【期刊名称】《针灸推拿医学(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)005
【摘要】“筋骨并重”是中国接骨学的重要治疗原则。传统中医正骨手法既重视骨折复位,又重视理筋,注重软组织保护。现代医学发展证实了这一原则的先进性。为更好理解这一原则,必须深入了解其历史渊源及其在骨伤科治疗中的作用以及对现代骨科学发展的影响。我们应继承与发展“筋骨并重”的先进理论,走自主创新之路,不断推动中国接骨学向前发展。%‘Paying equal attention to sinew and bone’ is an important principle in China osteosynthesis (CO). Traditional bone-setting manipulations not only pay high attention to fracture reduction, but also to sinew-regulating and soft tissues protection. The advantage of this principle has also been confirmed by modern medicine. To understand the principle better, it is essential to learn its historical origin, its important role in traumatology and its significant influence on modern orthopedics. In addition, we should inherit and further develop its theory, innovate and promote the development of CO constantly. 【总页数】4页(328-331)
【关键词】推拿;按摩;正骨推拿;中医学;中医骨伤科学 【作者】唐树杰 【作者单位】