ACCA TX(F6) 2020.6-2021.3
前言:ACCA TX(F6)新大纲
很多同学原本计划参加2020年3月的TX(F6)考试,但由于疫情的缘故3月考试被取消了,那么我们重新调整一下学习计划,跟着老师学习TX(F6)新大纲下的税法内容。 从2020年6月考试开始,ACCA TX(F6)就会采用新大纲,根据现有的最新考试大纲内容,其实TX(F6)考试并没有太大的知识点变动,主要是数据方面有些变化。
一、Income tax
1、Personal allowance (数据变化) (11,850→12,500) The personal allowance for the tax year 19/20 is £12,500 The personal allowance of £12,500 is reduced by £1 for each £2 that a person’s adjusted net income exceeds £100,000 until the PA is nil (which is when adjusted net income is £125,000 or more)
Reduced personal allowance = 12,500 – (ANI – 100,000) x 1/2 Adjusted net income = total net income – gross amount of personal pension contributions – gross amount of gift aid donations.
Exam focus point: If adjusted net income clearly exceeds £125,000, there is no need to perform the calculations to restrict the PA. A simple statement that no PA is available because adjusted net income exceeds £125,000 is sufficient.
2、Transfer of personal allowance (数据变化) (1,190→1,250;238→250)
The transferable amount (also known as the marriage tax allowance) is £1,250for the tax year 2019/20.
The spouse/civil partner receiving the transfer does not have an increased PA. Instead, they are entitled to a tax reducer of £1,250×20%=£250. The tax reducer reduces the individual’s tax liability. If the individual has a tax liability of less than £250, the tax reducer reduces the tax liability to nil.
3、Rates and Bands
4、Company car benefit
(1)Car benefit percentage (数据变化+新增知识点) Car benefit = car benefit percentage (list price – capital
contributions) n/12 – payment by employee for private use of the car