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The Lion used to be the king of beasts. But now he is old and weak. He feels sorry for himself.


Lion: I used to be so young. I used to be so strong. My roar used to be so big. But now… I am old and weak. My roar is small. I can’t run. I can’t hunt. Poor me!


The Lion is very sad and worried. 狮子非常难过,忧心忡忡。

Lion: I’m hungry. But now how can I get some food? I must think of a way fast. Let me think.


The Lion thinks and thinks. Finally, he comes up with an idea.


Lion: Hey, wait. I still have my sharp teeth and claws. I can use them. Once an animal comes into my cave, I can

catch it. Yes, that’s it! I’ll say I’m very sick. Then all of the animals will come to visit me. Once they come into my

cave, I will eat them all. What a clever idea! Why didn’t I think of this before? Ha, ha, ha.


The other animals hear that the Lion is very sick. They are all very worried.

其他的动物听说狮子病得很重,都很担心。 Deer: Did you hear about the Lion? 鹿:你听说狮子的事了吗?

Goat: No, I didn’t. Is anything wrong? 山羊:没有啊,他怎么啦?

Deer: Well, I heard that he is very sick. He might die soon.


Goat: that’s too bad. He used to be so strong and healthy. Let’s visit him before he dies.

山羊:那太不幸了。他以前是那么强壮、那么健康。在他死之前我们去探望他吧! Deer: Sure. 鹿:好吧。

The Deer and the Goat visit the Lion in the cave. They never come out.

鹿和山羊去洞穴里探望狮子。但是他们却再也没有出来。 Rabbit: Did you hear the news, squirrel? 兔子:你听说了吗?松鼠? Squirrel: What news? 松鼠:什么事?

Rabbit: The Lion is very sick. He is dying, I think. 兔子:狮子病得很严重,我想,他快要死了。 Squirrel: Poor Lion. What can we do? 松鼠:可怜的狮子,我们能为他做什么呢?

Rabbit: How about visiting him and cheering him up? 兔子:咱们去探望他、鼓励他好吗?

Squirrel: Do you think that’s a good idea? What if he eats us up? I’m a little afraid.

松鼠:你真的这么想吗?万一他把我们吃了怎么办?我有点儿害怕。 Rabbit: Me too. But he is very sick. He will be too weak to catch us.


Squirrel: You’re right. Let’s go together. 松鼠:你说的对,咱们一块儿去吧!



