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1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________


1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________


( ) 1. There ________ two cats in the bedroom.

A. is

B. are

( ) 2. I want to ________ a driver.

A. be

B. is

( ) 3. He ________ a kite.

A. have

B. having


C. am

C. am

C. has


( ) 4. What’s ________ lunch?

A. for

B. at

C. on

( ) 5. We play games ________ four in the afternoon.

A. in

B. on

C. at

四、选择正确的单词。 ( ) 1. What ________ she have?

A. do

B. does

( ) 2. There ________ a hen and two ducks on the farm.

A. is

B. are

( ) 3. My mother ________ up early.

A. get

B. gets

( ) 4. They go to school ________ the morning.

A. in

B. on

( ) 5. She likes ________ very much.

A. noodle

B. dumplings

五、给下列问句选择合适的答语。 (1) What is your mother?

A. There are ten horses and twenty cows.

(2) What does Colin have in his box? B. I go home at four. (3) Do you have noodles for dinner? (4) What’s on the farm? (5) When do you go home? 六、情景交际。

( ) 1. 你想让对方表演一只鸭子,可以说:

A. They are horses. C. Act like a duck.

B. I have a hen. C. She is a nurse. D. No, I don’t.

E. He has some toy cars.

( ) 2. 你想知道一件事是不是真的,可以问:

A. Great. C. It’s nice.

B. Really?

( ) 3. 你想让别人猜一猜答案,可以说:

A. Thank you.

B. Great!



C. Please guess.

( ) 4. 你想告诉别人你妈妈的职业,可以说:

A. My mother is a doctor. C. Good night.

B. I love my mother.

( ) 5. 你想劝告对方早点睡觉,可以说:

A. I go to bed late. C. Dinner is ready.

B. Go to bed early!


This is Zhou Wei’s family. His father is a doctor. His mother is a nurse. They work in the same hospital. Zhou Wei’s grandpa and grandma have a big farm. There are many animals on the farm. Zhou Wei plays games on the farm in the afternoon. He likes the farm.

(1) Zhou Wei’s father is a doctor. (2) Zhou Wei’s mother is a doctor, too.

(3) Zhou Wei’s grandpa and grandma have a small farm. (4) There aren’t many animals on the farm.

(5) Zhou Wei plays games on the farm in the morning.

八、假如你是Zhang Li,请你根据下列信息写一篇小短文。 Name: Zhang Li Breakfast: bread and milk Lunch: rice and vegetables Dinner: noodles and soup 要求:1. 语法正确,条理清晰。

2. 不少于30个单词。

参考句型:I’m…I get up…I have…for…I…at… 参考答案 一、

1. doctor 2. hen 3. rice 4. sheep 5. pig 二、

1. get up 2. have a class 3. go to bed 4. watch TV 5. chicken and dumplings


Get up: 6:00 Have a class: 8:00 Play games: 3:00 Go to bed: 9:00


三、 1-5 BACAC 四、 1-5 BABAB 五、

(1)-(5) CEDAB 六、 1-5 CBCAB 七、 (1)-(5) √×××× 八、(仅供参考)

Hi, I’m Zhang Li. I get up at six. I have bread and milk for breakfast. I have a class at eight. I have rice and vegetables for lunch. I play games at three. I have noodles and soup for dinner. I go to bed at nine.




