1.Circus performance 马戏团
2.theatrical mask 戏剧脸谱
3.student guide 实习导游
4.animal taxonomy 动物分类学
5.eclipse of the sun 日食
6.exclusive news 独家新闻
7.cultural undertaking 文化事业
8.broadband technology 宽带技术
9.news agency 通讯社
10.Bathing Beauty 《出水芙蓉》
11.can-do person 能人
12.Joseph Needham 李约瑟
13.Round-the Clock Business 昼夜营业
14.tax break 税收减免
15.More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达
16.antitrust lawsuit 反垄断诉讼
17.fast friend 密友
18.mouse pad 鼠标垫
19.a stick-and-carrot policy 大棒加胡萝卜政策
20.consumer boom 消费热
21.have one foot in the grave 风烛残年
22.flash memory 瞬时记忆
23.safety margin 安全极限
24.a flash in a pan 昙花一现
25.insurance policy 保险单
26.Parataxis 意合
27.CAD 计算机辅助设计
28.The Waterloo Bridge 魂断蓝桥
29.press card 记者证
30.grapevine news 小道消息
31.payment by installments 分期付款
32.entry formalities 入境手续
33.certified public accountant 注册会计师
34.acting mayor 代理市长
35.senior nurse 主任护士
36.network transaction 网络交易
37.area of news coverage 现场采访
38.educational establishment 教育机构
39.golden monkey 金丝猴
40.sliding blackboard 滑动黑板
41.palm tree 棕榈树
42.exclusive selling agency 独家经销代理
43.foreign correspondent 驻国外记者
44.resident correspondent 常驻记者
45.software wizard 软件天才
1.国画traditional Chinese painting
2.三维图像3-D image
3.执行秘书executive secretary
4.阶梯教室lecture theatre
5.流星shooting star
6.免税商店duty-free shop