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1. —Is dinner ready?

—Not __________. [中考·武威]

A. already B. just C. yet D. ever 2. Sarah ________ many places of interest in Beijing already. [中考·沈阳] A. visited B. has visited C. will visit D. visits 3. —Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin? —__________. I’ll do it at once. [中考·连云港]

A. Not at all B. No problem C. Wait a moment D. That’s right 4. —Could you just tell him to call me back? —__________. [中考·贵州]

A. No problem B. I think so C. You are welcome 5. Columbus __________ America in 1492.

A. find B. invented C. discovered D. created 6. Alexander Graham Bell __________ the telephone in 1876.

A. found B. invented C. discovered D. look for 7. —Excuse me. Do you know __________? —Sorry, I don’t know, either. [中考·河南]

A. how to check out a book B. when will the concert begin

C. that there is a bank near here D. how long the meeting would last 8. She dressed up __________ everyone might notice her.

A. in order to B. in order that C. although 9. I haven’t started the project _________.

A. already B. just C. ever D. yet

10. My sister likes sweet food a lot. That’s __________ she often has a toothache. A. when B. where C. what D. why 11. —What are you up __________, Mike?

—I’ve just finished reading a book space travel.

A. to; on B. with; on C. to; for D. with; about 12. —Look, the light is still on in Helen’s office. —Maybe she _________ her work yet.

A. doesn’t finish B. won’t finish C. hasn’t finished D. didn’t finish 13. —Do you know that we won the football match? —Yes, I _________ the news.

A. hear B. to hear C. have just heard D. just have heard 二、根据句意/首字母提示/括号提示的适当形式完成单词 1. As we all know, the moon goes around the __________ (地球) . 2. I’ve __________(刚刚) got an email from Linda. 3. This is the schedule for the __________(计划) . 4. This __________(行星) is far from the sun.

5. Have you ever wanted to be an __________(宇航员)? 6. We’d like to ask how __________(mend) the machine.

7. I read a report about TFBOYS in the __________(late) magazine. 8. The girl _____________ (not finish) her homework yet.

9. It is said that there’re __________(billion) of stars in the Galaxy.

10. We plant many trees and flowers every year in order __________(make) our city more and more beautiful. 三、按要求完成句子

1. We’ve already finished cleaning the classroom. (改为否定句) We __________ __________ cleaning the classroom __________. 2. Someone has been to Mars. (改为一般疑问句) __________ __________ __________ to Mars?

3. We started early in order to arrive before dark. (改为同义句)

We started early in order ________ ________ ________ arrive before dark. 4. Bill wanted to look for a job in the city. (改为同义句) Bill wanted to _________ _________ a job in the city.

5. Yesterday morning the Greens reached Paris at 10 o’clock. (改为同义句) Yesterday morning the Greens __________ ___________ Paris at 10 o’clock. 6. 你在干什么?

What are you __________ __________? 7. 当然, 没问题。

Sure, __________ __________. 8. 你听说最新消息了吗?

Have you heard the __________ __________? 9. 那就是它上新闻的原因。

__________ __________ it’s on the news.

10. 为了有一天能将宇航员送到火星, 许多科学家正在努力工作。

Lots of scientists are working hard __________ __________ __________ send astronauts to Mars one day. 11. At first, he didn’t know what he could do in the new group. (改为简单句) [中考·白银] At first, he didn’t know _________ _________ do in the new group. 12. 为了实现中国梦, 我们必须努力学习和工作。

__________ to achieve our Chinese Dream, we must study and work hard. 四、口语交际, 其中有两个多余选项 A. What’s it about? B. What are you up to? C. What happened to him? D. What do you think of it? E. Did he discover Martians? F. Have our scientists found anything yet? G. Because so far scientists have not found anything yet. A: Hi, Rose. _____ 1 B: Hi, Tom. I’m thinking about what the life will be like if we live on Mars. A: That sounds very interesting!

B: Unluckily, people have known little about Mars until now.

A: Oh, don’t worry. I have a new book named There Is Nothing to Do on Mars. B: There Is Nothing to Do on Mars? __________ 2

A: It tells a story about a boy named Martin. He has an experience on the red planet. B: Really? __________ 3

A: His family moved from their nice earth home to Mars. He moved around in his space shuttle to look for real Martians (火星人) with his robot dog. B: __________ 4

A: No, he didn’t. But he discovered some water under the ground. B: Aha, he becomes a hero! __________5 A: I agree with you. Here is the book. B: I can’t wait to read it. Thanks a lot.


一、1 C 【点拨】考查副词辨析。not yet尚未; 还没有。其他选项already已经; just刚刚; ever曾经, 都不符合句意。故选C。

2 B 【点拨】用标志词法。already为现在完成时的标志词, 表示已经完成的动作, 故选B。

3 B 【点拨】用情景交际法。Not at all一点儿也不; No problem 没问题; Wait a moment 等一会儿; That‘s right 没错。根据答语中后一句“我立刻就做。”可推知表示“同意”, 故选B。 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 A

8 B 【点拨】考查连词辨析。句意为“她盛装打扮, 为了每个人都可能注意到她”。in order to 为了, 后接动词原形; in order that后面接目的状语从句; although尽管, 后面接让步状语从句。此处是表目的, 且空后为句子, 故选B。 9 D

10 D 【点拨】考查固定句式。That's why…意为“这就是……的原因”。 11 A

12 C 【点拨】答句中的yet常用于现在完成时, 故选C。

13 C 【点拨】问句句意为“你知道我们赢了足球比赛吗?”, 由此可知答语句意为“是的, 我刚刚听说了这个消息”。just通常放于助动词have/has之后, 故选C。

二、1-5 earth, just, project, planet, astronaut; 6-10 to mend, latest, hasn’t finished, billions, to make 三、1-5 haven’t finished yet, Has anyone been, that we could, search for, got to/arrived in 6-12 up to, no problem, latest news, That’s why, in order to, what to, In order 四、BACEG



