44. A: Hello, Linda, how are you? B: Very well, thank you. And Unit 6
you? 一、 选择填空。
45. A: What is she doing right now? B: She is talking to Mary.
1. Jame and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some coffee for 46. My aunt enjoys cooking for her friends at home. them.
47. My uncle works in the IT Department. But now he is working in 2. A: Hello, I’m David Manning. Nice to meet you. B: Nice to a plan for the marketing department.
meet you too. I’m Xiaoyan.
48. A: Hello, Xiaoyan. How are you. And how are things?
3. A: What does your father do? B: He is responsible for the B: Great, I’m fine. Everybody is very nice and helpful.
central computer system. 49. A: Where is David? B: He is having lunch in the Chinese 4. A: Why don’t you go to an estate agent, then you’re talking face
restaurant on the seventh floor.
to face. B: Well, I don’t know.
50. Why is she having lunch so early? It’s only 10 now.
5. I go swimming on / Thursdays for two hours. 51. I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. What 6. I sometimes go to the pub on Friday with my colleagues.
are you doing? 7. My cousin doesn’t enjoy watching serious (严肃的)TV
52. A: What do you do? B: I am a policeman. programmes.
53. A: Do you have any family? B: Yes, I do. My mother and my
8. I’ve got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see father live in Oxford.
54. A: What do your parents do? B: My father is a manager, my
9. Mary has got brown eyes and golden hair. mother is a nurse.
10. I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. What are 55. She has a problem with the flat advertisement. you doing? 56. I am working this e-mail to tell you about my new office. 11. A: Hello. I’m Paul. What’s your name? B: Hi. My name’s Rose.
57. These people are my friends. Those people are my husband’s
Are you from London?
12. A: What is she doing right now. B: She is talking to Mary.
13. A: The shower isn’t working. B: I’ll call the plumner. (一)A篇:Dear Mr. Manning
14. He often works in the evening.
Lin Xiaoyan.
15. My mother is a doctor. She is in medicine.
问题:1. Who is the receiver of this e-mail? (Mr. Manning)
16. Polly enjoys playing the guitar in a band in her free time. 2. Who is sending this e-mail? (Lin Xiaoyan)
17. A: What TV programmes do you like? B: I like watching 3. How does Lin Xiaoyan get to London? (By plane)
London Lives.
4. What is her flight number? (CA5027)
18. A: Are there two men in the room? B: No. there’s only one. 5. Where is Xiaoyan from? (Shanghai)
19. My father is waiting for an important phone call at the moment. B篇:Helen’s husband is Mark…….Andrew also likes playing
He can’t go to have lunch with you. I’m afraid.
football with his brother-in-law.
20. A: What does your mother do? B: She is a clerk in a bank. 问题:1. Who is Andrew? (Andrew is Dan’s uncle)
21. A: What would you like, David? B: An orange juice.
2. Who is Mark? (Mark is Dan’s grandfather)
22. I usually get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.
3. Who is Tom? (Tom is Dan’s father)
23. My husband doesn’t like shopping, but I like it very much. 4. Who is Joyce? (Joyce is Tom’s wife)
24. This is where you work Xiaoyan. That is your desk and this is 5. Who is Pan? (Pam is Andrew’s niece)
mine C篇:Hello. Xiaoyan
25. John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new
David Manning.
student from Beijing.
问题:1. Who is the receiver of this letter? (Xiaoyan)
Rose: Hello, Linda. I’m pleased to meet you. Linda: Pleased
2. Who is writing this letter? (David Manning)
to meet you, too.
3. Who is coming to London? (Xiaoyan)
26. A: What does your mother do? B: She works in the Oxford
4. When will David and Xiaoyan meet? (Around 9
p.m. on Tuesday)
27. A: Would you like to come to the shop one day? B: Yes, I’d like
5. Where will David and Xiaoyan meet? (At the
to. Thanks.
28. London is the capital of Britain and it is a great city, too.
D篇:A: Good morning, Madam
29. Mr. Green is now on a holiday.
B: No, thank you , not this evening.
30. A: Would you like a drink? Wine? Beer? B: A beer, please.
问题:1. Where does this conversation take place? ( In a hotel)
31. Mr. Manning is working in Paris today and tomorrow. 2. When does this conversation take place? (Early in
32. What’s your job? Are you British? 33. I’m an
the morning)
3. What does Speaker A do? ( A is the receptionist)
34. This is his book. Could you give it to him? 35. Does
4. What is Xiaoyan’s room number? (42)
David like flying? 5. What do we know about Xiaoyan’s dinner?
36. I’ve got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see (She does not make a reservation for dinner in the
37. David is the only accountant in my son’s company.
E篇:A: So as you can see……
38. What would you like, tea or coffee? 39. Is there a coffee A: Oh yes, it’s big and light .Great.
machine in the room?
问题:1. What do we know about Speaker A and B?
40. We often have our supper at home. ( A is a landlord and B is flat-hunting找公寓).
41. A: How about seeing a film this evening? B: Yes, that’s a good 2. Where is the flat? (On the tenth floor in a
idea. modern building)
42. A: What would you like, Polly? B: I’d like a glass of wine, thank
3. What do we know about the lift? ( It is
43. Her name is Jane, She is from the USA. 4. How is the hall? ( It is dirty)
5. How is the flat? (It’s big) ( 二 ) A 篇:Betty is from Italy….. and of course he likes
staying with Betty.
