摘 要
园林造景是园林艺术的重要表现手段,伴随人们生活经济水平的提高,园林设计作品对精神上的追求愈来愈激烈,写意精神成为在其设计中很重要的理念。无论是中国画、中国园林还是建筑上的写意都影响了人们的精神生活。 华清池,在中国众多古典园林中,有着无比的代表性,结合了自然的美感,艺术美感以及身后的文化底蕴,强调中国道家“崇尚自然、顺应自然、清静无为、天人合一”的思想。对于中国古代传统文化遗产,我们要更好的研究传承并且发扬它。
关键词:造景手法; 华清池; 古典园林; 意境表现
Landscape is the space environment by building business structure, build mountains and water, plant configuration and form, known as \poetic and spiritual recreation of living space realm. In the traditional culture and aesthetic sense, he argued, China Garden accumulated a rich cultural heritage, creating a poetry and do not have a taste of garden culture.
Garden landscaping is an important means of expression of garden art, along with the improvement of living standards of economic, landscape design works for spiritual pursuits increasingly fierce, and the Spirit has become very important in their design concept. Whether Chinese painting, Chinese garden or freehand architectural have affected the people's spiritual life. Xi'an Huaqing Pool, the many Chinese classical gardens, has a very representative, combining natural beauty, cultural heritage and artistic beauty behind, stressing China Taoist \for nature, in harmony with nature, quietism, Harmony\Thought . For the ancient Chinese traditional cultural heritage, we need to better research and develop its heritage.
This paper mainly huaqingchi garden relying on research Huaqing Pool landscaping artistic and cultural influence and it embodies the modern garden. And landscape layout, building construction, plant configuration gardening practices introduced by the Taoist culture and thought, reflecting the harmony
between man and nature.
In contemporary China, a lot of design work and the lack of ideological connotation of vitality, showed no memorable cultural connotation and artistic conception, so in-depth study of the cultural connotation and artistic conception of Chinese classical gardens, will be able to guide the design of our landscape.
Keywords:Landscaping techniques;Huaqing Pool; Classical Gardens; Artistic Conception
目 录
摘 要 ............................................................... - 1 - Abstract ............................................................... - 2 - 1 绪论 .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1 课题提出 ........................................................ - 1 - 1.2 研究意义及目的 .................................................. - 1 - 2 园林艺术主要造景手法 ................................................ - 1 -
2.1 园林建筑的造景艺术 ............................................. - 1 -
2.1.1 廊的造型艺术 .............................................. - 1 - 2.1.2 桥的造型艺术 .............................................. - 1 - 2.1.3 楼的造型艺术 .............................................. - 2 - 2.1.3 亭的造型艺术 .............................................. - 3 - 2.2 园林山石的造景艺术 ............................................. - 3 - 2.3 园林理水的造景艺术 ............................................. - 4 - 2.4 园林植物的造景艺术 ............................................. - 5 -
2.4.1 种植原则 ................................................... - 6 - 2.4.2 植物配置 ................................................... - 6 - 2.5 园林空间的造景艺术 ............................................. - 6 - 3 华清池主要造景手法探析 .............................................. - 7 -
3.1 主配手法 ........................................................ - 1 -
3.1.1主体升高 ................................................... - 1 - 3.1.2空间构图的重心 ............................................. - 1 -
3.2 层次手法 ........................................................ - 2 - 3.3借景手法 ......................................................... - 3 - 3.4 对景和分景 ...................................................... - 3 -
3.4.1 对景 ....................................................... - 3 - 3.4.2 分景 ....................................................... - 4 - 3.5 前景处理手法 .................................................... - 6 -
3.5.1 框景 ....................................................... - 6 - 3.5.2 夹景 ....................................................... - 7 - 3.6 点景 ............................................................ - 8 - 4 传统造景手法对现代园林设计的作用与前景展望 ........................... - 1 -
4.1 古代园林与现代园林的比较 ........................................ - 1 - 4.2 现代园林发展趋势与展望 .......................................... - 2 - 参考文献 ............................................................... - 1 - 致 ................................................................. - 1 -