作好标记,放气后按规定进行处置。 9. 通过试验合格的油罐,排尽罐内气体,并根据生产要求在罐
10. 将油罐折叠好,折叠的同时要对罐表进行清洁,然后用专 用帆布包包裹。
11. 对试验情况做好记录。
adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) tact a crowd. Combined with the \cadres contact farmers\byg harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, conterm mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promotin-In the construction of work style building long investigation to submit the