问题:1. Betty is British now. ( Doesn’t say) 2. Betty has long beautiful hair. ( Right) 3. Ray likes his job. (Wrong)
4. Both Betty and Ray like traveling. ( Right) 5. Betty can play the piano well. ( Doesn’t
B篇:Hello, everyone. I’d like to talk about
myself……That one over there is our boss.
问题:1. Lily works in IT. (Right)
2. Lily has got a big family in Hong Kong.
3. Lily is working on a training program in the TV
studio of Shanghai TV station. ( Wrong)
4. Lily is going to be the TV manager.
(Doesn’t say)
5. Lily’s boss and her colleagues are in Shanghai. (Right)
C篇:The dream of every family is to live in a big
house…… They grow flower and sometimes vegetables in this gardens.
问题:1. Most British people rent a house when they
have children. (Wrong)
2. Every house in British has three bedrooms.
( Doesn’t say)
3. Each room has a TV set. ( Doesn’t say) 4. Children put their bicycles in their room too.
5. British people sometimes grow vegetables in
their gardens. ( Right)
D篇:It is Sunday morning, Mrs. Brown is working in the
kitchen…… Her family enjoy her cooking.
问题:1. The Browns have their dinner in the evening
on Sunday. (Wrong)
2. Mr. Brown has a big family. (Doesn’t say) 3. Mr. Brown doesn’t go to work on Sunday.
( Right)
4. Mr. Brown likes working in the garden on
Sunday. ( Right)
5. The family enjoy Mrs. Brown’s cooking.
( Right)
E篇:In America, on schooldays …… They take classes
for six hours each day and then return home at three o’clock in the afternoon.
问题:1. American school children do not eat meat at
breakfast. (Wrong)
2. In America, all the students walk to their
schools. ( Wrong)
3. In an American school, classroom are very
large. (Right)
4. American children like going to school very
much. ( Doesn’t say)
F篇:Everyone has one or two things they like to do for
fun…… There are great people, great buildings and animals, birds and fish in the pictures.
问题:1. Different people have different hobbies.
( Right)
2. David is only interested in Chinese stamps.
( Wrong)
3. Chinese stamps are very interesting.
( Right)
4. Denial likes to live in the country.
( Doesn’t say)
5. David and Denial often go fishing in a boat
along the small river. ( Right)
1 我来给他们打电话。 I’ll call them. 2 我是护士。 I’m a
3 明天下午去踢足球怎么样? What / How about playing football
tomorrow afternoon?
4 你为什么不去市场部。 Why don’t you go to the Marketing
5 他现在正在访问纽约办事处。 He is visiting the New York
office right now?
6 我今天要干到七点种。 I’ll work until 7 o’clock. 7 萨丽是个警官吗? Is Sally a police officer?
8去看电影怎么样? What / How about going to the cinema/
seeing a film?
9 你为什么不去试一试? Why don’t you have a try? 10 我父亲是医生。 My father is a doctor.
11 你为什么不去找房地产经纪人? Why don’t you go to an
estate agent?
12 玛丽在度假。 Mary is having a holiday now.
13 你为什么不去跟他们面谈? Why don’t you go and talk to
them face to face?
14 我这个星期要来修理。I’ll repair it this week. 15 你的老师是美国人吗?Is your teacher from USA?
16 今晚去跳舞怎么样? What/ How about going dancing this
17 你为什么不去看医生? Why don’t you go to see a doctor? 18 她眼下在培训一个中国同事。She is currently training a
Chinese colleague.
19 房租一月五百磅。The rent costs/ is 500 pounds a month. 20 他不是建筑师,他是工程师。He isn’t an architect. He is an
21 先给玛丽打个电话怎么样? What / How about making a call to
Mary/ calling Mary first?
22 大卫此刻在睡觉。David is sleeping now. 23 我要来打扫。 I’ll
clean it.
24 他们是工程师。 They are engineers.
25 去看看这个公寓怎么样? How / What about seeing the flat? 26 你为什么不搞个计划? Why don’t you make a plan?
27 在酒吧见面怎么样? What/ How about meeting at the bar? ( 二 ) 英译汉。
1. I usually have a sandwich at lunchtime. 午饭时我常常吃个三明
2. Do you usually finish early on Friday? 你一般周五早下班吗? 3. She never goes to work by bike. 她从来不骑自行车上班。
4. She is often late for class. 她经常上课迟到。 5. He always eats
in the canteen. 他总在食堂吃饭。
6. I like reading newspaper in cafes. 我喜欢在小咖啡店里读报。 7. Do you like reading English newspapers? 你喜欢读英文报纸
8. She doesn’t like borrowing things from others. 她不喜欢向别人
9. D o they like watching English films? 他们喜欢看英语电影吗? 10. My parents don’t like traveling. 我的父母不喜欢旅游。 11. I am
a manager. 我是经理。
12. He is an engineer. 他是工程师。 13. She is not a doctor. 她不是
14. You are doctors. 你们是医生。15. They are engineers. 他们是工
16. There are three desks in the office. 办公室里有三张办公桌。 17. There is a fax machine in the office. 办公室有一部传真机。 18. Are there any computers in the office? 办公室里有计算机吗。 19. There are three chairs in our room. 房间里有三把椅子。 20. Are there fifty students in the class? 班里有50名学生吗? 21. I am waiting for an important telephone call. 我正在等一个重要
22. He is talking to a customer. 他在和客商谈话。
23. He is having lunch in a restaurant in the centre of town. 他正在
2. What programmes does Xiaoyan like? (Documentaries)
3. What TV programmes does Polly like? (Nature programmes)
4. How long does Australian Nature last? ( An hour)
24. He is currently working on advertising. 他现在正在做广告项
25. They are looking at the photos. 他们正在看照片。
Unit 12
(一)1. On my way home, I quite often come across the milk man. 3. What’s the weather like in 4. Both John and his wife enjoy going London when Xiaoyan is writing this out. (Wrong)
letter? ( It is warm.) 5. John is at home and his wife is at the 4. What does Xiaoyan think of gym now. (Wrong)
