【期刊名称】《作物研究》 【年(卷),期】2014(000)006
【摘要】Key measures to obtain high yield was to ensure the appropriate number of basic seedling,better uniformity of seedlings,and strong seeding in the rice production,however,there was many problems at transplanting techniques of exist-ing machine,such as the leakage of seedlings,the injury of seedlings and the inappropriate number of seedlings.Consequently,by analysesing the influencing mechanism of rice transplanter,the paper reviewed the effect of the influencing factor of the technology of raising seedling,the problem of mechanical adaptations in the rice transplanter,and further suggested the development direction of seedlings cultivation measures and rice transplanter in the future.%水稻生产中确保苗全、苗齐、苗壮是获得高产的关键措施,现有的机插秧技术却存在漏秧、伤秧和苗不齐等诸多问题。在梳理水稻插秧机发展历史的基础上,通过对机插秧影响因素的分析,综述了育秧的改进措施及水稻插秧机机械改进方面的进展,进一步提出未来育秧措施与插秧机的发展方向。