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A: _______ are you going?B: I’m going to Su Hai’s new _______. How do I _____ _____ her home?

A: You can take the _________ _________ Park

_________ __________ at City Library Station. Go along Moon Street and _______

______ at the fourth traffic lights. Her home is on your right.

B: Thank you . A: Not at all.


Bill is an E boy. But now he l in C . He wants to v Beijing with his m . They want to g there by p .They don’t know the way in Beijing. I think they can a a policeman for h .I’m sure they will have a g time in Beijing.

三 完形填空(10%)


LiuT ao: Hi, Wang Bing. Women’s Day ____1____. Shall we buy a card ___2___ Miss Li? Wang Bing: _____3____ don’t we make one? Liu Tao: That’s a good idea. Let’s make it____4____

Wang Bing: All right. We ____5____ a pen, some ____6____and crayons. Liu Tao : Here you are.

Wang Bing: Great! We can start. Draw some flowers ___7___ the paper first.

Liu Tao: Can I draw a ____8___ animal near the flowers? Miss Li ___9___ animals. Wang Bing: OK. Don’t forget ___10___ write “Happy Women’s Day, Miss Li!” ( ) 1. A. come B. is coming C. comes ( ) 2. A. for B. to C. from ( ) 3. A. What B. Which C. Why ( ) 4. A. all B. together C. and ( ) 5. A. need B. like C. buy

( )6. A. papers B. piece of papers C. pieces of paper ( ) 7. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 8.A. like B. lovely C. love ( )9. A. like B. liking C. likes ( )10. A. to B. and C. or

Station and


Ben is absent today . He 1 got a fever. Now Ben and his mother are 2 the hospital .

The doctor 3 Ben very carefully . Then he says 4 Ben, “ 5 worry . You’ve got a cold . 6 some medicine , drink more hot water and 7 a lot

of rest . You 8 get better soon .” But Ben does not like taking

9 medicine . Then hid mother says , “if you want 10 better soon , you should take the medicine.” “All right ,” says Ben . Then he takes the medicine . ( )1、A. is B. has C. have ( )2、A. in B. to C. on

( )3、A. looks B. checks C. looks at ( )4、A. of B. with C. to

( )5、A. No B. Not C. Don’t ( )6、A. Take B. Eat C. Have ( )7、A. has B. have C. do ( )8、A. should B. can C. are ( )9、A. some B. a C. any ( )10、A. get to B. get C. to get

四 阅读理解,判断正误,用T, F 表示


Today is Sunday. All of us go to school early, but we have no classes. Our teachers are going to take us to the zoo. We take buses there. We get there at nine thirty. How beautiful the zoo is! There are many trees, some hills and a big lake. It’s spring now, so the flowers are coming out. There are many people there too. We like to watch monkeys. They are playing on the hills or having oranges, bananas and apples. We are having a good time there. We leave the zoo at three in the afternoon.

( ) 1. The students get to the zoo in the morning. ( ) 2. The students have lunch at home.

( ) 3. The students go to the zoo because today is Saturday and they have no classes. ( ) 4. The students stay in the zoo for four hours. ( ) 5. The students go to the zoo by bus.


Dear Kate,

How are you? I’m writing to you in my school. This school is great! There are nine hundred students in my school. I like the teachers. The other students are very friendly(友好的). I learn Chinese from them. There is a small river(河) behind our school. The water is clean. We can swim in it. There are no classes on Sundays. I am at home and watch TV. My father and my mother go to shops On Sundays. They all like China. I can speak(说) Chinese now. I can write my name in Chinese. Please write to me soon!

Love from


( )1. Lucy is at home now.

( )2. There are 900 students in Lucy’s school. ( )3. There is a small river behind her school. ( )4. The students can’t swim in the river. ( )5. Lucy’s parents go shopping on Sundays.


The queen(皇后) does not like Snow White(白雪公主). She asks a man to kill(杀死) her. The man leaves Snow White in the forest. Then, Snow White meets seven little men. The queen hears about that and goes to the forest with a poisonous(有毒的) apple. Snow White eats the apple and dies(死). A prince comes. He takes Snow White home. On the way home, Snow White wakes up. ( )1. The queen likes Snow White very much. ( )2. Snow White meets a little man. ( )3. The apple is very nice.

( )4. Snow White doesn’t eat the apple. ( )5. Snow White wakes up at last(最后).


Sam is a little boy, and he is only eight years old. One day he goes to the cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and then goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, buys a second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys a third ticket. Two or three minutes later he asks for another ticket. Then the girl in the ticket office asks him, “Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” Sam answers, “No, I have no friend here. But a big boy always stops me at the door and tears my tickets in piece.”