London? ( She thinks it is exciting.) F 篇:Mrs. Jones is a manager of a small
5. What does Xiaoyan think of business company…… They read for a while in bed.
2. A: So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park? B: Yes, I love it.
3. I don’t want any milk in my coffee. 4. A: I like documentaries on TV. B: So do I. 5. A: The chair is not comfortable enough. B: Yes, I agree. It
is too uncomfortable. 6. I don’t need any mineral water, but I’d like some tea, please. 7. A: I don’t get up late on Sundays. B: Neither do I. 8. A: The area is too noisy. B: Yes, I agree. It’s not quiet enough. 9. I am getting too fat, I have to work off my weight. 10. A: I haven’t got a car. B: Neither have I. 11. But I put on weight if I don’t exercise.
12. It often snows in winter in the north of China. 13. A: The classroom is not big enough for 50 students. B: Yes,
I agree. It’s too small. 14. Quite often after dinner, they play music in a pub and go home about midnight.
15. It is raining heavily here at this moment. 16. He hasn’t got any cousins. 17. I just sit around at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.
18. The workers usually start work at 8.30. 19. Do you have any friends in Shanghai. 20. Rose is in the garden. She is having her afternoon tea with her boyfriend.
21. A: He has got two sisters. B: So have I. 22. A: The shops in this area are too old-fashioned B: Yes, I
agree. They are not modern enough. 23. I’d like some apples, please. (二)选择,完成短文
A 篇:A: Hello! B: I enjoy 5 English very much. 问题:1. How are you. 2. I’m very well, too. 3. Are you
learning English? 4. like 5. learning
B 篇:We hear a lot about whales……They like getting
close to people.
问题:1. many 2. their 3. can see 4. do
5. too
C 篇: Frank and Sue are at home talking about what to do
today…… They 5 a cup of coffee and they go out again to the cinema. 问题:1. 80 2. like 3. before 4. on 5. have things…… They can go to work in the daytime and go to D篇:Now many 1 fell they have to learn now study in the evening and 5 the weekends. 问题:1. people 2. information 3. time 4. are 5. on E 篇:After years of learning at school…… 5 in this society needs to learn new things. 问题:1. work 2. their 3. are 4. in 5. Everyone poor flat in the Southern Nepal…… Maya and F 篇:Maya, her husband and five children live in a 5 husband are very unhappy. 问题:1. Every. 2. look for 3. any 4. in 5. her 二、阅读 (一)A 篇:Xiaoyan: Okay, Polly, what TV programmes do you like? 问题:1. What are Xiaoyan and Polly talking Polly: Okay, I’ll turn it on. about?(TV programmes) 5. Why does Xiaoyan want to watch London Lives? ( Because she can learn real English from it) B 篇:Xiaoyan: I’d like to do some exercise today, Is there a swimming pool near here?
from the shops. Polly: You take the number 38 bus 问题:1.Xiaoyan wants to go swimming today. is better? ( The New Street pool)
2. Which of the two swimming pools
is farther from Xiaoyan’s flat?(The New Street pool)3. Which of the two swimming pools
4. Which swimming pool is really for
children?( The smaller one in the New Street pool)
children’s pool.
5. Polly sometimes goes to the
C 篇:Xiaoyan: I don’t know how to open the door.
Xiaoyan: Thanks.
问题:1. Xiaoyan can’t open the door of the washing machine.
2. What does Xiaoyan ask Mary to do? ( To show her how to use the washing machine.)
the temperature? ( Turn the dial on the right.)
3. What should Xiaoyan do to select 4. How can Xiaoyan open the door? ( Press the button on the left.)
5. What happens when the red button goes on? ( The machine starts to wash the clothes.) D 篇: David: Yes, but you cant phone abroad. Tom: Can I park the staff car park? 问题:1. Why can’t Tom park in the staff car park? (Because he is not a manager.)
2. Which of the following is true? ( Tom can park his car behind the building.)
lunch? ( After 1:00)
3. When can Tom go to have his 4. What can Tom do in the office? ( Eat and drink)
5. Where can everyone go to smoke? ( In the coffee lounge)
and Mary is in the kitchen……. She is listening to
E篇:It is five o’clock on Saturday afternoon
the radio and singing.
