1. 我是李华,学校摄影部的负责人。
I’m Lihua, who is in charge of the school photography club.
2. 我写信是为了告知你下周六将有一个讲座在我们学校举行。
I’m writing to inform you that there will be a lecture given in our school next Saturday.
3. 本周五晚上将有一次晚会在学校礼堂举行。
A party is going to be held in the school hall this Friday night.
4. 接下来是一些关于此次活动的细节信息。
Some details about this activity are as follows.
5. 按照计划,这些展品将于3月16号到3月22号在学校体育馆展出。
As scheduled, the collections will be displayed in the school gym from March 16th to 22th .
6. 很明显这是我的错。但如果你当时能够跟我沟通,而不是冲我大喊大叫,也许我们不会彼此伤害。
It’s obviously my fault. However, if you had talked with me instead of shouting at me, we wouldn’t have ended up hurting each other so much.
7. 我真心希望你能够从我的角度考虑并接受我真诚的道歉。
I sincerely hope that you will be able to think in my position and accept my heartfelt apologies.
8. 首先是学生代表发言,接下来是礼物交换环节。在那之后,学生们将合照留念。
The event will start with speeches delivered by student representatives, followed by a gift-exchanging session. After that, students will have group photos taken as a reminder of this precious memory/experience/occasion.
9. 我想知道课程什么时候开始以便提前做准备。
I would like to know when the six-week course starts in order to get fully prepared in advance.
10. 这次演出的目的是为了让学生们了解闽南文化并增强民族文化意识。
The performance is meant to expose students to South Fujian Culture more and help promote national cultural awareness.
11. 除此之外,还有一系列丰富多彩的课外活动可以参加。
Besides/In addition/What’s more, there is a series of colorful extra-curricular activities available/offered/to join in.
12. 当谈到……/至于说……(三种写法)
When it comes to/ As for/In terms of/ With regard to..., ....
13. 如果你能尽早确认是否参加, 我将不胜感激。
I would appreciate it if you can confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.
14. 如果您能赏脸光临,那将是我们的荣幸。
We would feel much honored if you could come/if you can make it to the meeting.
We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your company/presence.
15. 我希望你能认真考虑我的建议。
I hope you will take my advice into consideration/account seriously.
16. 如果你还有任何疑问,请不要犹豫直接跟我联系。
If you have any doubts or requirements, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me at any time.
17. 如果还需要更多的信息,请告知我。你可以打这个电话 65883879联系我。
Please let me know if you need more information. You can contact/reach me at
18. 我为我给你造成的麻烦感到抱歉。
I must apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you.
19. 我感到非常荣幸来联系你,并告知你我们的安排。
I feel greatly honored to contact you and inform you of our arrangements.
20. 针对你的询问,我想给你详细介绍一下本次活动。
In reply/response/regard to your inquiry, I would like to introduce the activity to you in detail.