申请(专利)号: NO19970000219
专利号: NO970219L 主分类号: A01M29/00 申请权利人: SOCIETE ECOPIC
LINE S.A.R.L. 公开国代码: NO 优先权国家: FR
摘 要:
A bird repelling device including a holder (1) with a top surface (4) and a bottom surface (5), and spikes extending from said top surface, wherein at least some of the spikes consist of a generally U-shaped bent resilient rod (3) with two arms (6) and a base (7). The two arms are inserted into a pair of channels (2) in the holder from the lower side thereof, and the arms and the channels together urge the base against the bottom surface of the holder when the arms are fully inserted into the channels, in particular because the arms, when fully inserted into the channels, are at an angle (alpha1) which is smaller than it was before insertion. 主权项:
申请日: 1997-01-17 公开公告日: 1997-03-17
分类号: A01M29/00 发明设计人: NEGRE, GILLES 申请国代码: NO
优先权: 19940719 FR
9409014; 19950719 FR 9500966
摘 要 附 图:
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