问题:1. What time is it now?( Mary’ s friend)
2. Who are coming to dinner? ( It is five)
drinking coffee at the same time. 3. Mary is making dinner and
4. Mary is going to cook Italian food.
leave? ( About midnight)
5. When do Mary’s friends usually F 篇:Hi, Joe,
of my hotel…… How are you? I’m sitting on the balcony
问题: Xiaoyan
1. Where is Xiaoyan? ( She is in London.) colleagues like? 2. What are Xiaoyan’s London ( They are very nice.)
people in London? ( 二 ) A篇: Thomas is an energetic man…… (She thinks they are friendly.) He works at the Jigsaw even harder. (Wrong) 问题:1. Thomas never works hard. 2. The doctor asks Thomas to stop working too hard. (Wrong) 3. Thomas goes to a hobby shop to find something interesting. (Right) from hobby shops. (Right ) 4. Thomas often buy jigsaw puzzles after he works at jigsaw puzzles. (Doesn’t say)5. Thomas does not enjoy working B 篇:George works with a magazine…… He is also very keen on starting his new job very job in the magazine. (Doesn’t say) soon. 问题:1. George does not like his present 2. Rose is George’s boss. 3. Rose often tells George that he is (Right) a good journalist. (Wrong) good at his present job. (Wrong) 4. Rose thinks George is not very 5. George is very happy after Rose talks with him. homes…… They have never been to those places C篇: (Right) Quite a few Americans own motor before. 问题:1. Some Americans have motor homes. (Right) motor home. (Right) 2. You can cook, eat and sleep in a world in a motor home. (Doesn’t say) 3. Americans travel all over the 4. People can stay in a motor home for a holiday in the mountains.(Right) home across the United States.( Right) 5. Some old people drive a motor D篇:Nowadays it is very expensive to have a nice house all to yourself……So both of them work in their house. 问题:1. Ellen is older than Dorothy. (Wrong) 2. Both Ellen and Dorothy have grandchild. (Right) very big. ( Wrong) 3. Ellen and Dorothy’s house is not grandmother, Ellen. (Doesn’t say)4. Sally and Jimmy live with their 5. Both Ellen and Dorothy work at home. (Right) sitting around and doing nothing……He E篇:It is Sunday morning. John’s just hates watching TV. house. (Doesn’t say) 问题:1. John and his wife live in a big 2. John is keen on sports. (Right) (Right) 3. John doesn’t like watching TV. 问题:1. Mrs. Jones is a sectary of a bog
company. (Wrong)
eight o’clock. (Wrong) 2. Mrs. Jones usually goes back home at
busy. (Doesn’t say) 3. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones are very
4. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones enjoy
cooking. (Wrong)
5. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones like sports
program on TV. (Wrong)
三、翻译 (一)汉译英
1.她很漂亮。 She is beautiful.
2.要我准备一些中国菜吗? Shall I prepare some
Chinese food? 3.我可以用厨房的炊具吗? Can I use the cookers
in the kitchen. English films? 4.他们喜欢看英语电影吗? Do they like watching 5.我的女儿有点腼腆。 My daughter is a bit/ a little
shy. 6.她中等个。 She is average height.
7.要我把计算机放在桌子上吗? Shall I put the
computer on the desk?
have lunch before 12 o’clock. 8.十二点种以前我可以去吃午饭吗?
Can I go to
newspaper in cafes.
9.我喜欢在小咖啡屋里读报。 I like/ love reading 10.你的男朋友健谈吗? Is your boyfriend talkative/ a talkative person. 11.她很苗条。 She is slim. 12.要我开灯吗? Shall I turn on the lights?
of the office building?
13.我可以在办公楼前停车吗? Can I park in front
14.我的儿子不太自信。 My son is not very confident
( of himself).
15.他个子高吗? Is he tall? 16.我的父母不喜
欢旅游。 My parents don’t like/ enjoy traveling.
funny/ interesting. 17.我的数学老师很风趣。 My maths teacher is very
18.我可以用你卧室里的卫生间吗?Can I use the toilet/ bathroom in your bedroom? 19.要我跟他谈谈吗?Shall I talk to him?
20.他的儿子聪明吗? Is his son intelligent/ clever/ smart? 2122.她戴眼镜吗?.你喜欢读英文报吗? Does she wear glasses?
Do you like reading English
24 .他留长头发吗? 23.我的表兄很外向。Does he have long hair?
My cousin is very / quite outgoing. 25.要我在电影院外面等你吗? Shall I wait for you
outside the cinema?
26.我可以用客厅的电话吗? Can I use the phone in
the sitting room?
shopping/ I hate going shopping. 27.我不喜欢逛街买东西。 I don’t like going 28.我可以在花园里吸烟吗? Can I smoke in the garden? 29.她不喜欢向别人借东西。 She doesn’t like/ hates
borrowing things from others. (二)英译汉
1. What do you thing of living in London? 你觉得在
2. I thing that the parks are lovely. 我觉得这些公园16. David likes fish for breakfast. 2. You should bring chocolates or wine to a dinner 很美。 17. David’s younger brother is an engineer. party. 3. You can use the phone in the living room. 你可以18. He is traveling on the 6 o’clock train on Friday 3. You should not talk about personal questions about 用客厅里的电话。 evening. family with new people. 4. You can smoke in the garden. 你可以在花园里吸19. A: Where is the nearest chemist’s? B: On the 4. The good translation of the sentence “Never get 烟。 corner. drunk” is 千万别喝醉。 5. Can I use the cooker in the kitchen? 我能用厨房20. John is more experienced at training than Mary is. 5. You say” It was very nice to meet you when you 的炊具吗? 21. She is making herself a cup of coffee. leave other guests. 6. He has got very shot hair with blue eyes. 他一头22. Sally works in an office in central London. C 篇:Dear Mr. Jones 短发,蓝色的眼睛。 23. Tell me about your new friend. What is he like? Senior ICT Manager. 7. He has got short hair with a beard. 他一头短发,24. This is my new watch. It was a present from my wife. 问题:1. What time is the interview? ( 10.00 am) 留着胡须。 25. Sally’s parents are going to come and stay with her 2. What is Mr. Jones presentation about?
