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Section Ⅲ Using Language


1.How d isgusting ! The driver splashed on me with his car. 2.The child started to s ob when he couldn't find his mother. 3.New buildings have taken the place of s habby little houses. 4.Will you please send these dirty clothes to the l aundry ? 5.I'd prefer a shower to a b athtub ,_if possible. 6. How stupid to overlook (忽视) such an obvious mistake!

7.That traffic accident was horrible (可怕的), but nobody knows how it came about.

8.I have a mind to punish you for stealing cookie (饼干). 9.There are 26 letters in the English alphabet (字母表). 10.This china teapot (茶壶)belongs to my grandmother. Ⅱ.补全句子

1.If the appointed visitor arrives, please show him in (带或领……进来).

2.The Internet is more than (不仅仅) a tool to communicate with friends and relatives.

3.We are so tired and we are in need of (需要) a good rest.

4.The boy wrote to me talking about how he would deal with (处理;解决) the coming problems.

5.When you turn off the radio, the sound will fade out (逐渐模糊;渐淡) gradually.

6.You should look up (抬头看) frequently to pay attention to what the teachers write on the blackboard.

7.Some persons now fancy themselves (自以为是)as heroes.

8.It was a terrible piece of work you turned in the other day (前几天). 9.He wants to know who has taken away (拿走) his dictionary. 10. The war robbed him of (夺走) his children and wife.


1.It is necessary to show the foreigners out when they arrive at our school.


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2. They have arrived at a compromise about the price of the computer. about→on

3.If you are in the need of anything,don't hesitate to let me know. 去掉need前的the

4. The memory of the old will fade out day by day. out→away

5.I would never have thought of it if you have not mentioned it. 第二个have→had Ⅳ.完形填空 (2019·天津卷)

I was ready to pay for my bananas at the grocery one night,when fear seized me.My wallet was gone.I could only have left it on the G9 bus,which was now speeding in the dark to some 1.C station.

The 2.D moment was quickly followed by mental math.How much time and money would it cost to replace the 3.B of that little wallet?The credit cards,the driver's license,the cash,all lost to the bus.

Two hours later,back at my house,I heard a knock on the door.My husband 4.B it while I was on the phone in the dining room.“Does Jennifer live here?” I heard a lady say.In my husband's hand was my wallet,with not a penny 5.A .She left before I could 6.D make it to the door to offer my thanks.

After sharing the story online,I heard from someone,who 7.C the lady as Erin Smith.Without 8.A ,I called to thank her.She said she 9.D my wallet on a bus seat.She 10.C that going to a stranger's house was a 11.B move,but she decided to take the chance.“If I were in that 12.C ,I would want someone to try to find me,”she said.

This one stranger responded beautifully to my small 13.A ,but she actually wasn't the only one.Right after Erin 14.D my wallet on the bus,she posted a picture of my driver's license to an online forum(论坛),trying to see 15.A anyone knew me.No sooner had she left my doorstep than I had emails from two women whose kids go to my son's nursery and who recognized my face.I've never 16.B words with those moms beyond small talk,but they wanted to help.I read that people are more divided than ever,but that's not how the people I 17.A tend to act.

18.C ,I feel blessed someone had wanted to help a stranger.Erin had gone 19.D what almost anyone would have done,finding my house on a bitterly cold night,


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and for that I was extremely 20.D .


1.A.accessible C.unknown

B.hidden D.convenient

解析:上文语境题。作者发现自己的钱包不见了的时候,G9公交车正在夜幕中(in the dark)快速行驶(was now speeding),这里表示公交车正驶向某一个(some)未知的(unknown)车站,因此选C。accessible可进入的;hidden被隐藏的;convenient便利的,均不符合此处的语境。

2.A.face-saving C.eye-catching

B.brain-washing D.heart-stopping

解析:上文语境题。前文说作者发现自己钱包丢失的时候感到害怕(fear seized me),复合形容词heart-stopping表示“令人非常害怕的”,与前文的fear在含义上是一致的,因此选D。face-saving保全面子的;brain-washing洗脑的;eye-catching引人注目的,均不符合此处的语境。

3.A.parts C.details

B.contents D.ingredients


4.A.ignored C.examined

B.answered D.interrupted

解析:下文语境题。根据下文内容可知,这里说的是作者在餐厅打电话的时候有人来敲门,作者的丈夫去开的门(answer the door),因此选B。ignore忽视,不理睬;examine检查;interrupt打扰。

5.A.missing C.remaining

B.returned D.abandoned


6.A.still C.yet

B.ever D.even





