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2019年福建省高三英语第一轮能力提升题组训练: 选修7 Unit 20(A) Word版含答案

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人人人他他他有意义Unit 20 New Frontiers 能力提升题组训练(A)


Most people associate virtual reality with the world of gaming or entertainment. What is all the fuss,you may wonder,about a futuristic device you wear on your head that makes you look like a creature from Star Wars?But this emerging technology has been spreading rapidly into many other areas and could fundamentally change your life in the future.

Virtual reality,or VR,is a computer-generated technology that creates a three-dimensional digital world that you can not only see and observe,but explore and interact with it as if you were there.Once you put on the special equipment—a helmet or glasses with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors—you become immersed in the virtual world.

VR now has serious applications in fields as wide-ranging as business and medicine.VR has already proved effective as a training tool as it simulates (模拟) real experiences.One simulation program educates young drivers about the dangers of bad driving.Participants experience a dangerous car journey and a virtual accident.It is now being used to train surgeons.Connor Pierce,Samsung’s mobile and IT vice president for the U.K. and Ireland thinks it will affect all walks of life,such as business,education,museums.Its benefits have been felt in the field of psychology and the treatment of mental health patients.Professor Daniel Freeman at the Warnford Hospital in Oxford uses it to treat vertigo(头晕) and other anxiety disorders.He explains that by exposing patients to what they fear most in a virtual environment and showing them that nothing bad happens,they can eventually overcome their panic.

In the world of work too,VR may change our life dramatically.Working individually at home,we can connect to our colleagues in a virtual space.We can be at home and at the office at the same time.

It is predicted that the impact of VR could be as significant as the Internet or mobile phones.Is a new age of virtual reality about to dawn?

1.What is needed to experience a virtual world according to the passage?

和任何人呵呵呵 人人人他他他有意义A.A virtual environment. B.One simulation program.

C.A computer-generated technology.

D.A helmet or glasses or a pair of gloves with sensors. 2.How does virtual reality help people deal with anxiety? A.By treating their vertigo.

B.By putting patients in a real scene.

C.By exposing patients to a frightening environment.

D.By showing them nothing bad happens to overcome their anxiety. 3.What benefits has VR brought to the world of work? A.It affects all walks of life. B.It brings convenience to work.

C.It treats vertigo and other anxiety disorders. D.It makes it possible to work without colleagues. 4.What’s the author’s attitude toward the future of VR? A.Positive. B.Negative. C.Neutral. D.Doubtful.

语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。能让人感觉身临其境的虚拟现实(VR)技术已经从游戏娱乐产业慢慢渗透到我们的教育、医疗、社交等领域,使我们的生活更加丰富多彩。 答案及剖析:

1.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的special equipment—a helmet or glasses with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors可知,体验虚拟世界需要戴上特殊的设备,如头盔或内置屏幕的眼镜或有传感器的手套。故选D项。

2.D 细节理解题。根据文章第三段最后一句...by exposing patients to what they fear most in a virtual environment and showing them that nothing bad happens,they can eventually overcome their panic.可知,医生是通过虚拟技术让病人置身于他们最害怕的场景中,告诉他们没有什么糟糕的事情会发生,从而克服他们焦虑的心情。故选D项。

3.B 推理判断题。根据第四段第二、三句Working individually at home,we can connect to our colleagues...We can be at home and at the office at the same time.可知,虚拟现实技术让我们在家就能和同事交流,如同在办公室一样,这说明它给我们的工作带来了便利。故选B项。


人人人他他他有意义4.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段及全文对虚拟现实的应用介绍可知,虚拟现实设备有可能会和现在的互联网或手机一样重要,或许一个虚拟现实的新时代即将到来。由此可推知作者对虚拟现实的未来发展持乐观态度。故选A项。 Ⅱ.七选五(2018广东茂名高三二模)

They are strange-looking creatures,covered with hard scales (鳞).They can roll up into a ball to protect themselves from enemies and have tongues that are longer than their bodies. 1. However,pangolins (穿山甲) have recently become the focus of Chinese people,after social media posts of the strange animal being eaten at dinner caused public anger.

Earlier this month,a photo of a micro blog post showing some people in Guangxi eating pangolins at a feast spread.A few days later,people were angered again by pictures posted on a woman’s weibo account showing her eating protected animals, including pangolins.

2. Many more pangolins have been hunted or killed.According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),more than 1 million of them have been killed or sold in the last 10 years.3. In September,the IUCN added the pangolin to the world’s “endangered animals list”.They are now more endangered than pandas.