5. Tomorrow evening there may be some sun in the (South-east) of English. B 篇:In schools all over the world……May millions of schoolboys and schoolgirls are trying to do so.
问题:1. Learning foreign languages is very usefully.( Right)
2. There are about 1.500languages in the world.(Wrong)
3. A lot of languages in the world are very important.( Wrong)
4. People in Brazil(巴西) also speak English. (Doesn’t say)
8. She has got long fair wavy hair. 她有一头金黄色soon. 的长卷发。 9. She is average height and slim. 她中等个,身材苗26. A: How was the meeting like? exciting. B: It was very 条。 27. Rose is much more easy-going than Frank in the 高,戴着眼镜。 10. He is not very tall and wares glasses. 他各自不28. I like cooking for my friends in my free time. interview. 11. How long does it take to get from the airport to the 29. A: I prefer watching TV. B: So do I. city centre? 12. It takes about 20 minutes to get from the hotel to 从机场到市中心需要多长时间? 30. The Business Banking Department is on the second floor. the station by taxi. 31. A: I saw Tom just now at the café. B: It can’t be 从旅馆到车站坐出租车大约需要20分钟。 13. How long does it take to get to your house by bus? 32. I’m bad at spelling, but Jane ishim. He went to USA yesterday. worse than me. 坐公共汽车到你家要多长时间? 33. Xiaoyan has a reservation for a single room. 打车去机场要多长时间? 14. How long does it take to go to the airport by taxi? 34. A: I have got a pain in my chest. see the doctor. B: You should 15. It takes about half an hour to get to my house by 35. Who is that man over there? Do you know his name? tube. 16. The table is not big enough for two people. 到我家坐地铁大约要半小时。 餐桌36. Hello. This is Franco Rossi speaking. Can I speak to Polly Williams? 不够大,容不下两个人。 37. What’s the weather like this winter? 不舒服。 17. The living room is not comfortable enough. 客厅38. What is your job? manager. I am an information technology 18. The bedroom is too small. 卧室太小了。19. The 39. When is she flying for London. furniture is too old-fashioned. 20. The flat is too far from the tube. 家具太老式了。 这套公寓离地 40. This watch is as expensive as that one. 41. He is a good student. He always comes early. 铁太远。 42. She usually goes to work on foot. 旁边有一家药店。 21. There is a chemist next to the post office. 在邮局 43. Mary and Xiaoyan are having a housewarming party from 1 pm-5 pm on Saturday. 22. The bus stop is outside the greengrocer’s. 蔬菜水 44. Polly is very busy. She finishes work at about 7.00 every 果店外边就是车站。 23. The newsagent is on the corner. 报刊亭在拐角 45. Polly goes to a gym twice a week with her friends. day. 处。 46. A: I’m keen on football. B: So am I. 厅对面有一家超市。 24. There is a supermarket opposite the café . 在咖啡 47.A: What time do you have lunch? lunch at 12. B: I usually have 25. The Chemist is between the newsagent and the 48. I have a sore throat. I have to drink more water. Unit 18bank. 药店在报刊亭和银行中间。 49. I go to see my grandparents once a week with my parents. 50. I usually go to the office by train. 一、 选择。1. Jame is a bit better at French than Polly. 51. She is starting work next Monday. 2. London. A: Where do they live? B: Their home is in 52. Williams lives in London not in China. 53. A: How long will the meal take? B: It’ll take two hours. I 3. He is a good student. He works hard. think. 4. 5. A: Would you like to have a coffee? I’m sorry she’s not in. Would you like to B: Yes, please. leave a 二、阅读。54. A: I’m going to clean the house. B: I’ll do the shopping. message? (一) A 篇:Let me tell you about my new job……and 6. 7. A: What is your job? I’m a deputy manager. I work B: I’mfor an IT company. an accountant. sometimes we have a drink in the pub in the evening-but at the moment he is having a holiday in Scotland. 8. don’tA: Should I take some medicine? need to take any medicine. B: No. You 问题:1. The writer likes his new job. 9. Pam will not come to our meeting next week. She is 2. The writer works in marketing. 3. The writer works for about 8 hours on weekdays. staying France from Monday till Thursday. 4. The writer thinks the tube is too busy. 10. 11. How many people are coming for the party? This radio is more expensive than that one. B 5. The writer and his brother sometimes see each other. 篇:What should you do at a party in 12. A: Whose dog is it? B: It’s our dog. Its name is Rex. England……And then you should go back to people you 13. 14. He is a good student. He never comes late. talked to and say “ It was very nice to meet you.” A: I’m keen on football. B: So am I. 问题:1.” Party-givers” mean hosts of a party in this passage. 15. He is interested in traveling.
( His own web-site experiences and ideas for a 5. About 200,000,000 people are learning new web-site.) 3. Which of the three language should be used in English.( Wrong)
the second part of the presentation. ( French) exciting places to live……they should think about the problems C 篇:New York, London, Paris and other cities are Resources Director? ( About salary) 4. What questions can Mr. Jones ask the Human of living there.
