Top 10 Chinese Teas 十大名茶 1
Longjing (Dragon Well Tea 龙井) Type: green tea
Location: West Lake, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province
West Lake Dragon Well Tea, with a history of over 1,200 years, is known as Dragon Well for short, Xihu Longjing in Chinese. It is produced in the mountainous regions around Longjing Village to the southwest of West Lake in Hangzhou city, Zhejiang Province.
Longjing is distinguished by four qualities: color, fragrance, flavor and shape. It is emerald in color, full of fragrance, sweet and refreshing, and in the shape of a sparrow’s tongue.
Longjing contains amino acids, catechu and vitamins, which have the effect of stimulating the production of body fluid, quenching thirst, refreshing, enhancing concentration, digesting food, reducing cholesterol, diminishing inflammation, and detoxification. 类型:绿茶
龙井茶含有氨基酸、儿茶素和维生素,具有刺激体液生成、止渴、提神醒脑、提高浓度、消化食物、减少胆固醇、消炎解毒的作用。 2
Biluochun (Green Spiral Tea 碧螺春) Type: green tea
Location: Dongting Mountain region near Lake Tai, Jiangsu Province
Biluochun is produced in the eastern and western mountains of Dongting in Wu County, Jiangsu Province. It was used as tribute to emperors of the Tangdynasty (618-907) and enjoys a history of over 1,000 years.
From March to mid-April every year, tea is picked when the tea shoots have grown to one to two centimeters in length. As the fresh leaves increase in tenderness, the dried finished tea has more pekoe, and the resulting tea is better quality.
The finished tea appears tight and slender, but is fresh and refreshing, and stimulates the production of body fluid. It is verdant and clear, with a sweet aftertaste. 类型:绿茶
鲜茶叶的嫩度的增加,干燥后的茶叶含有较多的白毫,制成的茶叶质量更好。 成品茶紧致纤细,清新爽口,能刺激体液产生。青翠清澈,回味甜美。 3
Huangshan Maofeng
(Yellow Mountain Fur Peak 黄山毛峰)
Type: green tea
Location: Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), Anhui Province
Maofeng tea from Yellow Mountain has been famous from the time of the Qing dynasty (1644-1911), and has a history of about 140 years. The tea leaves are covered with white hairs (mao) and their tips are shaped like mountain peaks (feng), leading to the name Maofeng.
Drinking Maofeng every day will help with fitness, slow down aging, be good for skin, cheer people up, have antibacterial effects, and so on.
Famous mountains produce famous tea. Yellow Mountain is famous for four wonders: wondrous old pines, oddly shaped rocks, hot springs and the sea of clouds shrouding the mountain. On the top of Yellow Mountain, visitors will see clouds under their feet. It feels like being in heaven. 类型:绿茶
名山产名茶。黄山以四大奇观而闻名:古老奇妙的松树,形状奇特的岩石,温泉和云海笼罩着这座山。在黄山顶上,游客们会看到脚下的云。感觉就像在天堂。 4
Tieguanyin (Iron Goddess 铁观音) Type: oolong tea
Location: Anxi county, Fujian Province
Anxi Tieguanyin belongs to the highest grade of oolong tea and has a history of over 200 years. It is produced in Yaoyang town of Anxi County, Fujian Province.
This tea is harvested four times a year. The spring tea is picked when summer begins, the summer tea after the summer solstice (June 21 or 22), the heat tea after the great heat, and the autumn tea before the White Dew (Sep. 7, 8, or 9). Of these, the spring tea is best.
The finished tea product is curly, fat and bold, round, tight, heavy and neat in appearance, glossy in color and pure, thick, sweet and fresh in taste. It has long enjoyed a good reputation as the king of teas. It has the effect of purifying the heart, brightening the eyes, preventing arteriosclerosis and reducing fat and weight. 类型:乌龙茶
这种茶一年收四次。春茶采自夏初,夏至(6月21日或22日)后的夏茶,大暑后的热茶,白露前的秋茶(9月7日、8日或9日)。成品茶卷曲、饱满、粗壮、圆润、紧实、厚重、整齐,色泽光亮、纯净、厚实、甘甜、清新。长期以来,它一直享有“茶之王”的美誉。具有清心、明目、预防动脉硬化、减肥等功效。 5
Wuyi Yancha (Wuyi Rock Tea 武夷岩茶) Type: oolong tea
Location: Wuyi Mountain region of Fujian Province
Wuyi Rock tea is the best-known oolong tea, only produced in the Wuyi Mountain Region of Fujian Province. The trees grow among rocks, leading to the name Rock Tea (Yancha).
Wuyi Rock tea is a semi-fermented oolong tea. The manufacturing process is somewhere between the process for green and red tea. So it has characteristics of both green and black tea: the clean and fresh flavor of green tea, the sweet and mellow fragrance of black tea.
Big Red Robe tea (Dahongpao 大红袍) is the best type of Wuyi Rock tea, with a history of over 300 years.
Wuyi Rock tea is renowned as a slimming, tonic, and cosmetic tea. It has the effect of purifying the heart, reducing pathogenic fire, invigorating the blood, strengthening the heart, and promoting the discharge of urine. It is regarded as good medicine, with no side effects, for preventing cancer. 类型:乌龙茶
大红色外袍茶(大红袍大红袍)是最好的类型的武夷岩茶,有300多年的历史。 武夷岩茶以减肥、滋补、美容茶而闻名。具有清心、降邪、活血、补心、催尿等功效。它被认为是预防癌症的良药,没有副作用。 6
Junshan Yinzhen
(Junshan Silver Needle 君山银针) Type: yellow tea
Location: Junshan Island in Dongting Lake, Yueyang city, Hunan Province
Silver Needle from Junshan is a representative yellow tea which was discovered by chance when making green tea. People found that if leaves were not dried promptly after being finished, kneaded and twisted, they would turn yellow in color, forming yellow tea.
From ancient times to the present, Junshan Yinzhen has been reputed as having distinctive qualities in respect of color, fragrance, flavor and oddity.
The finished Junshan Silver Needle tea has bold, heavy and straight buds with feather-like white hair. The shoots are golden and bright, thus enjoying the good name of \