xxxxx 论 文
题 目:基于JSP的图书馆管理系统的
设计与实现 学 院: 计算机科学与工程学院 专 业:
学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师:
摘 要
随着社会知识的不断积累和信息化社会的到来,出版物的种类和数量在日渐增多,图书馆管理工作早已不是一项简单的工作。与此同时,现代管理理论亦日臻成熟,广泛应用于各个领域,图书馆管理也不例外。我国的图书馆现代化建设在近年来发展迅速,同时也面临着各种挑战。作为图书馆管理工作的得力助手,图书馆管理系统在现代化图书馆管理中起着至关重要的作用。一个完善的图书馆管理系统在图书管理工作中,可以极大地减轻图书馆管理工作人员的工作量,节省人力资源,方便读者,能够有效地促进图书馆的现代化建设。由此可见,开发好的图书馆管理系统具有重要意义。本文采用JSP技术和SQL Server数据库管理技术论述了一个基于JSP技术的高校图书馆管理系统的开发过程。JSP技术是目前主流的动态网站和基于WEB的系统的开发技术之一,它根植于Java技术之上,在构建的系统的安全性方面有着极大的优越性。因此,大部分安全性要求较高的系统都纷纷采用JSP技术来开发。本文从图书馆管理系统开发的背景及意义出发,介绍了系统开发的相关技术,在此基础上论述了系统的设计实现过程,包括总体功能设计、数据库设计、和页面功能模块设计等。整体而言,系统的开发取得了预期的成果。该图书管理系统可广泛应用于中小型的图书馆管理工作中,有效促进图书馆管理的现代化建设。
【关键词】图书馆管理系统 JSP技术 SQL Server数据库管理技术
With the continuous accumulation of social knowledge and the arrival of the information society, the type and number of publications in the growing number of library management work is not a simple task. At the same time, the modern management theory has become more and more mature, widely used in various fields, library management is no exception. The modernization of Library in our country has developed rapidly in recent years, but also faced with various challenges. Library management system, as an effective assistant of library management, plays an important role in the management of modern library. A complete library management system in the library management work, can greatly reduce the library management staff workload, save human resources and the convenience of the reader, can effectively promote the library modernization construction. This shows that the development of a good library management system is of great significance. This paper discusses the development process of university library management system based on JSP technology by using JSP technology and SQL Server database management technology. JSP technology is the mainstream of the dynamic website and web based system development technology, it is rooted in the Java technology, in the construction of the system's security has a great advantage. As a result,most of the security requirements of the system have been using JSP technology to develop.
The from the background and significance of the development of library management system of introduced the system development technology, the paper carries on the demand analysis to the system development, then discusses the system design process, including overall functional design, system process design, database design, and page function module design. Overall, the development of the system has achieved the expected results. The library management system can be widely used in small and medium-sized library management work, and effectively promote the modernization of Library management.
KeyWords:Library management system JSP technology SQL Server
目 录
摘 要 ...................................................... I Abstract: .................................................. II 目 录 ...................................................... IV 第一章 引言 .................................................. 1 第二章 基础知识 .............................................. 2 2.1 HTML技术 ................................................. 2 2.2 JSP技术 .................................................. 2 2.3 JDBC技术 ................................................. 3 2.4 SQL SERVER数据库技术 ...................................... 3 2.5 TOMCAT服务器 .............................................. 4 第三章 总体设计 .............................................. 4 第四章 子模块的设计与实现 .................................... 7 4.1 登录页面设计 ............................................. 7 4.2 图书信息浏览页面设计 ..................................... 8 4.3 图书信息录入页面设计 ..................................... 8 4.4 图书信息修改删除页面设计 ................................. 9 4.5 其它页面的设计 .......................................... 10 4.6 数据字典的描述 .......................................... 10 4.7 数据库ER图设计 ......................................... 11 4.8 数据库的物理设计 ........................................ 12