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作者:叶荣菊 孙乐山 曾贞 李果 王凯 来源:《上海医药》2020年第05期
摘 要 心率变异性是反映自主神经系统调控心脏节律性变化的一种特异性定量指标。脑卒中患者的心率变异性显著降低,死亡率大大提高。心率变异性降低对脑卒中后患者的预后也有重要影响,故改善脑卒中后患者的心率变异性具有重要的临床意义。对脑卒中后患者的心率变异性,常规康复训练的调节作用有限,目前可能具有改善效果的康复治疗方法主要有运动疗法、中医针灸治疗和中西医结合康复治疗等。 关键词 脑卒中 心率变异性 康复治疗
中图分类号:R493; R743.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2020)05-0016-04 Study on the correlation of heart rate variability in stroke patients* YE Rongju**, SUN Leshan, ZENG Zhen, LI Guo, WANG Kai***
(Department of Neurological Rehabilitation, Shanghai 4th Rehabilitation Hospital, Shanghai 200040, China)
ABSTRACT Heart rate variability (HRV) is a specific quantitative index reflecting the regulation of cardiac rhythm by autonomic nervous system. The HRV is significantly reduced while the mortality is significantly increased in stroke patients. The decrease of HRV has an important
influence on the prognosis of patients with stroke, so it is of clinically great significance to improve HRV of patients with stroke. The regulation effect of routine rehabilitation training on HRV of
patients after stroke is limited. At present, the rehabilitation methods that may improve the HRV of stroke patients are aerobic training, resistance training, acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine, and the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine. KEY WORDS stroke; heart rate variability; rehabilitation