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Chapter1 Nucleic Acids

I、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter you choose.

1. The direction of nucleic acid is

A. From N to C B. From 5’ to 3’ C. From C to N D. From 3’ to 5’ E. None of above

2. The description of the secondary structure of DNA double helix are correct, EXCEPT

A. Two antiparallel strands

B. Deoxyribose-phosphate frame located outside the strands

C. Two strands are joined by hydrogen bond formed between A-T and G-C D. Diameter of helix is 2 nm, and 10 bases in each turn E. Nucleosome is the structure unit of DNA double helix

3. The correct description about Tm is

A. The temperature at which half of the maximum absorbance value of DNA at 260nm during heat denaturation

B. The temperature at which maximum absorbance value of DNA at 260nm during heat denaturation

C. The optimum temperature for DNA synthesis D. High Tm value is related to low G-C content

E. The temperature to form DNA and RNA hybrid molecule 4. If the coden of mRNA is ACG, then the anticoden of tRNA is

A. UGC B. TGC C. GCA D. CGU E. TGC 5. The linkage between nucleotides is

A. 2’,-3’ phosphodiester bond; B. 3’,-5’ phosphodiester bond

C. 2’,-5’ phosphodiester bond; D. Hydrogen bond E. Peptide bond 6. The template strand of DNA is 5’-ATTCAG-3 ’ , its transcript is

A. 5’ -GACTTA-3’ B. 5’ -CTGAAT-3’ C. 5’ -UAAGUC-3’ D. 5’ -CUGAAU-3’

E. 5’ - TAAGTC-3’

II、Fill in the blanks.

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1. Eukaryotic mRNAs can be modified after transcription at the 5’end with a modified residue called a____________, at the 3’end 80 to 250 A residues are added to create a ____________.

2. Each nucleotide consists of three components, _____________, ______________, ______________.

3. The conformation for DNA proposed by Watson and Crick is called B form, the other two conformations existing in the cell are ____________, ______________.

III、Explain the following terms. 1. Hybridization of nucleic acids 2. Tm 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

ribozyme codon anticodon

Hyperchromic effect DNA denaturation Annealing snmRN nucleosome

Ⅳ、Briefly state the following questions.

1. State the functions of three major kinds of RNA (mRNA, tRNA and rRNA). 2. Please describe the secondary structure of DNA proposed by Watson and Crick. 3. State briefly the differences between DNA and RNA.

4. Please describe the structural features of eukaryotic mRNA.

Chapter2 Proteins

I、Choose one correct answer. Mark your answer by circling the capital letter you choose.

1. All of the following amino acids are acidic or basic amino acids, EXCEPT

A. Asp B. Glu C. Lys D. Arg E. Ser

2. Which is the linkage bond for the peptide?

A. Hydrogen bond B. Peptide bond

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C. Hydrophobic interactions

D. Electrostatic interaction E. 3’, 5’ –phosphodiester bond

3. The protein molecule (pI=6.5) will mobile the to positive electrode when the pH of electrophoresis buffer is

A. pH=3.0 B. pH=4.0 C. pH=5.0 D. pH=6.5 E. pH=8.0

4. The amino acid in proteins is

A. L-β-aimno acids; B. D-β-aimno acids;

C. L-α-aimno acids;

D. D-α-aimno acids; E. All of above

5. The chemical bond in charge of maintaining secondary structure of proteins is

A. Salt bridge; B. Disulfide bond

C. Hydrogen bond; D. Peptide bond;

E. Hydrophobic interaction

6. The chemical bond in charge of the primary structure of proteins is

A. Salt bridge; B. Disulfide bond

C. Hydrogen bond; D. Peptide bond;

E. Phosphodiester bond

II、Fill in the blanks:

1. The secondary structures of protein include ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________.

2. The absorbance peak value of protein is at ___________nm, and that of the nucleic acid is at ___________nm.

3. The force maintaining higher structure of proteins are noncovalent. They are ______________, ______________, _______________, ________________. III、Explain the following terms. 1. GSH (glutathione)

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