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Looking good, feeling good 课时跟踪检测B卷


(2018·盐城高三三模)My wife and I have been together 17 years and have always had animals, but when we moved to Abu Dhabi we decided not to have pets.We thought we could __1__for it by volunteering for a couple of rescue organisations here in the Middle East.Then Rusty’s sad little face appeared on the __2__lists and we both just gave in.He was ours__3__we even met him.We just knew it. Rusty was a year old when he came to us.He was extremely __4__and blind in one eye with missing teeth from a violent __5__he had encountered some time in his short life.He was also __6__to straighten his back legs fully,probably from being__7__in a cage far too small for him. I sat on the floor of the foster carer’s lounge and Rusty came right up to me and __8__down with his head on my knee, it was a(n)__9__moment.His carer had not seen him __10__someone so completely before.We fell in love with him, took him home and set about __11__him into a happier animal. The first thing we had to do was __12__out what scared him.The answer was simple enough:__13__scared him.I think he was so __14__to bad things happening to him he just figured he lived in a world where only bad things happened.

One of the things that really scared him was __15__, so I began making him less sensitive by giving him a stomach rub with my foot every time I passed.It took a while,__16__he soon came to realize that he would never be __17__again and took to rolling onto his back and wagging his tail to let me know that he was up for a rub.If I didn’t, he would __18__me to my writing desk and crawl under it,gently touching and pushing me to get my attention at my foot until he got what he wanted!

Treating animals with dignity brings back memories of the best part of human __19__.Every time I interact with Rusty and our other rescued pets, I am__20__that they have nothing to offer but love and trust.There is no agenda on their behalf, other than to trust that I will do my best for them.

1.A.make C.go 2.A.waiting C.danger 3.A.until C.before 4.A.tired C.hungry 5.A.feeling

B.compensate D.prepare B.shopping D.adoption B.after D.unless B.thirsty D.thin B.beating

C.incident 6.A.eager C.unable 7.A.kept C.transformed 8.A.put C.lay 9.A.physical C.intellectual 10.A.believe C.envy 11.A.turning C.putting 12.A.work C.carry 13.A.nothing C.anything 14.A.opposed C.accustomed 15.A.legs C.ears 16.A.but C.and 17.A.walked C.abandoned 18.A.follow C.take 19.A.interest C.behavior 20.A.warned C.reminded Ⅱ.阅读理解

D.crime B.unwilling D.ready B.wrapped D.spun B.knocked D.laid B.mental D.emotional B.trust D.adore B.making D.translating B.bring D.rule B.something D.everything B.attached D.suited B.feet D.eyes B.so D.or B.kicked D.overlooked B.guide D.direct B.nature D.welfare B.informed D.persuaded

(2018·镇江高三模拟)A new U.S. government report says more than two million Americans fall ill each year with drug-resistant bacterial infections (感染), and 23, 000 of them are dying as a

result. The head of the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDC]said that the number probably will grow. Officials warn that steps must be taken now to preserve the effectiveness of antibiotic (抗生素) drugs.

Without urgent action to stop that trend, warned Tom Frieden whose agency wrote the report, the miracle drugs to fight them won’t be available in the future.

“If we are not careful, the medicine chest will be empty when we go there to look for a lifesaving antibiotic for someone with a deadly infection. But if we act now, we can preserve these medications while we continue to work on development of new medicines.”

The report names a drug-resistant abuse of gonorrhea (淋病), which

causes about one quarter of a million hospitalizations in the United States annually. Of the number at least 14, 000 result in death.

Drug resistance develops through the overuse and inappropriate use of anti-bacterial agents. These can be:doctors prescribing (开药)them to patients who have viral infections that are not affected by medicine meant to fight bacteria; patients not taking all of their medicine as prescribed, so the bacteria making them sick are only weakened, not killed; antibiotic use in healthy farm animals to prevent illness and promote growth. Antibiotic remainders left in meat and animal products can then lead to drug resistance in humans.

To limit the spread of resistant infections, experts recommend wider use of routine immunizations(预防), as well as hand-washing in hospitals and other health care facilities. Also, the report urges hand-washing by food handlers.

Michael Bell, deputy director of the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion at CDC, said patients also can play a role in preserving the effectiveness of antibiotics by asking health care providers a few simple questions.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Drug Resistance Developing Quickly in the US B.Drug-Resistant Bacterial Infections Growing in the US C.Actions for Preserving Anti-Bacterial Medications in the US D.Preventions of Drug-resistant Bacterial Infections in the US

]2.According to Frieden, we must take measures without delay to preserve effectiveness of antibiotics, or ______.

A.we will have to develop better medicines in place of antibiotics B.there may be no effective anti-bacterial drugs for use in the future C.we can’t find other medicines to cure serious illnesses in the future D.more and more Americans will suffer from bacterial infections each year

3.Of those patients admitted to the hospital because of a drug-resistant abuse of gonorrhea



