【期刊名称】《计算机仿真》 【年(卷),期】2013(030)004
【摘要】关于电动舵机性能优化问题,针对电动舵机非线性强、使用环境复杂,引起系统响应性能差.为提高控制性能,提出采用DSP结合FPGA的全数字电动舵机设计方案,并充分利用全数字通信的优点,利用一种同步RS485总线和CAN总线的总线式电动舵机控制系统;其次引入自抗扰控制算法,并针对自抗扰算法对测量噪声较敏感的特点,提出基于反正切函数的自抗扰控制算法;最后针对自抗扰参数较多的特点,使用改进PSO对参数进行优化.经试验验证,电动舵机系统集成度高,抗干扰能力强,并且带载精度高,频带带宽高,对内部参数摄动以及外部负载变化具有较强的控制鲁棒性.?cause the Electromechanical Actuators (EMA) are often accompanied with strong non - liner, complex work environments, and complex control algorithms, firstly a full digital EMA system based on DSP and FPGA was proposed, and take the advantage of this full digital EMA system, an EMA buss type control system was fulfilled based on the RS485 synchronous communication and Controller Area Net ( CAN). Secondly, in order to deal with the measurement noise, an improved ADRC based on arctangent function was proposed. Lastly, an improved PSO algorithm was used to optimize the ADRC parameters. Experimental results show that the proposed EMA is highly integrated , has good performance of disturbance