( )1. Sam buys the tickets for himself. ( )2. Sam doesn’t go to the cinema. ( )3. Sam is too young to make friends. ( )4. Sam has no friend in the cinema. ( )5. A big boy at the door doesn’t like Sam.


What do you often do on weekends? Some people like to stay at home. Other people like to go out and play sports. My friend Jack works in a factory. At weekends, he always does the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on Sundays he goes to a village with his family by car. His uncle and aunt have a farm there. It isn’t a big one. But there’s always much work to do on the farm. The children run and play on the farm. Jack and his wife(妻子)help their uncle on the farm. At the end of the day, they have supper at his uncle’s home. And then they go home by car.

( )1. Nobody likes to stay at home at weekends. ( )2. Jack works in a factory every day. ( )3. Jack’s uncle has a very big farm.

( )4. On Sundays Jack often goes to his uncle’s home with his family by car. ( )5.Jack goes home without supper.


Lucy and I go to street on Sunday, then we want to go to the bookshop, but we don’t know the way. We ask the policeman in the street for help. He tells us to walk along Renmin Road, and turn right at the fourth crossing(十字路口). Then we walk and walk but we cann’t see the bookshop. We are too tired(累),so we takk a taxi. “Please take us to the bookshop.” We tell the taxi driver. The taxi driver laughs (笑)and says, “ The bookshop is over there, you may(可以)get off now.”

( )1. Lucy and I go to the bookshop on Saturday. ( )2. We want to go to the bookshop.

( )3. The policeman tells us the way to the bookshop. ( )4. Lucy and I go to the bookshop by taxi. ( )5. The driver don’t know the way to the bookshop.


Jim has a parrot. It’s a beautiful bird. Every day Jim says to it, “Hello! I can see you!” Soon

the bird can say, “Hello! I can see you!” too.

One day Jim goes to school. A thief(贼) comes into Jim’s home. He wants to steal(偷) something. Suddenly a voice(声音) comes, “Hello! I can see you!” The thief is surprised. So he puts the things on the floor and runs away. ( )1. Jim’s bird is a parrot.

( )2. Jim often says “Hello! I can see you!” to the bird. ( )3. Jim is a policeman.

( )4. The thief thinks someone is at home. ( )5. The thief steals the bird.


Dear David,

Please come to my home for supper at six this evening. Here is a map to help you find my house. Take bus No.22 and get off at Guangming Road. Walk along the road and turn right at the first crossing. Now you’re on Xiangyang Road. Walk about five minutes, you can see four houses on your left. The third one is mine. You can’t miss it. Yours, Li Lei


( )1. Li Lei asks David to have breakfast at his home this evening. ( )2.David should take bus No.22.

( )3.David should get off at Xiangyuan Road.

( )4.From the crossing to LI Lei’s house David should walk about five minutes. ( )5.The fourth house is Li Lei’s.



It’s a rainy day. A woman with a dog gets on a bus. It’s a big dog and it’s feet are not clean. The conductor doesn’t want the dog to sit on the chair. But the woman says to the conductor, “Oh, I will pay for my dog. Can he sit here like the other people?” The conductor looks at the dog and says, “Yes, madam, but like the other people, he must not put his feet on the chair.” ( )1. It’s a ________ day. A. sunny A. big

B. rainy

C. cloudy

( )2.A woman with a _________ dog gets on the bus.

B. small

C. short

( )3. The dog wants to sit on the ____________. A. floor B. chair C. desk

( )4. The woman will pay for her ________ in the bus. A. friend B. dog ( )5. How does the woman feel at last?

A. She feels happy. B. She feels angry. C. She feels tired.


Do you know there are two kinds of football games? One is American football, and the other is soccer. In China many young men like playing soccer. It is very popular. But the Chinese don’t call it soccer. We call it football. There are eleven players on a team. And the ball is round. Only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands. The other players can’t touch the ball with their hands. In America, soccer is not round. It is like a big egg. There are also eleven players on a team. All the players can touch the ball with feet and hands. ( ) 1. How many kinds of football games are there? A. Three B. Two C. Four ( ) 2. Do the Chinese like playing soccer?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. We don’t know. ( ) 3. What do the American people like very much?

A. Playing American football B. Playing soccer C. Watching TV ( ) 4. How many players are there on a soccer team? A. Eight B. Twenty-two C. Eleven ( ) 5. What’s the shape of the American football? A. Round B. Egg C. Oval

C. son



