课题名称:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句区别 一、课程标准要求 (1)明确定语从句的概念 (2)会分析定语从句中的成分 (3)会选择正确的关系代词和关系副词引导定语从句 (4)学会从形式、功能、先行词、引导词四方面区分限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句 二、教材地位作用 定语从句在高中语法教学中占有重要的地位,定语从句是高中语法的重点和难点,学好定语从句对于学好英语有很大的帮助,能到提高学生的语言表达能力。本单元的语法要求学生能够区分开限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句,并且掌握其运法。 三、学情调查分析 (1)对于英语基础好的高一学生来说,他们已经掌握了一定的定语从句的知识。 (2)高一学生整体语法知识欠缺,英语基础薄弱,大部分学生不会分析定语从句中的成分。 四、教学目标确定 1、知识与技能 (1)定语从句的概念及其构成 定语从句指的是,在主从复合句中,用来修饰、限制名词或代词的简单句, 被修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句通常只能放在先行词之后。 定语从句构成:先行词+关系代词/关系副词+定语从句的其他成分。 (2)指人的关系代词:who,whom,that,whose(作定语) 指物的关系代词:which,that,whose 关系副词:when,where,why (3)学会从形式、功能、先行词、引导词四方面区分限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 2、过程与方法 It is the tree I planted three years ago. It is a tree,which I planted three years ago. 利用这两个例句,提出问题:哪个句子是限制性定语从句,哪个句子又是非限制性定语从句,两者有什么区别,然后让学生分析并给出答案。 3、情感、态度和价值观 (1)通过观察与讨论等学习活动,培养学生尊重客观事实、实事求是的科学态度。 (2)经历不同层次的观察与分析,培养学生的观察能力,综合分析能力。 五、重点、难点
1、教学重点: (1)让学生理解限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的概念 (2)知道定语从句的构成及掌握关系词 2、教学难点: (1)学会从形式、功能、先行词、引导词四方面区分限制性和非限制性定语从句。 (2)学会分析定语从句的成分。 六、教学过程 环节一:新课导入 It is the tree I planted three years ago.(这就是我三年前种的那棵树。) It is a tree,which I planted three years ago.(我三年前种了一棵树。) 小组讨论,这两个句子什么区别,分析并给出答案。 环节二:新课探究 1. 限定性定语从句:从句不能省略,如果省略整个句子意思不完整。 非限定性定语从句:从句可以省略,如果省略整个句子意思仍然完整。 This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. 2.限定性定语从句:先行词可以用that引导。 非限定性定语从句:先行词不可以用that引导。 The amber which/that was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the country’s best artists about ten years to make. 3.限定性定语从句:引导词有时可以省略,省略后不影响句子意思。 非限定性定语从句:引导词不可以省略,省略后句子不成立。 In 1770, the room was completed the way in which/ that/ she wanted it. 4.限定性定语从句:主句与从句不需要用逗号隔开。 非限定性定语从句:主句与从句需要用逗号隔开。 However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William, to whom the Amber Room belonged, decided not to keep it. Later, Catherine II had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St Petersburg where she spent her summers. 5.限定性定语从句:从句只修饰先行词。 非限定性定语从句:从句既可以修饰先行词,也可以修饰整个句子或句子的一部分。 I have a beautiful coat, which makes my classmates admire me very much.(which指代前面整个句子) 6.限定性定语从句:不能修饰一个事件。 非限定性定语从句:可以修饰一个事件。 I have a sister, who is a doctor.(姐姐不止一个) I have a sister who is a doctor. (只有一个姐姐) 7.限定性定语从句:which/who在从句中作宾语时可以省略。 非限定性定语从句:which/who在从句中作宾语时不可省略。
This is the person who/ I met yesterday.(who可以省略) This is the book, which I bought two days ago.(which 不能省略) 8.限定性定语从句:whom在句中作宾语时可以用that或who来替代。 he old woman was looking for someone that/who she could ask for help. 非限定性定语从句:whom在句中作宾语时不可替代。 The old woman was looking for someone, whom she could ask for help. 环节三:巩固练习 1. (2011全国卷I) The prize will go to the writer _______ story shows the most imagination. A. that B. which C. whose D. what 2. (2011全国卷II) Ted came for the weekend wearing only some shorts and a T-shirt, ____ is a stupid thing to do in such weather. A. this B. that C. what D. which 3. (2011北京卷) Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, ____, of course, make all the others upset. A. who B. which C. what D. that 4. (2011上海卷) You’ll find taxis waiting at the bus station ____ you can hire to reach your host family. A. which B. where C. when D. as 5. (2011山东卷) The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____ are built close to each other. A. they B. where C. what D. that 6. (2011江西卷) She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction _____ had taken more than three years. A. for which B. with which C. of which D. to which 7. (2011江苏卷) Between the two parts of the concert is an interval, _______ the audience can buy ice-cream. A. when B. where C. that D. which 8. (2011安徽卷) Whatever is left over may be put into the refrigerator, _____ it will keep for two or three weeks. A. when B. which C. where D. while 9. (2011浙江卷) English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of ____ uses it somewhat differently. A. which B. what C. them D. those 10. (2011浙江卷) A bank is the place ______ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain. A. when B. that C. where D. there 环节四:课堂小结 本节课我们学习了限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别,我们主要可以从以下方面把握。 1、限定性定语从句:从句不能省略,如果省略整个句子意思不完整。 非限定性定语从句:从句可以省略,如果省略整个句子意思仍然完整。 2.限定性定语从句:先行词可以用that引导。 非限定性定语从句:先行词不可以用that
引导。 3.限定性定语从句:引导词有时可以省略,省略后不影响句子意思。非限定性定语从句:引导词不可以省略,省略后句子不成立。 4.限定性定语从句:不能修饰一个事件。非限定性定语从句:可以修饰一个事件。 5.限定性定语从句:从句只修饰先行词。非限定性定语从句:从句既可以修饰先行词,也可以修饰整个句子或句子的一部分。 6.限定性定语从句:主句与从句不需要用逗号隔开。非限定性定语从句:主句与从句需要用逗号隔开。 7.限定性定语从句:which/who在从句中作宾语时可以省略。非限定性定语从句:which/who在从句中作宾语时不可省略。 8.限定性定语从句:whom在句中作宾语时可以用that或who来替代。非限定性定语从句:whom在句中作宾语时不可替代。 五、板书设计 定语从句的概念 定语从句指的是,在主从复合句中,用来修饰、限制名词或代词的简单句, 被修饰的词叫先行词。定语从句通常只能放在先行词之后。 定语从句的构成; 定语从句构成:先行词+关系代词/关系副词+定语从句的其他成分。 关系代词: 指人的关系代词:who,whom,that,whose(作定语) 指物的关系代词:which,that,whose 关系副词:when,where,why 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别:形式、功能、先行词、引导词。 七、教学评价 本节课设计合理,条例清晰,有讲有练,讲练结合,既发挥了学生的主观能动性,也充分展示了教师驾驭课堂的能力,让学生在合作和讨论的过程中体会限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句的区别,学生在做题的过程中加强了对这一语法点的理解。