问题:1. There are a lot of interesting things to do in big 5. How many people are going to be cities.( Right)
interviewed.( Four) their home or in their town……You usually have to pay
D 篇:In Britain people usually have doctor near can always find jobs there.( Wrong)
2. People move to live in big cities because they some money for the medicine cities.( Doesn’t say) 3. The houses are very expensive in big
the full price. – but you don’t have to pay 4. Everyone enjoys living in big cities in spite of 问题:1. British people usually go a long way to see a (尽管)the problems.( Wrong)
doctor. ( Wrong) the same doctor.( Doesn’t say) 2. Some rich British families don’t register with to move to big cities.( Right)
5. It’s better to think carefully before you decide holidays…… They can also give young people an opportunity D 篇:Americans like traveling around during their their doctor.( Right) 3. British people don’t have to pay when they see to make new friends.
4. Doctor always work alone in their own Doctor’s 问题:1. Traveling by car is expensive and Surgery. ( Wrong) 5. British people usually have to pay for their uncomfortable.(Wrong)
2. Only young people travel by prescription at the chemists.(Right) hitch-hiking.( Wrong)
Ireland……He thinks it’s very interesting, creative.E 篇:Hello. My name is Molly and I’m from giving them a lift.( Right)
3. Hitch-hikers don’t have to pay the drivers for 问题:1. Molly likes to work every evening.( Wrong) motels.( Doesn’t say) 4. Holiday Inn is more comfortable than
Saturday evenings.( Right) 2. Molly sometimes has to work on Friday and 5. Youth hostels are more expensive than Holiday 3. Molly has a holiday twice a year.( Doesn’t Inns.( Wrong)
say) 4. Marco likes working in the daytimes.( Wrong) relaxes or goes to the cinema.
E 篇:Kathy lives in Sydney……On Sunday she 5. On Thursday morning, the restaurant staff 问题;1.Kathy is never late for work. (Right) usually meet to prepare for the weekend.( Right) month……At Christmas the boss gives us extra money – F篇:The permanent employees get a salary every 2. Kathy types very fast. ( Doesn’t say)3. In the afternoon Kathy starts work at 1.30.
bonus. their pay?( Every week) 问题:1. How often do temporary employees get watching TV. ( Wrong)
4. In the evening, Kathy always stays at home 2. “ Tip” is closest in meaning to .( Money for 5. Kathy never does any work on Sunday. good service)
3. What does the writer do? ( He serves ( Right)
customers in a restaurant.) manager…..and want to stay there and continue tF 篇:Nicola Peet works for British Airways as a
o travel.
问题:1. Nicola works for British Airways and she is (a Sundays)
4. The writer ( often works on Saturday and manager).
5. The writer doesn’t have enough money to 2. Most days, Nicola starts work at (8 am). (see his parents in Italy) ( Wales……and the winds may bring some snow anywhere
二 ) A 篇:After yesterday’s fine sunny weather in 3. What does Nicola like best? ( flying)
4. The first thing Nicola does after a long journey is ( have a weal).
in the north and west before morning. 问题:1. Yesterday it was sunny in (Wales).
三、翻译。 5. Nicola would like to (stay in the same job). (一)汉译英
2. This morning it will be very windy in 1. You work too hard. Why don’t you (你为什么不)take (Scotland) 3. This evening it will be (foggy) in the a holiday?
2. A: Would you like a cup of tea? (你要喝杯茶吗?) B: South-west. Yes, please. Thank you. (South-west). 4. Tomorrow it will stop raining first in the today? 3. A: B: It’s cold and it’s raining.What’s the weather like (天气怎么样)
in London 4. A: Hello. I’d like to speak to Mr. John West, please. 12. I’m interested in that large flat. 我对那套公寓感兴趣。 B: Who’s calling, please? (您是哪位?) 13. I don’t like the flat. It is too near the road. 我不喜欢这5. My friend works in computers. (在计算机行业工作) 套公寓,它离公路太近了。 6. A: Shall we take the lift? B: Sorry. The lift isn’t 14. I am looking for a flat on the third or fourth floor. 我想working. (不运转了) 找一套在四层或者五层的公寓。
7. A: How are you feeling today? ( 你今天感觉怎么样? ) 15. I think the area is too noisy and not safe enough. 我觉B: I’m feeling much better. Thanks. 得这个地方太吵闹,也不够安全。 8. A: The area is too noisy. B: Yes, I agree. It’s not quiet 16. Shanghai is as modern as London. 上海的现代化程度enough. (不够安静) 和伦敦一样高。
9. A: Would you like to go to the pub after work? B: 17. He is as crazy about football as many other Englishmen. Yes, that’s a good idea.(这主意不错) 他和其他英国人一样,也为足球痴迷。
10. A: I’m not interested in football. B: Neither am I. 18. Shanghai is not as busy as London. 上海不如伦敦热(我也不喜欢) 闹。 11. A: What does he look like? (他长什么样儿) B: 19. The weather in Beijing is the same as the weather in He’s very tall with blue eyes and short beard. New York. 北京的气候与纽约一样。 的精品小抄可以编辑)
1.WTO------,是在组织上取代关贸总协定,协调和---------成员国贸易政策法规和措施的政府间国际组织。(世界贸易组织:约束) 2.BOT(建设——经营——转让):是指政府(通过契约)授予私营企业(包括外国企业)以一定期限的特许专营权,许可其融资建设和经营它是指一国对其本国居民在世界范围内的所得进行征税的权力。(属人原则)
12. A: How long does it take to go/ get to your office by tube/ subways. B: It takes about half an hour. (乘地铁去你的办公室)
13. A: Why don’t we (我们为什么不)have a party to celebrate his birthday?
14. A: Shanghai is fast and exotic, don’t you think so? B: Yes, the weather is good for a barbecue.
人兴奋) B: Yes, but it is not as exciting as London.
