【期刊名称】《电网与清洁能源》 【年(卷),期】2012(028)007
【摘要】This paper presents an improved genetic algorithm to optimize the reactive power capacity for multiple wind farms to access the power system and realizes the MATLAB programming of the algorithm. The method, taking the voltage level at each node in the system as the target function, can optimize the capacity of STATCOM or SVC installed at the outlet. Simulation is made for the connection of multiple wind farms with the power grid under the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment. The simulation result indicates that STATCOM outperforms SVC in improving the voltage stability of the grid-connected wind farm.%提出改进遗传算法对多个风电场接入电力系统的无功容量进行优化,并实现了MATLAB编程.该方法是以系统内各个节点电压水平为目标函数,对并网点所安装STATCOM或SVC的容量进行寻优;在MATLAB/SIMULINK环境下对多个风电场并网系统进行仿真,相对于SVC而言,STATCOM对提高并网风电场电压稳定性具有更好的调节作用. 【总页数】4页(89-92)
【关键词】改进遗传算法;风电场;无功容量;STATCOM;SVC 【作者】郭力萍;周惠;刘建国;康利军;武海龙