1、升级操作系统的补丁之前建议先备份操作(rootvg),以免造成升级补丁失败或者是由于补丁本身的缺陷造成操作系统(rootvg)的文件损坏,从而导致操作系统不能正常启动。 命令:#smit mksysb
Back Up the System
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[TOP] [Entry Fields] WARNING: Execution of the mksysb command will result in the loss of all material previously stored on the selected output medium. This command backs up only rootvg volume group.
* Backup DEVICE or FILE [/dev/rmt0] +/ Create MAP files? no + EXCLUDE files? no + List files as they are backed up? no + Generate new / file? yes + EXPAND /tmp if needed? no + Disable software packing of backup? no + Number of BLOCKS to write in a single output [ ] # (Leave blank to use a system default)
2、将本机操作系统现在使用中的所有fileset设置为commit状态。经过这个设置后,可以在升级补丁失败后(或升级后的补丁对应用程序不兼容)可以用#smit reject命令将操作系统的fileset包退回到升级之前(即退回到commit状态) 命令:#smit commit
Commit Applied Software Updates (Remove Saved Files)
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* SOFTWARE name [all] + PREVIEW only? (commit operation will NOT occur) no + COMMIT requisites? yes + EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes + DETAILED output? no +
命令:#smit update_all
Update Installed Software to Latest Level (Update All)
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields] * INPUT device / directory for software [/dev/cd0] * SOFTWARE to update _update_all PREVIEW only? (update operation will NOT occur) no COMMIT software updates? no SAVE replaced files? yes AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software? yes EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes VERIFY install and check file sizes? no DETAILED output? no Process multiple volumes? Yes
如果是客户自己从IBM网站下载的补丁,升级补丁前需要在补丁所在目录下生成.toc文件,生成.toc文件的命令为#inutoc . ,生成过程中有可能会有以下提示可忽略不计(此项提示因为用pc机上的网络蚂蚁或flashget软件下载网站上以大小写区分的文件名在保存到pc机上时,pc机认为是相同的文件而自动改名是自动加的括号,实际使用中不会受到影响) sh: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 1 : `(' is not expected. sh: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 1 : `(' is not expected. sh: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 1 : `(' is not expected.
4、重启AIX服务器,成功升级操作系统的补丁后,只有在系统重新启动后才能生效 命令:#shutdown –Fr
重新启动后可以用instfix命令检查补丁级 #instfix –i |grep ML
All filesets for were found. All filesets for were found.
Not all filesets for 5100-01_AIX_ML were found. Not all filesets for 5100-02_AIX_ML were found. Not all filesets for 5100-03_AIX_ML were found. Not all filesets for 5100-04_AIX_ML were found. All filesets for 5100-05_AIX_ML were found.
5、如果重新启动后操作系统不正常,可用smit reject将ptf退回到打补丁前的状态 可以在SOFTWARE name处选择要reject的软件名或者是all(全部) Reject Applied Software Updates (Use Previous Version)
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* SOFTWARE name [all] + PREVIEW only? (reject operation will NOT occur) no + REJECT dependent software? no + EXTEND file systems if space needed? yes + DETAILED output? no +
Software Installation and Maintenance Software Maintenance and Utilities
Clean Up After Failed or Interrupted Installation 附录:
1、 IBM中国技术支持中心提供AIX补丁文件介质的免费特快专递;客户也可以从IBM网
站下载(网址: 2、 IBM AIX4.3.2/4.3.3/5.1/5.2 APAR号、补丁号、版本号及更新日期: Release CMVC CD label VRMF APAR PTF GA Date Name Release DFS path 4320-01 L CD4-0995-03 4 3K N/A IX88753 U 463827 3 /26/1999 /:/projects/aix/aix43K/432_GOLD 4320-02 L CD4-0995-04 4 3K N/A IY00411 U 464838 6 /18/1999 /:/projects/aix/aix43K/432_SERVICE 4330-01 L CD4-0995-05 4 3N N/A IY04634 U 467884 1 1/5/1999 /:/projects/aix/aix43N/433_GOLD 4330-02 L CD4-0995-06 4 3R I Y06844 U 469712 2 /25/2000 /:/projects/aix/aix43R/43R_GOLD 4330-03 L CD4-0995-07 4 3R N/A IY09047 U 470674 4 /26/2000 /:/projects/aix/aix43R/43R_SERVICE 4330-04 L CD4-0995-08 4 3R N/A IY11202 U 472081 6 /23/2000 /:/projects/aix/aix43R/43R_SERVICE 4330-05 L CD4-0995-09 4 3S 4330-06 L CD4-0995-10 4 3S 4330-07 L CD4-0995-11 4 3S I Y12051 U 473336 9 /22/2000 /:/projects/aix/aix43S/43S_GOLD N/A IY12054 U 474006 9 /29/2000 /:/projects/aix/aix43S/43S_SERVICE N/A IY16465 U 475029 3 /2/2001 /:/projects/aix/aix43S/43S_SERVICE 4330-08 L CD4-0995-12 4 3V I Y17356 U 475472 4 /20/2001 /:/projects/aix/aix43V/43V_GOLD N/A LCD4-0995-13 4 3V N/A None None 7/20/2001 /:/projects/aix/aix43V/43V_SERVICE 4330-09 L CD4-0995-14 4 3X I Y22024 U 480014 9 /14/2001 /:/projects/aix/aix43X/43X_GOLD