15. A: I’m not good at training. B: Neither am I.(我也不擅长)
16. A: Could you speak to Xiaoyan, please? B: I’m afraid Xiaoyan is not in. Can I take a message?
18. A: Are you free on Thursday? I’d like to discuss the new 17. Who is responsible for (谁负责)advertising.
flat with you. B: Thursday is fine.19. A: Which of these two do you prefer (星期四可以)(你更喜欢)?
B: I prefer the green one.20. A: What’s the matter? B: I am not feeling well(我感
觉不舒服). I’ve got a toothache
21. A: Can I speak to Sally, please? B: I’m afraid she is out/ She is not in(22. A: Are you free(她外出了你有空吗).
) on Saturday?
B: I’m afraid not. I have to go to the English classes on Saturday.
23. David Smith isn’t good at(不擅长) web management.
24. Could you ask him to call me before seven(在7点前给我打电话) this evening?
25. I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve got a cold/ I’ve caught
a cold(我得了感冒) 27. A: Can I speak to Jane, please? B: I’m sorry she’s not in. 26. A: Shall I(要不要我来) pick you up? B: Yes, please.
Would you like to leave a message(您要留言吗)? beer? 28. What would you like to drink( 你想喝点什么), wine or
1. I prefer watching TV to reading the newspaper.和看报纸相比,我更喜欢看电视。
2. I am interested in web-design. 我对网页设计感兴趣。
3. He’s keen on learning languages. 他热衷于学语言。 5. She is very experienced at training. 4. He is good at doing presentations. 她在搞培训上经验丰
富。 趣。 6. My English teacher is very funny.
7. My cousin is quiet outgoing. 我的表兄人很外向。 8. My daughter is a bit shy. 9. Is your boyfriend talkative? 我的女儿有点腼腆。你的男朋友健谈吗?
10. My son is not very confident of himself. 我的儿子不太自信。
11. The flat is large, light and modern. 这套公寓大而明亮,很现代化。
20. He is different from others. 他和其他人不同。 下面是赠送的国际法小抄,可以编辑删除,不需要的朋友 15年电大期末考试国际经济法小抄(用心整理特定的公用基础设施,并准许其通过向用户收16国际货物多式联运:以至少--------不同的运输取费用或出售产品以------、-------并赚取利润。方式将货物从一国---------的地点运至另一国境内特许权期限届满时,该基础设施无偿移交给政指定------的地点的运输,(两种:接管货物;交付府。(清偿贷款;回收投资)
4.国际投资法:调整国际间私人直接投资关系18直接投资:伴有对企业经营管理权和--------的的--------的总和。(法律规范) 投资。(控制权) 5.CATT保障措施:是CATT允许的进口国。在19《海鸦规则》:全称为《1924年统一提单的若干外国产品政党进口的数量大幅增加,给国内相法律规则的国际公约》,是最早规范---------责任的关工业造成损害时采取------措施。(进口限制) 国际公约。(海运承运人)
6.信用证中的受益人:即有权享受信用证利益20要约:是向一个或一个以上行定的人提出的的人,一般为-----或--------。(出口方:中间商) ------的建议。(订立合同)
---------年正式成立。是联合国的一个专门机构。 22承诺:是-----对要约表示无条件接受的意思表8.国际货币基金组织是协调成员国货币政策的示。(受要约人)
24商标权:是------对法律确认并给予保护的商标9.国际重复征税:指---------或----------以上国家所享有的权利,通常包括商标专用权、商标续展对同一跨国纳税人的同一征税对象,同时课税。 权、-------商标许可权等。(商标所有人;商标转让10.国际税法通常所说的国际双重征税就是指权)
(二)英译汉 场,如果因此对某一缔约方领土内已经建立的某项工业造成------,或对某一国内工业新建产生实质性阻碍,就构成倾销。(实质性损害;实质损害威胁)
32. 代位求偿权:当约定的保险事故发生后,-----有权获得保险人基于保险事故对东道国所享有的索赔权及其它权益,向东道国索赔。(被保险人;保险人)
