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篇一:托福口语对话之生病请假 智课网TOEFL备考资料 托福口语对话之生病请假

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别 1.惯用口语句子:

Jenny called in sick just now. 珍妮刚才打电话请病假了。 She rang/phoned in sick. 她打电话请病假了。

call/ring/phone in sick“打电话请病假” I'm sick.

= I feel sick/ill. 我生病了。

I don't feel well. 我感觉不舒服,

l don't feel quite right/well. 我感觉不太舒服。 I feel awful/terrible. 我感觉非常难受。

I'm afraid I can't xxe today.

恐怕我今天来不了了。 I'm not xxing to work. 我不来上班了: I've got a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 I have a headache. 我头疼。

I My head is killing me. 我头疼死了。

I'd like to ask for sick leave. 其想请假。

I'd like to ask for leave.我想请假。 leave n. 请假,休假 v. 离开 I'd like to take some time off. 我想休一段时间的假。

I was wondering if I could take this afternoon off.

我在想今天下午是否能请个假。 I need to take a day off. 我想请一天假。 I need a day off. 我想请一天假。

I need a vacation. 我需要休假。 I need some rest. 我需要休息,

vacation n. 假期,休假 take...off“请…时间的假” Can I take two days' leave? 我能请两天假吗?

I'd like to take my leave from next Monday on. 我想从下周一开始请假。

I'd like to apply/ask for three days' leave. 我想申请休三天假。 apply for“申请”

I'd like to put in for one hour's leave. 我想请一个小时的假。 put in for“正式申请”

I was wondering if you could give me leave of absence to attend a xxputer course.

我想请假上计算机课,不知道您准不准假? absence n. 不在,缺席

I want to take parental leave to look after my baby.



