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Read the followi ng text.Choose the best word(s) for each nu mbered bla nk and markA,B,C,D on an swer sheet1(10po in ts)
The outbreak of swi ne flu that was first detected in Mexico was declared a global epidemic on June 11,2009. It is the first worldwide epidemic ___ 1 __ by the Word Health Organization in 41 years.
The heighte ned alert __ 2 ___ an emerge ncy meeti ng with flu experts in Gen eva that assembled after a sharp rise in cases in Australia, and rising ____ 3 _ in Britai n, Japa n, Chile and elsewhere.
But the epidemic is ” the organization
____ 4 _ ” in severity, accord ing to Margaret Chan,
' s director general, ____ 5 __ the overwhelming majority of
patients experiencing only mild symptoms and a full recovery, often in the ___ 6 __ of any medical treatme nt.
The outbreak came to global ___ 7 ___ in late April 2009, whe n Mexica n authorities no ted an unu sually large nu mber of hospitalizati ons and deaths __ 8 ___ healthy adults. As much of Mexico City shut dow n at the height of a panic, cases bega n to __ 9 ___ in New York City, the southwester n Un ited
States and around the world.
In the Un ited States, new cases seemed to fade __ 10 ___ warmer weather arrived. But in late September 2009,officials reported there was _ 11__ flu activity in almost every state and that virtually all the ____ 12 ___ tested are the new swine flu, also known as(A)H1N1, not seas onal flu. In the U.S, it has 13 more tha n one milli on people,a nd caused more tha n 600 deaths and more tha n 6,000 hospitalizatio ns.
Federal health officials ___ 14 __ Tamiflu for childre n from the n ati onal stockpile and bega n __ 15 __ orders from the states for the new swi ne flu
vacci ne. The new vacci ne, which is differe nt from the annual flu vacc in e, is 16 ahead of expectati ons. More tha n three milli on doses were to be made available in early October 2009, though most of those ____________________________ 17__ dose were of the FluMist n asal spray type, which is not ___ 18 ___ for preg nant wome n,
people over 50 or those with breath ing difficulties, heart disease or several other 19__. But it was still possible to vacc in ate people in other high-risk
group , health care workers, people ___ 20 ___ infants and healthy young people.
1. [A]criticized [B]appoi nted [C]comme nted [D]desig nated 2. [A]proceeded [B]activated [C]followed [D]prompted 3. [A]digits [B]n umbers [C]amou nts [D]sums 4. [A]moderate [B]no rmal [C] unu sual [D]extreme 5. [A]with [B]i n [C]from [D]by
6. [A]progress [B]abse nee [C]prese nee [D]favor
7. [A]reality [B]phe nomenon [C]c on eept [D ]no tiee 8. [A]over [B]for [C]amo ng [D]to
9. [A]stay up [B]erop up [C]fill up [D]eover up 10. [A]as [B]if [C]u nless [D]u ntil
11. [A]exeessive [B]e no rmous [C]sig nifica nt [D]mag nifice nt 12. [A]eategories [B]examples [C]patterns [D]samples 13. [A]imparted [B]immersed [C]injeeted [D]i nfected 14. [A]released 回 relayed [C]relieved [D]remai ned 15. [A]plaei ng [B]deliveri ng [C]taki ng [D]givi ng 16. [A]feasible [B]available [C]reliable [D]applieable 17. [A]prevale nt [B]pri ncipal [C]i nno vative [D]i nitial
18. [A]prese nted [B]restrieted [C]reeomme nded [D]i ntroduced 19. [A]problems [B]issues [C]ago nies [D]sufferi ngs
20. [A]i nvo Ived in [B]eari ng for [C]e oncerned with [D]wardi ng off Seetion n Reading eomprehension Part A
Read the follow ing four passages. An swer the questi ons below each passage by choos ing A, B, C and D. Mark your an swers on ANSWER SHEET 1.(40 poi nts)
The Ion gest bull run in a cen tury of art-market history en ded on a dramatic n ote with a sale of 56 works by Damie n Hirst,
“ Beautiful In side My Head
Forever ”, at Sotheby ' s in London on September 15th 2008 (see picture). All but two pieces sold, fetchi ng more tha n
帝0m, a record for a sale by a sin gle artist.
It was a last hurrah. As the aucti on eer called out bids, in New York one of the oldest banks on Wall Street, Lehma n Brothers, filed for ban kruptcy.
The world art market had already bee n los ing mome ntum for a while after risi ng vertig ino usly since 2003. At its peak in 2007 it was worth some $65 billio n, reck ons Clare McAn drew, foun der of Arts Econo mics, a research firm
the figure five years earlier. Since the n it may have come dow n to $50 billio n. But the market gen erates in terest far bey ond its size because it brings together great wealth, eno rmous egos, greed, passi on and con troversy in a way matched by few other in dustries. MBA
— double
In the weeks and mon ths that followed Mr Hirst ' s sale, spe nding of any
sort became deeply un fashi on able, especially in New York, where the bail-out of the banks coin cided with the loss of thousa nds of jobs and the finan cial demise of many art-bu ying inv estors. In the art world that meant collectors stayed away from galleries and salerooms. Sales of con temporary art fell by two-thirds, and in the most overheated sector
— for Chin ese con temporary art
—they were dow n by n early 90% in the year to November 2008. Within weeks
the world ' s two biggest auction houses, Sotheby ' s and Christie ' s, had to pay out n early $200m in guara ntees to clie nts who had placed works for sale with them.
The curre nt dow ntur n in the art market is the worst since the Japa nese stopped buying Impressi oni sts at the end of 1989, a move that started the most serious con tract ion in the market since the sec ond world war. This time experts reck on that prices are about 40% dow n on their peak on average, though some have bee n far more volatile. But Edward Dolma n, Christie says:
' s chief executive,
“I' m pretty con fide nt we ' re at the bottom. ”
What makes this slump differe nt from the last, he says, is that there are still buyers in the market, whereas in the early 1990s, whe n in terest rates were high, there was no dema nd eve n though many collectors wan ted to sell. Christie
reve nues in the first half of 2009 were still higher than in the first half of 2006. Almost every one who was in terviewed for this special report said that the biggest problem at the mome nt is not a lack of dema nd but a lack of good work to sell. The three Ds — death, debt and divorce — still deliver works of art to the market. But anyone who does not have to sell is keep ing away, wait ing for con fide nee to retur n.
21.ln the first paragraph,Damie n Hirst's sale was referred to as victory ” because ___ -.
“ a last
' s
A. the art market hadwit nessed a successi on of victoryies B. the auct ion eer fin ally got the two pieces at the highest bids C. Beautiful In side My Head Forever won over all masterpieces D. it was successfully made just before the world finan cial crisis
22. By say ing “ spe nding of any sort became deeply un fashi on able