at the Central West Farming Systems (CWFS) site in Condobolin,
New South Wales, Australia
(Red Chromosol, wheat and pasture farming systems under conventional tillage and reduced
tillage management)
1315In situ C/N labelling experiment
Xinhua He (
GRDC Soil Carbon Project (DAN00169)
?Brief introduction of stable isotopes13C, 15N, etc.)
?Overview of the Central West Farming
Systems (CWFS) in Condobolin Brief
introduction of aims and hypotheses for an in situ 13C/15N labelling experiment
?Site selection and layout of a 13C and 15N labelling micro-plot
?Soil and plant sampling schemes
?Proposed measurements/expected results
Global climate change: Atmospheric CO2has been increasing since the Industrial Revolution
Ice coreHawaiiCO2ppm
农田田间原位13C 15N标记实验技术及在土壤呼吸测定中的应用