【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》 【年(卷),期】2004(008)026
【摘要】背景:应用以帕米膦酸盐为代表的破骨细胞活性抑制剂,是否可以缓解肺癌骨转移性疼痛,已成为治疗中值得探讨的问题.目的:评估抗癌治疗中帕米膦酸盐类药物对肺癌骨转移疼痛患者止痛治疗的效果,以及治疗后生活质量.设计:随机实验对照.地点和对象:1996-01/1998-06暨南大学附属第二医院深圳市人民医院收治的肺癌骨转移患者71例,分为综合疗法组(46例)和单一疗法组(25例).综合疗法组分为3个小组:化疗+帕米膦酸钠组(18例),放疗+帕米膦酸钠组(16例),核素+帕米膦酸钠组(12例).单一疗法组分为2个小组:化疗组(15例),放疗组(10例).方法:综合疗法组的3个小组和单一疗法组的2个小组分别采用帕米膦酸钠加化疗、放疗、核素的综合疗法和化疗、放疗的单一疗法.根据主诉疼痛分级法进行疗效评价.主要观察指标:各组的镇痛效果及不良反应.结果:综合疗法组镇痛总有效率为89%(41/46),化疗+帕米膦酸钠组有效率为89%(16/18),放疗+帕米膦酸钠组有效率为88%(14/16),核素+帕米膦酸钠组有效率为92%(11/12);单一疗法组镇痛总有效率为64%(16/25),化疗组有效率为60%(9/15),放疗组有效率为70%(7/10).结论:采用抗癌和破骨细胞抑制剂帕米膦酸钠综合治疗肺癌骨转移引起的疼痛,疗效满意,不良反应无相加,可进一步改善患者的生活质量.oCKGROUND: Whether the application of osteoclast activity depressant represented by Pamidronate can relieve the pain induced by lung cancer bone metastasis becomes a problem worth investigation in
the treatment of the patients with lung cancer bone
metastasis.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effectiveness of acesodyne by Pamidronate group of medicines in,the treatment against cancer in patients with lung cancer bone metastasis as well as the quality of life after therapy.DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial SETTING and PARTICIPANTS: Seventy-one cases of lung cancer bone metastasis patients admitted by the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University, Shenzhen City People' s Hospital from January 1996 to June 1998were grouped into integrate therapy group( n =46) and mono-therapy group (n =25) . Integrate therapy group was divided into three subgroups:chemotherapy + Pamidronate Disodium (PD) subgroup( n = 18), radiotherapy + PD subgroup( n = 16), and nuclide + PD subgroup( n = 12). Mono-the-rapy group was divided into two subgroups: chemotherapy subgroup( n = 15 )and radiotherapy subgroup( n = 10).INTERVENTIONS: Integrate therapy of PD combined with chemotherapy,radiotherapy and nuclide and mono-therapy of chemotherapy and radiotherapy were introduced respectively in the above corresponding groups. The therapeutic effectiveness was evaluated according to verbal rating scale(VRS).MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The analgesia effects and adverse effects in each group RESULTS: The analgesia total effective rate of integrate therapy group was 89% (41/46), in which the effective rate of chemotherapy + PD
subgroup was 89% (16/18), the effective rate of radiotherapy +PD subgroup was 88% (14/16), and the effective rate of nuclide +PD subgroup was 92%(11/12). The analgesia total effective rate of mono-therapy group was 64%(16/25), in which the effective rate of chemotherapy was 60% (9/15)and the effective rate of radiotherapy was 70% (7/10).CONCLUSION: The integrate therapy combined with PD, an osteoclast depressant that can against cancer, in the treatment of pain induced by lung cancer bone metastasis achieves satisfactory effectiveness with no additional adverse effects, which could further improve the quality of life of the patients. 【总页数】2页(5714-5715) 【关键词】肺癌;骨转移 【作者】郑涛;陈伟
【作者单位】暨南大学附属第二医院深圳市人民医院肿瘤研究所内科,广东省深圳市,518020;暨南大学附属第二医院深圳市人民医院肿瘤研究所内科,广东省深圳市,518020 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】R73 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-journal-tissue-engineering-research_thesis/0201252598643.html 【相关文献】