Epidemiologic study on human immunodeficiency virus infection among children in a former p
Epidemiologic study on human immunodeficiency virus infection among children in a former paid
plasma donating community in China
WANG Lan;ZHENG Xi-wen;QIAN Han-zhu;L(U) Fan;XING Hui
【期刊名称】《中华医学杂志(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(118)009
【摘要】Background Illegal plasma collecting activities in mid 1990s caused a large number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infections in rural areas of central-eastern China. Although most of these activities have been stopped, there were few reports on secondary transmission from infected former plasma donors to their spouses and from infected mothers to their children. This study was to determine the extent of HIV infections among young children in a rural community with a large proportion of plasma donors.Methods A survey was conducted among children aged under 7 years in a former plasma donating community in September 2000: finger blood was collected for HIV antibody testing. Another survey was repeated among children aged under 8 years and their families in the same community in April 2001: urine samples were collected for HIV testing. HIV positive children and samples of HIV negative children, whose mothers were positive based on 2001 survey, were followed up until September 2002 to investigate HIV seroconversion, disease progression and HIV strain
Epidemiologic study on human immunodeficiency virus infection among children in a former p