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by Joyce, and Mrs. Dalloway (1925) by Woolf. One of the remarkable features of their writings was their continuous experimentation on new and sophisticated techniques in novel writing, which made tremendous impacts on the creation of both realistic and modernist novels in this century.


John Galsworthy 高尔斯华绥(1867-1933)

1) English novelist and playwright 英国小说家和戏剧家

2) Galsworthy became known for his portrayal of the British upper middle class and for his

social satire.

3) 1932 win Nobel Laureate in Literature for his distinguished art of narration which takes

its highest form in The Forsyte Saga.《福尔赛世家》 注:saga: n. 传说;冒险故事;英雄事迹

His works: Novels:

The Forsyte Saga福尔塞世家 includes: ? The Man of Property有产业的人; ? In Chancery骑虎难下; ? To Let出租

A Modern Comedy现代喜剧includes: ? The White Monkey白猿; ? The Silver Spoon银匙; ? Swan Song天鹅曲

D. H. Lawrence劳伦斯

(1) English novelist, poet and essayist 英国小说家、诗人、散文家 (2) common theme:

? relationship between people, especially that between man and woman人与人之间的


? instinctual force in human nature人性中的本能力量

? critique of modern industrial society对现在工业社会的批判

(3) feature: scenes of sensuous beauty with lots of naturalistic details 自然主义细节的场

景感官美 Major works

? Sons and Lovers 儿子与情人 ? The Rainbow 彩虹

? Women in Love 恋爱中的女人

? Lady Chatterley’s Lover 查泰来夫人的情人

Jame Joyce詹姆斯·乔伊斯

(1) Irish fiction writer爱尔兰小说家

(2) fountainhead of the subjective movement in fiction (3) features: ? symbolism

? interior monologue 内在独白 ? stream of consciousness 意识流 Major works:

? Dubliners 都柏林人 ? Ulysses 尤利西斯

? Finnegan's Wake 芬尼根守灵夜

Virginia Woolf弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙

(1) English novelist, critic, essayist; 英国小说家,批评家,散文家,意识流 (2) features:

? Stream of consciousness 意识流

? more internal and subjective rendering of experience内在、主观的经验描述 Major works:

Mrs. Dolloway 达洛维夫人 To the Lighthouse 到灯塔去

Modern English Drama:

The most celebrated dramatists in the last decade of the 19th century were Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw, who, in a sense, pioneered the modern drama, though they did not make so many innovations in techniques and forms as modernist poets or novelists.

Shaw is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare whose works are examples of the plays inspired by social criticism.

John Galsworthy carried on this tradition of social criticism in his plays. By dramatizing social and ethical problems, Galsworthy made considerable achievements in his plays such as The Silver Box (1906,银匣) and Strife (1910,斗争), in which Galsworthy presents not only realistic pictures of social injustice, but also the workers' heroic struggles against their employers.

W. B. Yeats, a prominent poet of the 20th century, was the leader of the Irish National Theater Movement. He was a verse playwright who desired to restore lyrical drama to popularity. With the heroic portrayal of spiritual truth as his main concern, Yeats wrote a number of verse plays, introducing Irish myths and folk legends; but the plot in his plays was seldom very dramatic.

The 1930s witnessed a revival of poetic drama in England. One of the early experimenters was T. S. Eliot who regarded drama as the best medium of poetry. Eliot wrote several verse plays and made a considerable success. Murder in the Cathedral (1935), with its purely dramatic power, remains the most popular of his verse plays, in spite of its primarily religious purpose.

George Bernard Shaw:

Irish dramatist, literary critic, a socialist spokesman, and a leading figure in the 20th century theater.


Shaw was a freethinker, defender of women' s rights, and advocate of equality of income.


In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.曾获诺贝尔文学奖 ? Pygmalion 《匹格玛利翁 》 (1912)

Oscar Wilder: Art for Art’ s Sake

Irish poet and dramatist , unconventional poet and artist known as decadents and aesthetes.

爱尔兰诗人和戏剧家,非守旧诗人、艺术家,以颓废和唯美著称。 a creative genius with wit and flamboyance. 有智慧和华丽的创造性天才

an artist persecuted for his homosexuality, a sort of protomartyr for the cause of gay rights. 同性恋

full of talent, passion and, most of all, full of himself. view life as a performance. 充满天赋,热情,他自己本身。把生活看作一场戏。

won a reputation both as a writer and as a spokesman of the school of “Art for Art’s Sake.” 获得作家以及“艺术是为了艺术”学派发言者的名声。

He soon became the leader of the Aesthetic Movement. 成为美学运动领导人

Though in many of his brilliant plays and fairy tales he criticize the cynicism and bigotry (偏执,顽固) of the bourgeois-aristocratic world of his days, he, for all that, remained a septic(腐败的) and pessimist.

His dramas:

The Pictures of Dorian Gray 《道林.格雷的画像》 Lady Windermere’s Fan 《温德米尔夫人的扇子》 A Woman of No Importance 《一个无足轻重的女人》 An Ideal Husband 《理想的丈夫》

The Importance of Being Earnest 《埃耐斯特的重要性》

The Happy Prince and Other Tales 《快乐王子故事集》



