毕 业 论 文(设 计)
题 目: 论公民基本权利和自由的保障
(英文):Discussion on the guarantee of citizen’ fundamental
rights and freedom
院 别: 政 法 学 院 专 业: 法 学 姓 名: 潘 俊 敏 学 号: 2010214143050 指导教师: 胡 信 华 日 期: 2012年12月
Discussion on the guarantee of citizen’s
Fundamental rights and freedom
The citizen's basic rights and freedom and national best problem is
constitutional jurisprudence of the basic category, And the relationship between the unity of opposites, citizens basic rights and freedoms is undoubtedly constitutional jurisprudence of the core and the final home to return to. The basic rights and freedoms as individual citizens in the country put forward the views and requirements, is citizens in national life which enjoys the most basic rights and freedoms. Compared with the national public power of citizens' basic rights and freedoms appear too small. So, the citizen's basic rights and freedoms easy invasion and damage. Therefore, protection of citizens' basic rights and freedom in modern a democracy is particularly important.
Key Words: Basic rights; Free; Constitutional guarantee
一、前言.................................................................. 5 二、现行《宪法》存在的不足................................................ 6 (一).没有专门的宪法监督机关。........................................ 6 (二) 监督方式单一,具有较大的局限性。 .................................. 6 (三)违宪制裁措施的罚惩性不够强....................................... 6 三、我国公民基本权利和自由保护的现状...................................... 7 四、公民基本权利和自由的保障.............................................. 7 (一)宪法条文自身的立法完善........................................... 8
1.修改宪法逐步增加公民的基本权利的规定 ................... 8 2.是生命权。 ............................................... 8 3.是迁徙自由权。 ........................................... 9 4.是知情权。 ............................................... 9 5.是思想自由权。 .......................................... 10 5.是环境权。 .............................................. 11 (二)在程序方面,增设保障公民基本权利的程序性条款.................... 11 (三)相关普通法律的立法完善.......................................... 14
1.保障公民基本权利的普通法律的立法需要有效启动。 .......... 14 2.普通法律在细化公民的基本权利时不得违背宪法的原则和精神。 14
五、结论................................................................. 15 参考文献................................................................. 16