above and below these altitudes(在这个上在那个下)上下这样的高度 Acharya阿查里雅
acknowledge paternity承认父亲/权 actors’ models被调查者所表述的模式
adept at local politics对当地政治事务了如指掌
advantage for trading in Tibet(which is a major)这对他们前往西藏从事贸易活动极为有利 androcentric 男子中心主义的
affairs of the village panchayat 村落“潘查雅特”的工作
affect day-to-day interpersonal dynamics 使日常人际关系更加微妙、多变 affinal ties婚姻关系
affines通过联姻结成的亲戚,姻亲 affines-siblings 姻亲—同胞
agnate 父系亲属(父系亲属的远亲:祖父的兄弟的子孙和子女FFBSS and FFBSD,更远的父系亲属:有着共同祖先的、五代人或五代人以上的远亲:同氏族兄弟姐妹)父系的,同种族的,同族的;父系,同族亲属,同种族
aggregate(put different amounts, pieces of information etc together to form a group or a total) all castes and classes各个种姓的阶级
all primary points of discrimination最基本的差异(点) all stances(in)在所有条件中 Allen艾伦
analytical calculus (an) analytical tool(an)分析工具 ancestor worship祖先崇拜 ancestral pedigrees祖先的家谱
ancestral ties with Nepalis祖先与尼泊尔人之间的关系 apical ancestor远祖
archetypal models for social structure社会结构愿望模式 archetypal models of social structure社会结构原型模式
area ethnographically unknown(an)从民族志角度来说,那里尚未被人所知 arrangements of polyandry一妻多夫婚 as of this date 迄今(为止)
as opposed to… (与)……相对的,相对于……的 as rarely happens像很少发生的那样 associations联合体
assume much of the responsibility for household leadership在家庭事务中已担负起重要责任 avoid compromising Nyinba claims of Tibetan origins避免……做出让步 Aziz阿齐兹
barest outlines of Tibetan culture and social structure(the)对藏族文化和社会结构?一些最表层的外部轮廓 Barkhang 巴康
basic categories of kin relationships(the)亲属关系的基本范畴
basic information掌握基础资料
beliefs that…(by)相信,认为……
belong in=if something belongs somewhere, that is the right place or situation for it居住 Bender
Bennett本涅特 Berkner
Berreman白瑞曼 Bhotias
bilateral kinship双边亲属关系
bilaterality of kinship亲属关系的双边性
bipartite and tripartite models of village structure两部分和三部分组成的村落结构模式 Bogoslovskij波格斯洛夫斯基
boiling point/freezing point/melting point沸点/冰点/熔点 bone descent骨系血统 bone figure骨系地位 bone ones骨系相同的人 bone 骨系
born out of wedlock 非婚生的 Brahmans婆罗门
branch lineages家系分支
bring a wife home娶一个妻子
brother of one of their ancestors(a)作为尼巴人祖先的三兄弟中一个 Buddhist doctrines of reincarnation 佛教有关轮回、转世的教义 Bura布拉人
by caste principles按照种姓制度 by reference to 根据
by similar reason出于类似的理由 by this account 根据/按照这种说法 Byansi布扬西人 Carrasco 卡拉斯科 Carter卡特
caste principles种姓制度
category 范畴,种类,类型,类别
cede priority in sexual rights to his younger brothers把性生活方面的优先权让给弟弟们 center around the dual rebuilding of society 围绕(对)社会的双重重建(展开的) central plateau(the)高原腹心
chains of genealogical linkage 家系链 changes over time(their)历史演变 Chandra钱德拉
character and physical traits人的性格及体质特征
characteristic of Tibetan societies藏族各地社会的共同特点 characteristic themes独具特色的主题 chart勾画出……的基本脉络
Chetri (Chhetri)刹蒂利
children not his own 不是亲生的孩子
circle of clans of status comparable to their own(a)地位与本氏族相当的几个氏族 circles of kin亲属关系范畴 circles of relatives亲属圈
citizen-landholders平民——土地所有者 civic entitlements公民权 clan hierarchies氏族等级制
clan memberships 氏族成员身份 clan member氏族成员 clan names 氏族名 clan sections氏族各部 clanship氏族制度
clan siblings同氏族兄弟姐妹(五代以上同父系/男性祖先的后代) clanspeople同氏族的人
classificatory cross-cousins 分类学意义上的交错从表亲 close and distant kin近亲和远亲
closely articulated spheres of cultural and social life 密切关联的文化与社会生活的方方面面 closest, or inner, circle of clanspeople(the)同氏族的近亲或内亲 closure against the world自我封闭状态 co-husbands 共妻的丈夫 co-wife 共夫的妻子
collateral relative 旁系亲属 collective activities集体活动
collectively held forest (村民)集体所有的森林 common identity彼此认同/共同的身份 commonalities in origins共同的出身/起源 commensality 共餐?