4. Many people in Asia and Africa consider pangolin meat is delicious.Some people even think pangolin scales have medicinal qualities.However,their scales are made of keratin,the same material human fingernails are made of.

5. World Pangolin Day is on the third Saturday of February each year.This year,it fell on Feb 18.It’s a day to help people know more about pangolins.The government now stops anyone from buying and eating pangolins in China. A.Luckily,the situation is getting better. B.Yet this is only the tip of the iceberg.

C.The trade of pangolins across the world is also not allowed.

D.They rarely get the attention of people,and some even don’t know they exist. E.I hope more people will join us to protect pangolins from such a sad situation. F.It also said that they are the most illegally traded mammals (哺乳动物)in the world.

和任何人呵呵呵 人人人他他他有意义G.A growing trade of their scales and meat is the main reason for their decline in numbers. 答案:1—5 DBFGA


Many sports players have not only accomplished incredible acts of athleticism(运动能力),but also unbelievable acts of sportsmanship.There were some 1 examples in 2014,and I have 2 two that inspired me.

One example of sportsmanship took place in the Sochi Olympics.Russian Anton Gafarov was hobbling(蹒跚而行) along the track,far 3 the rest of the skiers.One of his skis(滑雪板) was broken.He had tried to 4 with the damaged equipment.Canadian ski coach Justin Wadsworth was the only one who had a(n) 5 .Wadsworth didn’t want Gafarov to finish slowly,hobbling across the line.He wanted him to finish with 6 .The Canadian skiers were already out of the race,giving Wadsworth two 7 : Leave Gafarov to hobble across the line on one ski,or give him the spare one.Wadsworth gave him the extra ski, 8 Gafarov to get the second place in the quarter-finals. 9 ,he came in sixth in the semi-finals.It was Wadsworth who helped Gafarov 10 his Olympic dream.

The other example took place in the 2014 World Cup quarter-final match between Brazil and Colombia.The game had just ended.Brazil had won,2-1.Brazil was 11 on the sidelines,cheering and having a good time.Colombian midfielder James Rodriguez had just had his World Cup dream 12 despite scoring a record-breaking six goals in the competition.Brazil defender David Luiz walked over to him,pointed at him,and 13 the crowd to acknowledge him.He then declared his 14 for a game well played and 15 him for his wonderful World Cup performance.It made both the crowd and Rodriguez 16 .

As an athlete,I know it’s easy to get caught up in the 17 of a game.But I also know that 18 is just as important as losing and winning.

Always remember to 19 your opposing team.Play hard,but play fair.And always be nice.It’s the right thing to do and it always 20 .

1.A.amusing B.amazing C.interesting D.embarrassing

和任何人呵呵呵 人人人他他他有意义2.A.collected B.picked C.made D.created

3.A.behind B.off C.from D.back 4.A.walk


C.work D.continue

5.A.broken B.extra C.new D.temporary 6.A.determination B.kindness C.love D.pride 7.A.questions B.chances C.choices D.problems 8.A.allowing

B.advising C.instructing D.wanting

9.A.Finally B.Specifically C.Particularly D.Gradually 10.A.share B.enjoy

C.have D.complete

11.A.imagining B.reviewing C.celebrating D.training 12.A.achieved B.followed 13.A.urged B.forced

C.torn apart

D.broken in

C.expected D.warned

14.A.surprise B.doubt C.curiosity D.appreciation 15.A.prepared B.recognized 16.A.shy 17.A.fun



B.happy C.crazy D.tired

B.advantage C.meaning D.competitiveness


18.A.sportsmanship B.championship C.leadership

19.A.respond to B.fight against C.shake hands with D.keep up with 20.A.pays out B.pays back C.pays off

D.pays for

语篇解读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。通过描述体育比赛中两个令人鼓舞的例子,文章告诉我们,在比赛中我们应该感激对手,强调体育精神的重要性。 答案及剖析:

1.B 根据上文“Many sports players have not only accomplished incredible acts of athleticism(运动能力),but also unbelievable acts of sportsmanship.”可知此处应为有很多令人惊奇的例子,故选B。

2.B 根据上文“There were some 1 examples in 2014”可知此处是挑选两个鼓舞自己的例子,故选B。

3.A 根据下文“One of his skis(滑雪板) was broken.”可知,Gafarov远远落在其他滑雪者的后面(behind),故选A。


2019年福建省高三英语第一轮能力提升题组训练: 选修7 Unit 20(A) Word版含答案


