48个英语音标表 (20个元音+28个辅音) 单元音 (12个) 短元音 长元音 [i] [?] [?] [u] [Λ] [?] [e] [i:] [?:] [?:] [u:] [ɑ:] 双元音(8个) 清浊成对 清辅音 的辅音 (10对) 浊辅音 其他辅音(8个)
[ai] [ei] [?i] [au] [?u] [i?] [e?] [u?] [p] [t] [k] [f] [?] [s] [tr] [ts] [∫] [t∫] [b] [d] [g] [v] [e] [z] [dr] [dz] [?] [d?] [h] [m ] [n] [?] [l] [r] [w] [j]
[i] lip [?] tomato [?] box [u] book [Λ] cup [?] apple
[i:] tea [?:] bird [?:] ball [u:] food [ɑ:] car [e] egg
[ai] bike [au] cow [i?] ear
[ei] table [?u] boat [e?] bear
[?i] boy [u?] tourist
[p] potato [t] tomato [k] cow [f] food [?] thank [s]sea
[b] bird [d] dog [g]goose [v] van [e] this [z]zoo
[tr] tree [ts] cats [∫] shoes [t∫] trouser
[dr] drive [dz] beds [?] pleasure [d?] job
[h] hat [m] meat [n] nail [?] wing [l] leg [r] rat [w] wall [j] yes
lip(嘴唇) tomato(西红柿) box(盒子) book(书) cup(杯子) apple(苹果)tea(茶) bird(鸟) ball(球) food(食物) car(小车) egg(蛋) bike(自行车) cow(母牛) ear(耳朵) table(桌子) boat(小船) bear(熊) boy(男孩) tourist(游客) potato(土豆)
thank(感谢) sea(大海) dog(狗) goose(鹅) van(货车) this(这个) zoo(动物园) tree(树) cats(猫) shoes(鞋) trouser(裤子)drive(开车) beds(床) pleasure(高兴) job(工作) hat(帽子)meat(肉) nail(指甲)wing(翅膀) leg(腿) rat(鼠) wall(墙) yes(是)
元音:[i:] [i] [?:] [?] [?:] [?] [u:] [u] [ɑ:] [Λ] [?] [e] [ai] [ei] [?i] [i?] [e?] [u?] [?u]
i u: e e? p list who bed hair ?: u ai u? d girl foot fly tour ? hurt far able hold ?: for cut boy howr 辅音:[b] [p] [d]
[t] [k] [g] [f] [v] [m] [n] [l] [?] [?] [e] [s] [z] [∫] [r] [h] [tr] [dr] [ts] [dz] [?] [t∫] [d?] [w] [j]
i: ? ? i? b meet hot bad here ɑ: ei ?u t Λ ?i au k be put dog tea key g bag f far v give m map n win l lay ? han? thin e with s sit z zoo ∫ fish r red h hit tr tree dr drats cats dz beds ? pleasure t∫ rich d? job w whaj yes 十二,四二六前中后。
双元音也好背,合口集中八个整。 辅音共计二十八,八对一清又七浊, 四个连对也包括。有气无声清辅音, 有声无气浊辅音,发音特点应掌握。
巧记48个国际音标 :