commonly trace … to…都提到…… common wife(the)共同的妻子
community-wide ranking systems 全社会范围内的等级系统
complex arrangements and alignments of social life社会生活中种种复杂的安排和组合 complementary filiation补充性亲子关系(网络) complementary filiatives ?
concept of domains (the)领域概念
concept of hereditary bone(The)骨质遗传观念
concepts of fission and fusion in segmentary systems 局部系统的裂变与聚变概念
concepts or systems linking them(the)与之关联的(把他们联系在一起的)概念或系统 conceptual divisions(such)概念化的划分方式(这种) conceptual identification 概念认同(?)
concerns with matters of population对人口问题的关注 conjoint marriage(in a)联合式婚姻 conjugal groupings夫妇群体
connection or involvement (the)联系,关系
consider its contexts了解它的来龙去脉
contribute to the increasing erosion of good farmland使良田受到日益加剧的侵蚀 corporate territorial groups具有共同领地意识的群体 corporate-groups共同体 cousin 堂兄
create links across…把不同氏族的人联系起来 cross-cousin marriage交错从表婚,姑舅表婚
cross-cousins交表婚(父母异性兄弟姐妹的子女间的关系:父亲姐妹的孩子,母亲哥弟的孩子,与兄弟姐妹及自已之间都叫做交错从表) cross-generational relationships跨代的亲属关系 cross-sectional survey(a)横断面调查
cross-sex links 跨性别/异性的 联系/关系/结合 cultivated fields耕地
cultural and social entailments(the)文化与社会后果 cultural borrowing 文化借入 cultural themes文化主题
currency of status rivalry (the)争取社会地位的货币(隐喻) cycles of domestic development 家庭发展周期理论 Darchula达楚拉 daughter-in-law 儿媳
descend from… 是??的后代 descent血统
descent categories血缘范畴 descent constructs血统构筑物
descent credentials 同血统的人相互信任,(证明信) descent groups 血缘群体,继嗣群 descent rules 继嗣规则 descent units血统单元
descent-cum-stratum ascription 血统和地位归属
determine the paternity of children produced in polyandrous unions确定一妻多夫婚中孩子的亲权关系
differentiated by在……存在差别
different subsystems of social life(the)社会生活中不同的子系统 dislike of immigration(the)对外来移民感到厌恶
dispense justice=decide whether or not someone is guilty of a crime and what punishment they should receive裁决、断案 dispersed residence分散居住
display the diversity and complexity of polyandrous arrangements 展示一妻多夫婚的多样性与复杂性
distinct (clearly different)明显不同的 distinct (quite)(from …)(与??)截然不同的,完全不同的
distinctive style(a)独特风格
diverse subsistence activities 不同的谋生活动
divide up the seamless web of social life把天衣无缝的社会生活加以分割 divine beings神祗 divine justice 神判
divine order(a)神的秩序 Dolpo多尔波
domestic arrangements家庭组织形式? domestic order家庭内部的秩序 domestic politics家庭政治学 double unilineal(双系制?)(cognatic systems并系制?)(复系继嗣nonunilineal descent) Dozam Khola valleys (the)多扎科拉河谷 Dozam Khola(the)多扎科拉河 dual sets of models双重模式 Dullu都鲁
dynamics of social structure(the) 社会结构的变动 each household line各个家户世系
earlier years of their rule(in the)在其统治初期 effect of this is(The)这实际上是 Ekvall艾克瓦尔
elaboration of…对……精心表述
embedded culturally and socially that none would suffice(so deeply)如此深深地被嵌入尼巴人的文化与社会中,以至谁也没有能力把这两个问题解释清楚 embellish upon the literary sources 对文献资料的加工、润色 endogamous等级内婚(的),内婚的,(exogamous 外婚的) epiphenomena副现象
establish a key parameter of… 建立…关键性参项
establish a village settlement 在村里建立了自己的住宅区 establish patterns for…建立了种种模式
establish ritual friendships with…建立礼仪性的友好关系 ethnic closure(the)族群的自我封闭 ethnic group 族群
evolution of structural relationships(the)结构关系演变
exclusive control over their wives’ sexual and childbearing capacities在性生活及生育能力方面的排他性的控制
exhortations for village unity(in)为了维护村民的团结一致 exotic biases鄙薄异域习俗的偏见,对异域习俗的偏见 exotic preoccupations感到诧异
expansion of landholdings(the)耕地扩展
explain these exceptions by reference to specific, historical events把这种例外情况归因于某些特定的历史事件
explorations of the cultural features of kinship systems对亲属关系制度中所体现的文化特征的开拓性研究