商标:是用于区别商品生产者或-----、服务提供者的标志,通常由文字、-----或其结合组成。(销售者;图形) 二、单项选择题
1.在班轮运输中,承运人对所承运货物损失不可免责的理由是( )。
A.承运人存在驾驶船舶的过失 B.承运的货物包装不当
C.承运人存在管理船舶过失 D。承运人存在保管货物过失(D)
2.按收货人抬头,提单可分为记名提单,不记名提单、指示提单。不可以背书转让的提单是( ) A.记名提单 B。不记名提单 C。空白提单 D。批示提单(A)
3.现代历史上最初形成的国际货币制度是( )A.金本位制 B。金汇兑本位制 C。金块本位制 D。金汇率制(A)
4.托收和信用证两种支付方式使用的汇票都是商业汇票,都是通过银行收款( )
C.两者属于商业信用 D。两者都属于银行信用(A) 5.《海牙规则》实行的承运人责任制是( ) A. 过失责任制 B。严格责任制 C。无过失责任制 D。不完全过失责任制(D) 6.《服务贸易总协定》不适用于( )
A.私人提供的服务 B。政府提供的职务服务 C。未列入成员国贸易承诺表的服务 D。《服务贸易总协定》生效后产生的服务(B)
7.根据《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》的规定,判断货物买卖合同的国际性的标准是( ) A.当事人具有不同国家的国籍 B。当事人的营业地在不同国家 C.合同荐下的货物跨越国境 D。合同订立时及合同履行过程中,当事人的营业地在不同国家(B)
8.属于银行信用的支付方式是( ) A.买方直接付款 B。托收 C。信用证 D。支票(C)
9.在对中国领域的海洋石油开发合作方面,中国的基本政策是( )
A.由国家向外国企业授予特许权开发 B。由境内企业向外国企业设立合资经营企业开发 C。由中国国家特许的境内公司与外国企业合作开发
D。由中国海洋石油总公司单独开发(C) 10.《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》适用于( ) A.解决一成员对另一成员投资的市场准入问题 B 解决各成员对货物自由有扭曲作用和限制作用的投资措施问题
C解决各成员对货物和服务贸易有扭曲和限制作用的投资措施问题。 D.解决一成员对另一成员投资的待遇问题(B) 11.明确规定货物所有权转移时间的国际货物买卖法律是( ) A.〈2000年国际贸易术语解释通则〉 B.〈1932年华沙-----牛津规则〉 C.〈国际货物买卖合同成立统一法公约〉D。〈联合国国际货物买卖合同公约〉(B) B.按CIF价计算,每件或每计费单位不得超过人
12.对知识产权保护水平最高的国际公约是民币700元 ( ) C.按CIF价计算,每件或每计费单位不得超过A.〈建立世界知识产权组织公约〉 B。〈保护500美元 工业产权巴黎公约〉 D.每件或每个货运单位为666。67计算单位,或C.〈世界版权公约〉 D。〈与贸易有关的知识毛重每公斤2计算单位, 以赔偿额较高者为准。产权协议〉(D) (B) 13.〈海牙规则〉规定的诉讼时效是( )年 22.中外双方依据合同建立新的企业,并依据合A.半 B。一 C 。二 D四(B) 同分配收益和承担责任,应属于( ) 14.〈海牙规则〉规定的承运人使船舶适航的责A.中外经营合资企业 任,限于( ) B.中外合作经营企业 A.在开航前和开航时 B。开航前 C.中外合作经营 C。航行中 D。开航后至到达目的地时(A) D.中外合作开发(B) 15.属于WTO多边货物贸易规则的协议是( ) 23.〈华沙公约〉规定的有关赔偿的诉讼时效是A.〈贸易政策评审机构〉 B。〈反倾销协议〉 ( ) C。服务贸易总协定 D。〈建立世界贸易组织A.半年 B。一年 C。两年 D。三年(C) 协定〉(B) 24.航空运输国际公约是( ) 16.中国人民保险公司海洋运输货物保险条款A.〈海牙规则〉 B。《维斯比规则》 规定的基本险别不包括( ) C。〈汉堡规则〉 D。《华沙公约》(D)
A.平安险 B。战争险 C。水渍险 D。一25.我某进口公司于1999年1月15日用电报向切险(B) 外国一公司发盘,要求在20日复到我公司有效,17.WTO争端解决机构审理除( )以外的1月18日上午9∶00,我公司同时收到外国公司所有WTO协议 表示接受和撤回接受的电传.根据<联合国国际货A.〈争端解决规则与程序谅解〉 B。〈贸易政物买卖合同公约>的规定,此接受( ) 策评审机制〉 A.可以撤回 B.不可以撤回 ,必须与我公司签订C。复边贸易协议 D。〈建立世界贸易组织协合同 议〉(B) C.经我公司同意方可撤回 D.视为撤消(A)
18.跨国纳税人故意违反国家税法和国际税收26.国际对其自然资源享有永久主权的原则是指协定的行为包括( ) ( )
A.扣除法 B。抵免法 C。国际逃税 D。A. 外国投资者可以自由从事或参与开发自然资源国际避税(C) 的投资项目
19.首次提出专利定义的保护期限的多边国际B. 外国投资者只有经过特别批准方可从事或参与协议是( ) 开发其自然的投资项目 A.〈巴黎公约〉 B。〈专利合作公约〉 C. 一国绝对禁止外国投资者从事或参与开发其自C。〈与贸易有关的知识产权协议〉 D。〈伯尔然资源的投资项目 尼公约〉(C) D. 开发自然资源是国家专属的权利(D) 20.〈汉堡规则〉规定的承运人对每件或单位货27.对于共同海损所做出的牺牲和支出的费用,应物的赔偿限额为( ) 由( )
A.100英镑 B。1000法郎 C。835特别提A.船方承担 B.货方承担 C.保险公司承担 款权 D。835美元(C) D.所有与之有利害关系的受益人按获救船舶\\货物21.中远提单规定,承运人对货物损坏或灭失\\运费获救后的价值比例分摊(D) 的赔偿金为( ) 28.国际货物多式联运是以至少两种以上运输方式,A.适用〈海牙规则〉关于每件或每计费单位将货物从一国运至另一国境内指定交付货物的地最最限为100英镑的规定 点.它由( )